Plan of the Economic Garden MBG
Economic Garden J. Moore photographs #2237. 1930-31. John Moore negatives
Economic Garden looking north, Aug. 5, 1936. Mounted with PHO 2005-0667.
Hedge Garden in Economic Garden. Nov 1940 - Bulletin. Mounted with PHO 2005-0670 and PHO 2005-0671.
Paving middle pathway in Economic Garden.
Paving middle pathway in Economic Garden late 1940's. Rolling 1\2 macadam after application of "cut back"
Paving middle pathway in Economic Garden late 1940's. Spraying "cut back" upon new 1" macadam.
Paving middle pathway in Economic Garden late 1940's. Digging cinder-macadam foundation.
Rose trellis in Demonstration Rose Garden. Economic Garden in background. Mounted with PHO 2007-0515.