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Graduate Students at the Missouri Botanical Garden

Students with Web sites are hyperlinked below.

Current Students 2001-2002

Alba Arbeláez email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisor: P. Stevens; Systematics of Meliosma (Sabiaceae)
James Beck email
Ph.D, WU, Advisor: B. Schall; Phylogeny of Leavenworthia (Brassicaceae); fieldwork in U.S., support from the Mellon Foundation
Mark Beilstein email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisors: I. Al-Shehbaz/T. Kellogg; Brassicaceae; fieldwork in U.S., support from the Mellon Foundation
Monica Carlsen email
M.S., UMSL, Advisors: T. Croat/P. Stevens; Phylogeny of Anthurium (Araceae)
Kuo-fung Chung email
Ph.D., WU, Advisors: P. Raven/B. Schaal; Phylogeny of Oreomyrrhis (Apiaceae); fieldwork in Ecuador, support from the Mellon Foundation
Indiana Coronado email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: M. Richardson; Systematics of Guarea (Meliaceae); fieldwork in Nicaragua, support from LASPAU
Yeshey Dorji  
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: P. Hoch; Systematics of Leycesteria (Caprifoliaceae); fieldwork in Bhutan, support from ICTE, Danish Government
Micah Dunthorn  
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: P. Stevens; Systematics of Mammea (Clusiaceae)
Sarah Fuentes email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: I. Al-Shehbaz; Systematics of Pennellia (Cruciferae); fieldwork in Mexico, support from UNAM
John Gaskin email
Ph.D., WU, Advisors: P. Raven/B. Schaal; Systematics of Tamarix (Tamaricaceae); fieldwork in U.S., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakstan, Spain, France, Italy, support from Mellon Foundation, NSF, EPA, USDA
Bee Gunn email
M.S., UMSL, Advisors: T. Kellogg/P. Stevens; Phylogeny of Coceae (Arecaceae); support from ICTE
Linda Hirst email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: J. Miller; Ethnobotany in Madagascar
Ken Hiser email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: T. Kellogg; Revision of of Ixophorus (Poaceae); fieldwork in Mexico
Shing-Fan Huang email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisors: P. Raven/Ricklefs; Phylogeny of Acer (Aceraceae)
Wayne Law  
Ph.D., WU, Advisor: J. Salick; Ethnobotany
Lúcia Lohmann email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisors: T. Kellogg/P. Stevens; Phylogeny of Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae); fieldwork in Suriname, Brazil, support from government of Brazil, NSF, Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri, ICTE, BSA
Zacharia Magombo email
Ph.D.,UMSL, Advisors: R. Magill/B. Allen; Systematics of Diphysciaceae; fieldwork in Suriname, Vietnam, support from NSF PEET grant, ICTE
Allison Miller email
Ph.D., WU, Advisors: P. Raven/B. Schaal; Systematics of Spondias (Anacardiaceae); fieldwork in Puerto Rico and throughout Central America, support from OTS, NSF Dissertation Research Grant, Mellon Foundation
Giancarlo Oliveira email
Ph.D., WU, Advisors: P. Raven/B. Schaal; Wild rices (Oryza, Poaceae) in South American
Rosa Ortiz-Gentry email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisor: H. van der Werff; Systematics of Menispermaceae
Michelle Price email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisors: R. Magill/B. Allen; Systematics of Holomitrium (Dicranaceae); fieldwork in Suriname, support from NSF PEET grant
Thomas Prinzie email
Ph.D., WU, Advisors: P. Raven/B. Schaal; Phylogeny of Gonolobeae (Asclepiadaceae); fieldwork in U.S., Mexico, support from NSF Graduate Fellowship, NSF Dissertation Research Grant, Webster Groves Nature Study Society, Smeltzer Fellowship
Zachary Rogers email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: M. Richardson, Systematics of Stephanodaphne (Thymelaeaceae) in Madagascar
Timothy Rye email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: M. Richardson, undecided
Lupita Sánchez email
M.S., UMSL, Advisor: M. Richardson; Cleome (Capparidaceae) in Bolivia; fieldwork in Bolivia, support from the MacArthur Foundation
Patrick Sweeney email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisor: T. Kellogg; Phylogeny of Garcinia (Clusiaceae); fieldwork in southeast Asia, support from ICTE
Ben Torke email
Ph.D., WU, Advisors: M. Richardson/B. Schaal; Systematics of Swartzia (Fabaceae); fieldwork in Brazil, French Guiana, support from ASPT, Mellon Foundation
Homero Vargas email
M.S., UMSL, Advisors: P. Jorgensen/D. Neill; Viburnum (Caprifoliaceae) in Ecuador; fieldwork in Ecuador, support from Claiborne/Ortenberg Foundation
Alberto Vicentini email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisor: P. Stevens; Phylogeography of Pagamea (Rubiaceae); fieldwork in Brazil, support from ICTE
Andoni Westerhaus email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisor: M. Richardson; Systematics of Menispermaceae
Hyosig Won email
Ph.D., UMSL, Advisor: S. Renner; Phylogeny of Gnetum (Gnetaceae); fieldwork throughout southeast Asia, support from ASPT, IAPT, ICTE.

Recent Graduates (2000-2001)

Andre Chanderbali
UMSL, Advisors: S. Renner/H. van der Werff, "Contributions to the Systematics of Lauraceae. I. Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of Lauraceae: Evidence from the Chloroplast and Nuclear Genomes and II. A Monograph of Endlicheria (Lauraceae)," currently working at the University of Guyana, Georgetown
Mark Olson
WU, Advisor: P. Raven, "Morphological and ontogenetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Moringa (Moringaceae, Brassicales)," currently an assistant professor at UNAM, Mexico
Jason Rauscher
WU, Advisors: P. Berry/B. Schaal, "Molecular Systematics of the Espeletia complex: Evidence from nrITS sequence on the Evolution of an Andean Adaptive Radiation", currently a postdoc at Cornell University.
Sylvain Razafimandimbison
UMSL, Advisor: M. Richardson,"Tribal Delimitation of the tribe Naucleeae, (Rubiaceae): Inference from Molecular and Morphological Data Sets and a Revision of Breonia A. Rich (Naucleeae)", currently a postdoc at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.
Luzmila Arroyo
UMSL, Advisors: Blake/M. Richardson, "Plant communities in continuous forest and isolated forest patches on the Serrania de Huanchacha, Bolivia," currently working in Sta. Cruz, Bolivia as Assistant for the "Catalogue of Vascular plants of Bolivia" project.
Christina Casado
UMSL, Advisor: R. Magill, "A Global Monograph of the Moss Genus Streptopogon Wils. in the Pottiaceae," currently working in Florida.

The content on this site was updated March 15, 2002.
Please contact Beth Owen about content updates.


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