Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia

Dates of collection:

1897, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1908, 1911, 1913

Region of collection:

Middle Asia: Alay, West Tien-Shan, Pamir, Samarkand, Turgayskaya & Syrdaryinskaya provinces, Turkestan, Shugnan.


Fedtschenko B.A., Chernyakovskaya E.G., Fedtschenko An.P., Knorring O.E., Fedtschenko O.A., Michelson A.I., Bobrov E.G., Chernova E.P., Gontscharow N.F., Jarmolenko A.V., Massagetov P.S.

Volume of collection:

10434 specimens

Income date to LE:


Income method:

Collected in field expeditions of the Botanical Garden.

LE Section of storage:

Section of Middle Asia. Stored in main funds.


Lipshits S.Yu. & Vasilchenko I.T. 1968. Tsentralnyi Gerbariy SSSR: istoricheskiy ocherk [Central Herbarium of the USSR: historical abstract]. Leningrad, Nauka.

Compiler & Date:

Novoselova M.S. & Raenko L.M., 2004

Astragalus jarmolenkoi Gontsch.


Taraxacum turcomanicum Schischk.


Astragalus ekatherinae B.Fedtsch.


Astragalus jolderensis B.Fedtsch.


Astragalus gaudanensis B.Fedtsch.

(Specimen authenticum)

Allium karataviense Regel

(Representative specimen)

Allium karataviense Regel

(Representative specimen)

Allium rubellum MB.

(Representative specimen)

Korolkowia sewerzowii Regel

(Representative specimen)

Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

(Representative specimen)

Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

(Representative specimen)

Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

(Representative specimen)

Melilotus officinalis Desr.

(Representative specimen)

Melilotus segetalis Ser.

(Representative specimen)

Phleum phleoides (L.) Simk.

(Representative specimen)

Phleum phleoides (L.) Simk.

(Representative specimen)

Poa litvinoviana Ovcz.

(Representative specimen)

Poa nemoralis L.

(Representative specimen)

Poa nemoralis L.

(Representative specimen)

Salsola arbuscula Pall.

(Representative specimen)

Salsola collina Pall.

(Representative specimen)

Salsola collina Pall.

(Representative specimen)

Salsola dendroides Pall.

(Representative specimen)

Silene subuniflora Vved.

(Representative specimen)