Rhododendrons are at peak bloom in the Lopata Azalea and Rhododenrdon Garden
this week. Azaleas are past peak bloom but many are still showy throughout
the grounds.
Peonies (Paeonia spp.) are in full bloom in the Japanese Garden.
Woodland wildflowers and rhododendrons are showy in the English Woodland Garden.
Chinese dogwoods (Cornus kousa) are blooming in many locations on the
Tall bearded iris are in flowering in the Goodman Iris Garden.
The Shoenberg Temperate House is alive with the color of spring wildflowers.
Look for the beautiful blossoms of the native grass pink orchid (Calopogon
tuberosum) blooming in the carnivorous plant bog.
The sweet aroma of jasmine (Trachelospermum mandianum) wafts through the
Linnean House. Also stop to smell the bright yellow fragrant blooms of the
Canary Island broom (Genista canariensis). Double impatiens
(Impatiens walleriana 'Fiesta Lavender Orchid') are featured in the
hanging baskets.