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  News from MO - 2001 Table of Contents  

Graduate Program

The Missouri Botanical Garden offers a broad-based program of graduate studies in systematic botany in cooperation with Washington University, Saint Louis University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. Students apply to and enroll at one of these universities and complete the degree requirements of that school, but have full access to the staff, facilities, laboratory, and research opportunities available at the Garden. The exceptional faculties and programs at these universities in population biology and genetics, ecology, plant physiology, and molecular biology, combined with the excellent herbarium, library, greenhouse facilities, and research staff at the Garden, make this a unique and stimulating graduate program. The Garden's strong commitment to tropical research provides students with outstanding opportunities for field-oriented studies. Peter H. Raven, Director of the Garden, is Engelmann Professor of Botany at Washington University, and many of the curators are adjunct faculty members at one or more of the participating universities. A student can work under the direction of any regular or adjunct faculty member at his/her university. Students may pursue masters or doctoral degrees at University of Missouri-St. Louis, Washington University, and Saint Louis University, and a masters degree at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville.

The doctoral program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis continues to gain strength, with many new faculty members being hired in recent years, including Susanne Renner and Peter Stevens. UM-St. Louis also hired Elizabeth Kellogg as the E. Desmond Lee and Family Endowed Professor in Botanical Studies, which will strengthen the area of molecular systematics in the program. International Center for Tropical Ecology Fellowships and Raven Fellowships in Tropical Biology support several of the University of Missouri-St. Louis students. Baltzer, Bovard, Layton, and Smeltzer Fellowships are awarded each year as appropriate. Funds from the Mellon Foundation support Ph.D. students in taxonomy. Many of the Latin American students have support from LASPAU. Washington University has new Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) funding to support Ph.D. students. UM-St. Louis has received endowment funds from the Christensen Foundation to support graduate students from tropical countries who are interested in plant conservation.

There are currently 33 graduate students doing their thesis research with an adviser at the Garden: Alba Arbeláez (Ph.D., UMSL, P. Stevens, Meliosma, Sabiaceae); James Beck (PhD, WU, Schaal, Leavenworthia, Brassicaceae, fieldwork in U.S., support from Mellon Foundation); Mark Beilstein (Ph.D., UMSL, Al-Shehbaz/Kellogg, Cruciferae, fieldwork in U.S., support from Mellon Foundation); Monica Carlsen (M.S., UMSL, Croat/P. Stevens, phylogeny of Anthurium, Araceae); Kuo-fung Chung (Ph.D., WU, Raven/Schaal, phylogeny of Oreomyrrhis, Apiaceae, fieldwork in Ecuador, support from Mellon Foundation); Indiana Coronado (M.S., UMSL, Richardson, systematics of Guarea, Meliaceae, fieldwork in Nicaragua, support from LASPAU); Hilary Davis (Ph.D., UMSL, Young, systematics of Comocladia, Anacardiaceae, fieldwork in Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, support from TWA Fellowship); Yeshey Dorji (M.S., UMSL, Hoch, systematics of Leycesteria, Caprifoliaceae, fieldwork in Bhutan, support from ICTE, Danish Government); Micah Dunthorn (M.S., UMSL, P. Stevens, systematics of Mammea, Clusiaceae); Sarah Fuentes (M.S., UMSL, Al-Shehbaz, systematics of Pennellia, Cruciferae, fieldwork in Mexico, support from UNAM); John Gaskin (Ph.D., WU, Raven/Schaal, systematics of Tamarix, Tamaricaceae, fieldwork in U.S., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakstan, Spain, France, Italy, support from Mellon Foundation, NSF, EPA, USDA); Bee Gunn (M.S., UMSL, Kellogg/P. Stevens, phylogeny of Cocoeae, Arecaceae, support from ICTE); Linda Hirst (M.S., UMSL, Miller, ethnobotany in Madagascar); Ken Hiser (M.S., UMSL, Kellogg, systematics of Ixophorus, Poaceae, fieldwork in Mexico); Shing-Fan Huang (Ph.D., UMSL, Raven/Ricklefs, systematics and biogeography of Acer, Aceraceae); Wayne Law (Ph.D, WU, Salick, ethnobotany); Lúcia Lohmann (Ph.D., UMSL, Kellogg/Stevens, phylogeny of Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae, fieldwork in Suriname, Brazil, support from government of Brazil, NSF, Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri, ICTE, BSA); Zacharia Magombo (Ph.D.,UMSL, Magill, systematics and biogeographic studies of Diphysciaceae, Buxbaumiidae, Meteoriaceae, fieldwork in Suriname, Vietnam, support from NSF PEET grant, ICTE); Allison Miller (Ph.D., WU, Raven/Schaal, phylogeography and domestication of Spondias, Anacardiaceae, fieldwork in Puerto Rico and throughout Central America, support from OTS, NSF Dissertation Research Grant, Mellon Foundation); Giancarlo Oliveira (Ph.D., WU, Raven/Schaal, South American Oryza, Poaceae); Rosa Ortiz-Gentry (Ph.D., UMSL, van der Werff, systematics of Menispermaceae); Michelle Price (Ph.D., UMSL, Magill, systematics of Holomitrium, Dicranaceae, fieldwork in Suriname, support from NSF PEET grant); Thomas Prinzie (Ph.D., WU, Raven/Schaal, phylogeny of Gonolobeae, Asclepiadaceae, fieldwork in U.S., Mexico, support from NSF Graduate Fellowship, NSF Dissertation Research Grant, Webster Groves Nature Study Society, Smeltzer Fellowship); Lishu Qu (Ph.D., UMSL, Zhu, undecided); Zachary Rogers (M.S., UMSL, Richardson, undecided); Timothy Rye (M.S., UMSL, Richardson, undecided); Lupita Sánchez (M.S., UMSL, P. Stevens, Cleome, Capparidaceae, fieldwork in Bolivia, support from MacArthur Foundation); Patrick Sweeney (Ph.D., WU, P. Stevens, phylogeny of Garcinia, Clusiaceae, fieldwork in southeast Asia, support from ICTE); Ben Torke (Ph.D., WU, systematics of Swartzia, fieldwork in Brazil, French Guiana, support from ASPT, Mellon Foundation); Homero Vargas (M.S., UMSL, Jorgensen/Neill, Viburnum, Adoxaceae, fieldwork in Ecuador, support from Claiborne/Ortenberg Foundation); Alberto Vicentini (Ph.D., UMSL, P. Stevens, phylogeography of Pagamea, Rubiaceae, fieldwork in Brazil, support from ICTE); Andoni Westerhaus (Ph.D., UMSL, Richardson, Menispermaceae); and Hyosig Won (Ph.D., UMSL, Renner, phylogeny of Gnetum, fieldwork throughout southeast Asia, support from ASPT, IAPT, ICTE).

Four students received their doctoral degrees in 2000 - 2001: Andre Chanderbali (UMSL, Renner an van der Werff), "Contributions to the Systematics of Lauraceae. I. Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of Lauraceae: Evidence from the Chloroplast and Nuclear Genomes and II. A Monograph of Endlicheria (Lauraceae)," currently working at the University of Guyana, Georgetown); Mark Olson (WU, Raven/Schaal), "Morphological and ontogenetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Moringa (Moringaceae, Brassicales)," currently an assistant professor at UNAM, Mexico; Jason Rauscher (WU, Berry/Schaal), "Molecular Systematics of the Espeletia complex: Evidence from nrITS sequence on the Evolution of an Andean Adaptive Radiation," currently a postdoc at Cornell University; and Sylvain Razafimandimbison (UMSL, Richardson), "Tribal Delimitation of the tribe Naucleeae, (Rubiaceae): Inference from Molecular and Morphological Data Sets and a Revision of Breonia A. Rich, Naucleeae," currently a postdoc at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and two received their masters degrees: Luzmila Arroyo (UMSL, Blake/Richardson), "Plant communities in continuous forest and isolated forest patches on the Serrania de Huanchacha, Bolivia," currently working in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, as Assistant for the Garden’s Bolivia project; and Christine Casado (M.S., UMSL, Magill), "A Global Monograph of the Moss Genus Streptopogon Wils. in the Pottiaceae," currently working in Florida.

The Graduate Studies web page containing e-mail addresses of current and recent students is available online. For further information about graduate study at the Garden, write to P. Mick Richardson, Manager of Graduate Studies (e-mail: mick.richardson@mobot.org).

Requests for application materials for the associated universities should be directed to the individual schools as follows:

  • The Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Campus Box 8072, Washington University, 660 South Euclid, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 (telephone 1 800 852 9074, http://dbbs.wustl.edu);
  • Biology Department, Saint Louis University, 3507 Laclede Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri 63103,;
  • Biology Department, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63121, http://www.umsl.edu/division/artscience/biology/index.html/;
  • or Department of Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois 62026, http://www.siue.edu/biology.

    For information on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and, for students from non-English speaking countries, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), potential students should write to Education Testing Service, Rosedale Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08451, U.S.A.

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    News from MO 2001 was created by Kathy Hurlbert, Leslie Miller, Eloise Cannady and Mary Merello (October 2001) and placed on the MOBOT webserver 1/22/02.


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