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Title: Pitzman nature boy awaits an unwary "dragon" or damsel fly to add to his collection.
Description: Pitzman nature boy awaits an unwary "dragon" or damsel fly to add to his collection. MBG Bull. 50(1):13 (Jan 1962). Negative available at PHO 2005-0886.

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Image of Pitzman nature boy awaits an unwary
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TitlePitzman nature boy awaits an unwary "dragon" or damsel fly to add to his collection.
Subject Education Division. Pitzman Nature Program (Missouri Botanical Garden)

DescriptionPitzman nature boy awaits an unwary "dragon" or damsel fly to add to his collection. MBG Bull. 50(1):13 (Jan 1962). Negative available at PHO 2005-0886.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of original
Date scanned
IdentifierPHO 2005-0923
SourceBlack & white print
Width of original10 in.
Height of original8 in.
Condition of originalgood

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