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Title: North American Tract. Construction.
Description: North American Tract. Back of old lodge. Building dams and waterfalls, etc. leading to pond in North American Tract. Chandler in left background. Fullgraf in foreground.

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Image of North American Tract.  Back of old lodge.  Building dams and waterfalls, etc. leading to pond in North American Tract.  Chandler in left background.  Fullgraf in foreground.
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TitleNorth American Tract. Construction.
Subject Construction (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Fullgraf, Charles W.
North American Tract (Missouri Botanical Garden)

DescriptionNorth American Tract. Back of old lodge. Building dams and waterfalls, etc. leading to pond in North American Tract. Chandler in left background. Fullgraf in foreground.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of originalca. 1896
Date scannedca. 1896
IdentifierPHO 2006-2782
SourceSepia print
Width of original8 in.
Height of original6 in.
Condition of originalgood

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