News From MO: 2000
Missouri Botanical Garden Press
From the first scientific article published by the Garden (in the 1890 Annual Report, "Revision of North American Species of Epilobium" by William Trelease), botanical publications have been an important element of the Garden's Research program. In the new millennium, they continue to flourish, and we are particularly excited about the offerings of the past year and those that are anticipated for publication this autumn.
Recently published floras
Flora of China, Volume 24, Flagellariaceae through Marantaceae, co-published by Science Press (Beijing) and MBG Press (St. Louis) is scheduled for publication in the Fall of 2000. The sixth volume, numbered 24 in the series, treats the Flagellariaceae, Restionaceae, Centrolepidaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Bromeliaceae, Commelinaceae, Pontederiaceae, Philydraceae, Juncaceae, Stemonaceae, Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Taccaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae, Musaceae, Lowiaceae, Costaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae, and Marantaceae, represented in China by 1,334 species. Flora of China Illustrations, Volume 15, Myrsinaceae through Loganiaceae, co-published by Science Press (Beijing) and MBG Press (St. Louis), was published in January 2000. This volume accompanies text volume 15, which was published in 1996. It includes beautifully prepared, technically accurate drawings of representatives of the Myrsinaceae, Primulaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae, Symplocaceae, Styracaceae, Oleaceae, and Loganiaceae.
New from Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden (MSB)
The fourth installment of the Index of Mosses, [Index of Mosses, 1996-1998], by Marshall R. Crosby, was published by Missouri Botanical Garden Press in August 2000, as MSB 80. This volume is a guide to the names published for mosses, with entries detailing full references to places of publication, and depending on the nature of the name, listings of basionyms, replaced names, and types. The text lists about 1,100 names, including about 500 nova, a bibliography of the publications in which nova appeared, and appendices giving full authors' names and fully spelled journal and book titles.
The latest in Carlyle Luer's series of orchid publications, Icones Pleurothallidinarum, was published by MBG Press in May 2000. Icones 20 contains descriptions of two new genera, a revision of an old genus, treatments of three subgenera of Pleurothallis, and an addendum with descriptions and illustrations of 28 new species in several pleurothallid genera. [Full title: Icones Pleurothallidinarum XX: Systematics of Jostia, Andinia, Barbosella, Barbrodria, & Pleurothallis Subgen. Antilla, Subgen. Effusia, Subgen. Restrepioidia, by Carlyle A. Luer. MSB 79.]
Orchids of Guatemala: A revised annotated checklist, by Margaret A. Dix and Michael W. Dix, was published by MBG Press in March 2000, as MSB 78. This study represents a compilation of all currently recognized species of orchids known from Guatemala. Species are listed in alphabetical order, together with synonyms or species names used in older treatments, and their geographic, elevational, and habitat distribution in the country are described. Where identification of species new to Guatemala may be difficult, distinguishing characters are briefly described. The list, based on extensive field collections and herbarium material, includes 734 taxa, of which 207 new records or recently described species were not reported in earlier studies.
Icones Pleurothallidinarum XIX: Systematics of Masdevallia Part One, by Carlyle Luer, was published by MBG Press in January 2000, as MSB 77. Icones Pleurothallidinarum–19 is the first of four parts to treat the genus Masdevallia. Part One consists of only one subgenus (Polyantha) of two sections (Alaticaules and Polyanthae), which altogether contain 104 species, about one-fourth the total number in the genus. Each species is represented by text, descriptions, a distribution map, and at least one full-page illustration. Part One contains 264 pages with 132 illustrations. For persons interested, a loose-leaf edition is also available, so that future rearrangements can be made, and additions and corrections can be easily inserted.
In Press, Forthcoming for Fall 2000 / Winter 2001
Flora de Nicaragua, W. D. Stevens, Carmen Ulloa Ulloa, Amy Pool, and Olga Martha Montiel (Editors), Alba L. Arbeláez (Assistant Editor) and Diana M. Cutaia (Technical Editor) will be available in Fall 2000 in the Monograph series. This much-anticipated Flora covers the native and adventive seed plants known from this Central American republic, about 5,800 species. Prepared by 175 contributors, this is the first complete flora of a Latin American country published in Spanish. This Flora, published whole in three volumes, will serve as the best current reference for the plants of the Mesoamerican region.
Flora of China Illustrations, Volume 18, Scrophulariaceae–Gesneriaceae. In press. Co-published by Science Press (Beijing) and MBG Press (St. Louis). Available October 2000. This volume accompanies text volume 18, which was published in 1998. It includes drawings representative of the Scrophulariaceae, Bignoniaceae, Pedaliaceae, Martyniaceae, Orobanchaceae, and Gesneriaceae.
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, Volume 6, Paul E. Berry, Kay Yatskievych, and Bruce K. Holst, Volume Editors. This title is to be published by MBG Press in Fall 2000. The Venezuelan Guayana is home to nearly 10,000 species of vascular plants, including many endemic species and genera. Volume 6 continues the treatment of the Spermatophyte families alphabetically from Liliaceae through Myrsinaceae, a total of 28 families. The volume treats 210 genera and 1,217 species, and includes 657 line drawings.
Managing Human-Dominated Ecosystems, Proceedings of the symposium held at MBG in March 1998, will be published by MBG Press as a Monograph in Fall 2000. This symposium was held in celebration of the dedication of The Monsanto Center, with a general theme of economic ecology with global considerations. Conference topics ranged from characterization of ecosystem services with examples provided from Latin America, Australia, Africa, and Madagascar to economic values and modeling considering the monetary/commercial worth of biodiversity, of water and watersheds, of forests and forest products, and of ecosystem services.
Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers 1996-1997, Peter Goldblatt and Dale E. Johnson (Editors), is scheduled for publication by MBG Press as a Monograph in Fall 2000. This is the latest in the popular IPCN series. Earlier volumes in the series are available.
Moss Flora of Central America. Part 2. Pottiaceae–Orthotrichaceae, Bruce Allen (Editor), is scheduled for publication by MBG Press as a Monograph in late Fall 2000. Central America, with an estimated moss flora of 913 species, has one of the richest moss floras in the world. Part 2 of the Moss Flora of Central America treats 286 species. Each species is fully described, discussed, illustrated (some for the first time), and its Central American distribution mapped. Families and genera are fully described, and all taxa are keyed. This volume contains major treatments on Macromitrium (31 species), Bryum (27 species), Brachymenium (16 species), Leptodontium (14 species), and Breutelia (14 species) that may prove useful throughout tropical America. [Part 1, Sphagnaceae–Calymperaceae, was published by MBG Press in 1994 as MSB 49.]
Moss Flora of China, Volume 2, Fissidentaceae through Ptychomitriaceae, a co-publication of MBG Press and Science Press (Beijing), is due out in Fall 2000 as well. The Organizing Editor of this project is Si He. Editors in Chief are Gao Chien and Marshall Crosby. The Moss Flora of China, English version, is planned as a series of eight volumes containing descriptions of all mosses known to be native or naturalized in China. It contains identification keys, illustrations of Chinese endemics and East Asian taxa, habitat information, distributional ranges, and specimen citations. Volume 2 of the series treats the Fissidentaceae, Calymperaceae, Encalyptaceae, Pottiaceae, and Ptychomitriaceae.
A World Synopsis of the Genus Grimmia, by Jesús Munoz and Francisco Pando, is scheduled for publication by MBG Press as a Monograph in late Fall 2000. Grimmia is considered to comprise 71 species. In this synopsis no taxa at infraspecific rank are recognized. For each accepted species synonyms are listed, mostly based on the study of their type material. There are 130 names lectotypified, and references to previous correct lectotypifications are given where appropriate. Also presented are a key and the distribution of each species, based solely on specimens studied by the authors.
A Chinese translation of the Saint Louis Code, under the guidance of Guanghua Zhu, will be co-published by Science Press (Beijing) and MBG Press in Fall 2000. Look for the following titles to appear in Winter 2000/2001: Flora of China, Volume 8, and Flora of China Illustrations, Volume 4. New titles distributed by MBG Press include the following: Kay Yatskievych's Wildflowers of Indiana, the Center for Plant Conservation's America's Vanishing Flora: Stories of Endangered Plants from the Fifty States and Efforts to Save Them, and José Eduardo L. da S. Ribeiro et al.'s Flora da Reserva Ducke: Guia de identificacão das plantas vasculares de uma floresta de terra-firme na Amazônia.
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Novon
The journals continue to serve as outlets for articles of critical interest to the botanical community. Tables of Contents, Author and Key Word Indexes, and full-text abstracts of all the articles for issues from 1998 to the present for both the Annals and Novon are available on the Web at
The Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Garden's primary scientific journal, contains papers in systematic botany and related subjects. It is issued quarterly and is in its 87th year of continuous publication. Highlights of the past year include a series of articles related to the rediscovery of Takhtajania perrieri, a Malagasy endemic thought to represent the only extant representative of the Winteraceae in the Africa/Madagascar region. The topics range from paleobotany, relationships and geographic history of Winteraceae to molecular evidence for the phylogenetic position of Takhtajania in the Winteraceae. The papers were organized by George Schatz, who provides an account of the history and rediscovery of this "Holy Grail of Malagasy botany," and will appear this fall in Annals 87(3). The 87(1) issue of the Annals contains the proceedings of the 45th Annual Systematics Symposium: "Our Unknown Planet: Recent Discoveries and the Future." The 86(3) issue includes several articles by former graduate students of MO: Sachiko Nishida, Revision of Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) in the Neotropics; Armand Randrianasolo & James S. Miller, Taxonomic revision of the genus Sarcolaena (Sarcolaenaceae); Mark P. Simmons & Jennifer P. Hedin, Relationships and morphological character change among genera of Celastraceae sensu lato (including Hippocrateaceae). For more information about back issues of the Annals, or for instructions for authors, see the MBG Press page on the Garden's web site.
Novon, a journal devoted to the establishment of new nomenclature, is in its tenth successful year of publication. Nine genera and over 135 species were described as new to science from summer 1999 to summer 2000; in addition, more than 145 new nomenclatural combinations were made. Novon is issued quarterly and is included in the subscription price of the Annals; individual copies are also available for purchase. Contact MBG Press Orders for more information about purchasing copies; for instructions for authors, see the MBG Press page on the Garden's web site.
Staff of MBG Press Editorial Office: Victoria Hollowell is the Scientific Editor and Head of the Press; Amy S. McPherson is Managing Editor; Diana Gunter is Associate Editor; Aida Kadunic is Senior Secretary; and Barbara Mack, Administrative Assistant, is Text Formatter for titles in the Garden's book series and assists in manuscript preparation for the two journals.
MBG Press Orders: Call Brian Gardner at 314-577-9534; Fax: 314-577-9591; Email: The MBG Press website is at