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551.  MBG -- Tornado (Damage)

Scene in the Missouri Botanical Garden showing damage from the tornado of May 27,1896. 


552.  Feature Garden

View of Feature Garden. 


553.  Fruticetum -- Summer House

Fruticetum -- Summer House. Sepia print mounted on display board. Similar to, but NOT the same as GPN 1982-0048. 


554.  Fruticetum -- Trenching

Sepia print mounted on display board. Workers digging trenches. 


555.  MBG Gardeners -- James W. Dunfoid, Sr.

James W. Dunfoid, Sr. Copy Negative only. (not sure of name spelling) 

556.  MBG Gardeners -- Tree Planting

MBG Gardeners -- Tree Planting. Set of five images mounted on board, numbered individually (PHO 2000-0211.1 -- PHO 2000-0211.5) but entered as one record. 


557.  MBG -- Greenhouse Damage From Fire

Set of three prints from c. 1902 Fire at Greenhouse. 


558.  MBG -- Greenhouse Damage From Fire

Set of three prints from c. 1902 Fire at Greenhouse. 


559.  MBG -- Greenhouse Damage From Fire

Set of three prints from c. 1902 Fire at Greenhouse. 


560.  MBG -- Herbaceous Garden

MBG Herbaceous Garden -- part of a panoramic view of the garden shortly before it was removed and replaced. 


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