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Preliminary conservation status of accepted species in Passiflora subg. Decaloba

By P.M. Jørgensen

A preliminary analysis of the data at hand by January 1, 2007 has been performed and is summarized in the tables below. We find that 40% of the species are vulnerable or endangered, while another 40% are not currently threatened. The last 20% has not been evaluated due to lack of data. This is particularly obvious for the South East Asian species that constitutes 44% of the data deficient species. We aim at making a more in debt analysis of the conservation status of all the species as more data becomes available.

Supersections Critically endangered Endangered Vulnerable Least concern Data Deficient Total
Pterosperma 0 1 0 0 3 4
Hahniopathanthus 0 0 0 4 1 5
Disemma 3 0 0 0 18 21
Multiflora 3 3 5 5 3 19
Auriculata 0 0 2 1 1 4
Cieca 1 1 4 8 2 16
Bryonioides 1 3 2 12 1 19
Decaloba 14 19 20 52 12 117
Total 22 27 33 82 41 205

It appears that Supersections Decaloba has more critically endangered species than its proportion of the total number of species warrant, while Bryonioides has fewer critically endangered species than what would be expected from its proportion of the species. In the endangered category Supersection Decaloba has again more species than would be expected while Disemma has too few (actually none due to lack of data). Decaloba has likewise more species in the vulnerable category than its proportion of the species merits. If the groups are monophyletic, it seems to indicate that Bryonioides as a group has been successful with favorable adaptations and a capacity to spread and avoid extinction. Decaloba on the other hand seems to have more species that are specialists and with reduced niches and therefore have a higher propensity to go extinct. It is too early to say anything definite about supersection Disemma.

Supersection Pterosperma
# coll.
Passiflora eueidipabulum 9 - - - DD
Passiflora lancetillensis 8 14302 54 0 DD
Passiflora microstipula 2 0 18 100 EN
Passiflora pedicellaris 1 0 9 0 DD
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Hahniopathanthus
# coll.
Passiflora cissampeloides 2 0 18 0 LC
Passiflora guatemalensis 89 1292217 693 53.2 LC
Passiflora hahnii 46 793228 360 62.5 LC
Passiflora membranacea 126 662742 909 42.6 LC
Passiflora quetzal 2 0 18 0 DD
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Disemma
# coll.
Passiflora altebilobata 0 - - - DD
Passiflora aurantia 0 - - - DD
Passiflora cinnabarina 0 - - - DD
Passiflora cochinchinensis 0 - - - DD
Passiflora cupiformis 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora eberhardtii 0 - - - DD
Passiflora geminiflora 0 - - - DD
Passiflora henryi 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora herbertiana 0 - - - DD
Passiflora hollrungii 0 - - - DD
Passiflora jianfengensis 0 - - - DD
Passiflora jugorum 0 - - - DD
Passiflora kwantungensis 4 - - - DD
Passiflora leschenaultii 1 - - - DD
Passiflora moluccana 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora papilio 0 - - - DD
Passiflora perakensis 0 - - - DD
Passiflora siamica 0 - - - DD
Passiflora sumatrana 0 - - - DD
Passiflora tonkinensis 0 - - - DD
Passiflora xishuangbannaensis 0 - - - DD
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Multiflora
# coll.
Passiflora apoda 19 67999 117 92.3 LC
Passiflora callacallensis 0 - - - DD
Passiflora exoperculata 47 369436 333 86.5 LC
Passiflora heterophylla 0 - - - DD
Passiflora holosericea 62 2119332 513 68.4 LC
Passiflora inca 7 24853 36 75 EN
Passiflora lobbii 4 7246 27 66.7 EN
Passiflora monadelpha 7 13481 54 66.7 VU
Passiflora multiflora 30 26 234 61.5 LC
Passiflora podlechii 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora sagasteguii 15 30327 82 88.9 VU
Passiflora sanchezii 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora sierrae 1 0 9 0 LC
Passiflora sodiroi 14 3042 90 40 VU
Passiflora solomonii 7 12767 63 42.9 VU
Passiflora stellata 0 - - - DD
Passiflora tesserula 2 0 18 50 VU
Passiflora truncata 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora ursina 5 179 45 100 EN
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Auriculata
# coll.
Passiflora auriculata 121 8197756 945 50.5 LC
Passiflora fanchonae 0 - - - DD
Passiflora ferruginea 7 262315 54 50 VU
Passiflora jatunsachensis 3 74223 27 33.3 VU
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Cieca
# coll.
Passiflora clypeophylla 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora coriacea 187 7022079 1440 71.3 LC
Passiflora eglandulosa 34 120922 234 46.2 LC
Passiflora juliana 10 14189 90 80 VU
Passiflora lancifolia 4 8 36 0 LC
Passiflora macfadyenii 5 0 18 50 VU
Passiflora mcvaughiana 7 44800 63 71.4 VU
Passiflora obtusifolia 10 210017 72 50 VU
Passiflora pallida 71 9.6×1012 585 69.2 LC
Passiflora sexocellata 0 - - - DD
Passiflora suberosa 96 18×1012 792 59.1 LC
Passiflora tenuiloba 30 322790 234 65.4 LC
Passiflora tridactylites 0 - - - DD
Passiflora trinifolia 5 0 36 100 EN
Passiflora viridiflora 26 24529 216 95.8 LC
Passiflora xiikzodz 38 138993 270 46.7 LC
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Bryonioides
# coll.
Passiflora adenopoda 186 5808168 1350 66.7 LC
Passiflora bryonioides 121 753295 801 67.4 LC
Passiflora colimensis 30 137040 252 92.9 LC
Passiflora dioscoreifolia 30 1805 180 30 LC
Passiflora dolichocarpa 20 2917 99 54.5 LC
Passiflora exsudans 118 419957 873 72.2 LC
Passiflora gracilis 15 2498541 90 80 VU
Passiflora karwinskii 24 88742 189 95.2 LC
Passiflora lobata 95 313890 711 44.3 LC
Passiflora morifolia 176 14.76×10 1260 76.4 LC
Passiflora oaxacensis 2 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora pendens 3 0 18 100 EN
Passiflora pilosa 23 13.26×10 180 95 LC
Passiflora podadenia 18 34286 135 60 LC
Passiflora pterocarpa 2 2212393 18 100 EN
Passiflora quercetorum 12 25579 90 50 VU
Passiflora sicyoides 42 179854 297 72.7 LC
Passiflora trichopoda 3 18 27 100 EN
Passiflora uncinata - - - - DD
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.

Supersection Decaloba
# coll.
Passiflora affinis 14 207815 99 63.6 LC
Passiflora allantophylla 21 23978 171 57.9 LC
Passiflora alnifolia 70 206447 405 73.3 LC
Passiflora amalocarpa 4 99652 36 75 EN
Passiflora anadenia 1 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora andersonii 2 - 18 50 VU
Passiflora andreana 1 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora anfracta 7 14534 54 66.7 VU
Passiflora apetala 85 11395 522 55.2 LC
Passiflora azeroana 1 - - - DD
Passiflora berteroana 1 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora bicornis 134 2240782 936 68.3 LC
Passiflora bicrura 2 0 18 100 EN
Passiflora bicuspidata 7 3362 36 100 EN
Passiflora biflora 537 9013929 3663 60.4 LC
Passiflora bilobata 4 1045 36 100 EN
Passiflora boenderi 4 2122 27 100 EN
Passiflora bogotensis 4 8953 36 100 EN
Passiflora bucaramangensis 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora calcicola 6 11 27 0 LC
Passiflora candollei 49 2030743 423 66.0 LC
Passiflora capsularis 107 11.6×106 729 64.2 LC
Passiflora carnosisepala 1 - 9 0 LC
Passiflora chelidonea 35 153635 270 66.7 LC
Passiflora chrysosepala 6 46157 54 66.7 VU
Passiflora citrina 25 7080 135 53.3 LC
Passiflora cobanensis 18 63642 135 60 LC
Passiflora colinvauxii 2 - 18 0 LC
Passiflora condorita 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora conzattiana 25 65377 189 76.2 LC
Passiflora costaricensis 64 1474226 522 43.1 LC
Passiflora cubensis 3 - 18 100 EN
Passiflora cuneata 13 3509622 108 75 LC
Passiflora cupraea 5 111009 36 75 EN
Passiflora cuspidifolia 13 469313 117 92.3 LC
Passiflora dawei 1 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora ekmannii 2 - 18 100 EN
Passiflora erythrophylla - - - - DD
Passiflora escobariana 2 0 18 0 LC
Passiflora filipes 103 5425271 756 66.7 LC
Passiflora gilbertiana 10 386 63 71.4 VU
Passiflora glaucescens - - - - DD
Passiflora goniosperma 8 353603 63 85.7 VU
Passiflora helleri 88 566690 576 54.7 LC
Passiflora hirtiflora 5 268 36 50 VU
Passiflora hyacinthiflora - - - - DD
Passiflora ichthyura 4 425 36 100 EN
Passiflora indecora 15 21287 117 92.3 LC
Passiflora jorullensis 24 312008 135 53.3 LC
Passiflora kalbreyeri 7 30717 54 66.7 VU
Passiflora lancearia 47 223450 360 50 LC
Passiflora leptoclada 3 23037 27 0 LC
Passiflora lutea 142 1712757 1224 83.1 LC
Passiflora lyra 8 64775 63 42.9 VU
Passiflora maestrensis 2 - 9 0 LC
Passiflora magdalenae 3 - 18 100 EN
Passiflora malletii 1 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora manantlanensis 4 9338 36 50 VU
Passiflora menispermacea 1 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora mexicana 70 1344856 531 71.2 LC
Passiflora micrantha 1 - 9 100 VU
Passiflora micropetala 24 2350029 189 38.1 LC
Passiflora misera 180 10.8×106 1206 60.4 LC
Passiflora mollis 4 16625 36 100 EN
Passiflora murucuja 4 9582 36 50 VU
Passiflora nipensis 1 - 9 - DD
Passiflora nubicola 9 1101 72 0 LC
Passiflora oblongata 10 260 45 20 LC
Passiflora orbiculata 3 0 18 50 VU
Passiflora organensis 4 242022 36 75 EN
Passiflora ornithoura 37 44031 225 48 LC
Passiflora panamensis 8 7766 45 40 VU
Passiflora pardifolia - - - - DD
Passiflora parvipetala 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora pascoensis 4 59 27 33.3 VU
Passiflora pavonis 30 217301 234 84.6 LC
Passiflora penduliflora 12 19721 99 27.3 LC
Passiflora perfoliata 5 198 27 33.3 VU
Passiflora pilosissima 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora poeppigii 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora pohlii 6 2062364 54 50 VU
Passiflora popayensis 1 - 9 - DD
Passiflora porphyretica 4 346049 36 25 LC
Passiflora punctata 32 - 234 73.1 LC
Passiflora pusilla 10 110545 72 75 VU
Passiflora quadriflora 2 - 9 0 LC
Passiflora quinquangularis 19 41394 99 63.6 LC
Passiflora rotundifolia 1 - 9 100 VU
Passiflora rovirosae 27 202379 207 60.9 LC
Passiflora rubra 154 11.5×106 1251 74.8 LC
Passiflora rugosissima 20 160250 153 88.2 LC
Passiflora sanctae-mariae 9 1673 36 75 EN
Passiflora sandrae 14 39092 99 36.4 LC
Passiflora sanguinolenta 15 7547 126 92.9 LC
Passiflora saxicola - - - - DD
Passiflora sexflora 269 6054787 1782 54.5 LC
Passiflora smilacifolia 4 1964 36 50 VU
Passiflora standleyi 37 157811 324 80.6 LC
Passiflora stenoloba - - - - DD
Passiflora stenosepala - - - - DD
Passiflora subfertilis 4 - 9 100 CR
Passiflora subpurpurea 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora tacsonioides - - - - DD
Passiflora talamancensis 20 29438 162 27.8 LC
Passiflora tatei 15 22485 126 78.6 LC
Passiflora telesiphe 1 0 9 100 CR
Passiflora tenella 4 6570 36 50 VU
Passiflora tribolophylla 1 - 9 - DD
Passiflora tricuspis 50 867701 360 72.5 LC
Passiflora trifasciata 5 162765 45 80 EN
Passiflora trinervia 2 300 18 100 EN
Passiflora tuberosa 1 0 9 0 LC
Passiflora tulae 2 0 18 100 EN
Passiflora urnifolia 3 0 18 100 EN
Passiflora vespertilio 37 5273939 288 21.9 LC
Passiflora viridescens 27 87068 207 73.9 LC
Passiflora yucatanensis 5 850 36 100 EN
# coll. = Is the number of collection contained in the TROPICOS database by Jan 2007.
EOO = Extent of Occurrence, is calculated as a minimal convex polygon and include all occurrence points. As here calculated it include both terrestrial and non terrestrial areas.
AOO = Area of Occupancy, constitutes a count of grid cells (3 × 3 km) where the species occurs multiplied by 9 km2
EFD = Extent of Future Decline, is the area that lies outside protected and pristine areas.
IUCN = is our preliminary threat assessment using the IUCN threat categories and the measurements indicated above.


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