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541.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Copy negative available. Unpacking boxes upon arrival at Garden from Colombia. MBG 11, 1923, pg. 90 


542.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Scenic view in Central Andes (near Armema) River Vieja. 


543.  Colombian Expedition

Scene of Expedition. Orchids leaving on pack mule from Natagaima to route to upper Magdalena River. MBG Bull. 11, 1923. pl. 22, pg. 88. 


544.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Copy negative available. Burros packed with their boxed orchids ready to set out from a native Colombian village for a river port, from which the flowers were shipped to St. Louis. 


545.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Cropssing the Rio Vieja. Volume 11, 1923, pl. 26, pg. 100. 


546.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Rafting down the Magdalene en route to uppermost navigatable port Giradot, Colombia. 


547.  Colombian Expedition

Scene of Colombian Expedition. Copy negative available. Collecting orchids on Andes of Bogota. George Pring, left, voluntary guide, Cyril Allen, right (later died of jungle fever.) 


548.  Mexico Expedition

Indian Hut in the rainforest, Rancho Aguajito. 


549.  Casino at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Photographic print of Casino made from Boehl & Koenig Stereograph #168. 

550.  MBG -- Winter Storm (Damage)

A scene in MBG showing snow and ice damage to a group of trees from the storm of February 1900. 


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