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Did you know that the bryophyte herbarium at the Missouri Botanical Garden contains over 500,000 mounted specimens? Learn more about Bryology at MBG.

Index of Mosses Database [W³MOST]
MOST is the searchable nomenclatural moss database, MOSs TROPICOS, at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Information retrieved includes date and place of publication, synonyms and their references, group and family placement, etc.

Staff and Students
Composed of five eminent Ph.D's, including the Director of Research and the Senior Advisor to the Garden's Director, the Bryology staff is one of the most knowledgable in the world. Graduate students participate in the collection, identification, and revision of mosses around the world.

Bryology Links
Currently containing 23 links, each has been reviewed and described for your surfing pleasure.

Bryological Literature (W³MOST Bibliography)
Provides access to the online database bibliography used by the Recent Literature on Mosses and Recent Literature on Hepatics projects.

Bryological Glossary [English] [Spanish]
Originally published as "Glossarium Polyglottum Bryologiae", this web version contains 1,181 English descriptive terms, their definitions, and in some cases, an image illustrating the definition. The French, German, and Spanish translations are also included.

Bryophyte Names Authority List
Contains names of bryophytes that we interpret as effectively and validly published according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. The lists are almost complete for the names of mosses, but contain only part of the names of hepatics.

A Checklist of Mosses
How many species of moss are there? How many of the 47,600 validly published names are recognized in the literature today? This checklist was initiated to answer those questions and currently recognizes 12,754 species. Contains over 1800 bibliographic references.

Originally published in 1995, this catologue of neotropical mosses currently contains 3877 species and 677 bryological references.

Moss Flora of Central America
Because of its broad range of vertically defined habitats, this area contains 871 species, nearly the same number as Colombia, which is nearly twice as large. This area has an eclectic moss flora that has benefited from its physical closeness to three distinct and diverse species-source areas: South America, North America and the Caribbean.

Moss Checklist of Chile
The taxonomic information on Chilean bryophytes is poor in comparison to the understanding of the bryophyte floras of other South American countries. An up-to-date checklist of Chilean mosses based on literature reports and specimens will be compiled. Over 1500 specific and subspecific names will be described, including twenty-four species and five genera newly reported for Chile.

Moss Flora of China
The Moss Flora of China (English version) is an international, collaborative program organized by the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The aim of this project is to publish the first modern floristic treatment of all mosses of China within the next 5-10 years.

Moss Flora of Thailand
The goal of this project is to compile an up-to-date and annotated specimen-based catalogue, including the distribution of all moss species known to be present in Thailand by provincial occurrences on dotted maps.

Andean Bryophytes
Information is provided on the taxonomy, ecology, elevation and distribution of mosses for the countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northwest Argentina. Projects page provides links to the region, name search, family and generic list.

NSF-PEET Project on Bryological Systematics
This project supports competitively reviewed research projects that target groups of poorly known organisms. MO staff and students prepared revisions of Pilotrichella - Lembophyllaceae and Orthostichella - Neckeraceae.

Background images on this page and throughout Bryology site from Johannes Hedwig, Species Muscorum Frondosorum, 1801.

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4344 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 577-5100

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