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871.  #9 Shaw Place -- Interior

Interior view of #9 Shaw Place, date unknown. Two original prints, two copy negatives. 

872.  #9 Shaw Place -- Interior

Two original prints, two copy negatives. 

873.  #9 Shaw Place -- Interior

Detailed view of bedroom showing fireplace, gaslight and furniture. 

874.  MBG -- Tool Shed

Tool house in the Mo. Botanical Garden showing Mexican morning glory. 


875.  Vegetable Garden



876.  Vegetable Garden

Mixed vegitable garden with rows of corn and kale. Trees in background. Hedge in foreground. 


877.  Vegetable Garden

Employee tending garden, tomatoes. 


878.  Vegetable Garden

Employee in garden. Charles Fullgraf as a student. 


879.  Garden Path -- Visitors


880.  View from Mill Hill School

View from Mill Hill School Also noted on slide View from Collinson's Garden Showing the deciduous Cypress 

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