Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Maintained by the Internet Wing of the Ministry of Information, links on this site include: Country Profile, Economy, Government, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Sports, Kashmir, Information Desk, Media, and News Flashes
Welome to Pakistan, a Tourist's Paradise
This nicely done site is a must-see for anyone thinking about traveling to Pakistan. Maintained by the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation.
TOPP--The Official Pakistan Page
This site contains something for everyone, from Pakistan News, to Recreation and Sports. The Yahoo! of Pakistan.
CIA--The World Factbook 2000
Every possible statistic and fact about Pakistan's communication network to its military has been gathered here.
Lonely Planet World Guide--Destination Pakistan
The popular television show comes to the web. The information on this site is presented from a western point-of-view, and includes great travel suggestions. Even armchair traveler's will enjoy this site.
Saher--Pakistan's First Monthly E-zine
For a true glimpse into "every day" Pakistani life, page through this western-style e-zine.
Pakistan Travel Web
This travel site contains information about the country's National Parks, wetlands, cities, and provinces. Maintained by Pakistan Information Networks.
Pakistani Wildlife and National Parks
Great articles and reports about Pakistan, presented by About: The Human Internet.
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
Brought to you by the Asian Network for Scientific Information, topics include: Crop Protection, Plant Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Animals and Veterinary Sciences, and Biotechnology and Biochemistry.
Detailed information about the country in general presented by the Encyclopaedia Britannica.