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Title: Tropical Station. Balboa, Panama.
Description: Panama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Papaya. Mounted with PHO 2007-0370, PHO 2007-0372, and PHO 2007-0373. MBG Bull. 19(3):45-51 1931.

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Image of Panama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  Papaya.  Mounted with PHO 2007-0370, PHO 2007-0372, and PHO 2007-0373.  MBG Bull. 19(3):45-51 1931.
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TitleTropical Station. Balboa, Panama.
Subject Panama
Tropical Station (Missouri Botanical Garden)

DescriptionPanama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Papaya. Mounted with PHO 2007-0370, PHO 2007-0372, and PHO 2007-0373. MBG Bull. 19(3):45-51 1931.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of original
Date scanned
IdentifierPHO 2007-0371
SourceBlack & white print
Width of original1.5 in.
Height of original2.5 in.
Condition of originalgood

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