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Title: Spring Flower Show, April 12, 1914.
Description: Spring Flower Show, April 12, 1914. North section of 1912 Palm House range, now (in 1970) north Desert House. Mounted with PHO 2007-0954 and PHO 2007-0955.

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Image of Spring Flower Show, April 12, 1914.    North section of 1912 Palm House range, now (in 1970) north Desert House.  Mounted with PHO 2007-0954 and PHO 2007-0955.
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TitleSpring Flower Show, April 12, 1914.
Subject Palm House (1912-1959) (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Spring Flower Show (Missouri Botanical Garden)

DescriptionSpring Flower Show, April 12, 1914. North section of 1912 Palm House range, now (in 1970) north Desert House. Mounted with PHO 2007-0954 and PHO 2007-0955.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of originalApril 12, 1914
Date scannedApril 12,
IdentifierPHO 2007-0956
SourceBlack & white print
Width of original4.25
Height of original3.25
Condition of originalgood

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