Type collections of the section of Middle Asia
Astragalus horizontalis Kar. et Kir.
Altai, [1840], Kar.[elin] et Kir.[ilow], coll. n. 1398.
Karelin G.S.
Kirilow I.P.
Kazakhstan [Asia]
Shshegleev S.S.(?).
This herbarium specimen was designated as lectotype of Astragalus horizontalis Kar. et Kir. by I.A.Gubanov (Herb. Moscou Univ., 1978 :85) (Gubanov I.A., Bagdasarova T.V., Balandina T.P., Nauchnoe nasledie vydajushshikhsya russkikh uchenykh floristov G.S.Karelina i I.P.Kirilowa. Moscou. 1998 : 32). This designation was confirmed later by specialists in the genus Astragalus D.Polech and A.K.Sytin (Podlech, Sytin, 1996 : 158).
Raenko L.M., 2004.