!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> Callichlamys

5. CALLICHLAMYS Miq., Linnaea 18: 254. 1844.

Lianas without interpetiolar glandular fields or pseudostipules. Leaves 3-foliolate; terminal leaflet sometimes replaced by a simple tendril, usually with dendroid trichomes in axils of lateral veins on lower surface. Inflorescence a short axillary raceme of 1-12 flowers. Calyx thick and spongy, inflated-cupular, irregularly lobed; corolla yellow, large, funnel-shaped-campanulate, the tube contracted above the ovary, sparsely and inconspicuously glandular-lepidote outside. Anthers glabrous, the thecae straight, divaricate. Ovary ovate-cylindric, narrowed slightly at base, ± glabrous; ovules 4-8-seriate in each locule; disk annular-pulvinate. Fruit an oblong-elliptic or oblong capsule, the valves parallel to the septum, compressed, woody, smooth. Seeds large, thin, the wings brown, not demarcated from seed body.

Continental Neotropics; 1 species.

Callichlamys latifolia (Rich.) K. Schum. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3b): 223. 1894. -Bignonia latifolia Rich., Actes Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 110. 1792.

Liana. Evergreen lowland to lower montane forests, 50-900 m; Delta Amacuro (Serranía de Imataca), widespread in Bolívar and Amazonas. Aragua, Barinas, Carabobo, Distrito Federal, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Yaracuy, Zulia; Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia. Fig. 364.

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