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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

aedes,-is (s.f.III), abl. sg. aede, nom. & acc. pl. aedes; also aedis,-is (s.f.III): a room, building; a temple; (classically in plural), house, abode, dwelling place; sanctuary, shrine; tomb, mausoleum (after Lewis & Short); see shop; see temple.

(eccles.) a church, temple; palace (Stelten).

Medieval British Latin: “church, chapel, or religious house; hall (academic)” (Howlett).

“shop, printing establishment” (Maxwell 1998);

- in aedibus Aldi, et Andreeae soceri; [printed] in the shop of Aldo [Manuzio] and of his father-in-law Andrea [Torresani] (Maxwell 1998).

- “Impressum est & castigatum in aedibus Ascensianis = printed and proofread in the Ascensian shop” (Maxwell 1998).

- Londini: Typis Mariae Clark: Prostant apud Henricum Faithorne & Joannem Kersey ad insigne Rosae in Coemeterio D. Pauli, & e regione aedium Bedfordiensium in vico ‘the Strand’ dicto (Ray); in London: at the print-shop of Maria Clark: sold [i.e. offered for sale] at the establishment of Henry Faithorne & Joannes Kersey at the sign of the Rose in the Cemetery of Saint Paul, and from the district of the [print-] shops of Bedford, in the quarter called ‘the Strand.’

    singular            plural
Nom. aedes (or aedis)   aedes
Gen. aedis              aedium
Dat. aedi               aedibus
Acc. aedem              aedes 
abl. aede               aedibus

- aedes liberae, empty house.

- Triumph. H. Siccus. Ejusdem Hortus siccus qui nunc in aedibus Instituti Scientiarum Bononiensis asservatur, a Joanne Scheuchzero in Sua Graminum Historia memoratus (Mich.), Triumph. H. Siccus = The herbarium of Triumphetti. His herbarium which is now conserved in the halls of the Institute of the Sciences at Bologna [Northern Italy], mentioned by John Scheuchzer in his Historia [i.e. systematic account] of the grasses.

NOTE: Johann Scheuchzer, 1708: Agrostographiae Helveticae Prodromus, preliminary [i.e. introductory] study of the Agrostography [i.e. study of grasses] of Switzerland.

John Baptista Triumphetti (Giovanni Battista Trionfetti).

- [Byssus] asseribus vetustis ædium tempestati expositarum, quin & arborum corticibus adnascitur (Dill.), it arises onthe old planks of buildings exposed to the elements [i.e. weather], even more on the bark of trees.

- in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, “[printed] in the shop of Aldo [Manuzio] and of his father-in-law Andrea (Torresani]” (Maxwell 1998).

- [Phallus impudicus; fungi] crescens v. c. in hortis ad Jankendorf; Quolsdorf; Haynchen; in ambulacro amoeno illo, quod est inter arcem aedemque sacram Ullersdorfensem (S&D), I have seen it growing in the gardens at Jankendorf; Quolsdorf; Haynchen; in that lovely walk, which is between the citadel and the sacred shrine at Ullersdorf.

- in lignis sub dio degentibus, sed loco suffocato ad basin sepium putridarum (prope aedem Rengersdorfensem) Novembri, on wood living in the open, but in a choked place at the base of rotten fences (near a house in Rengersdorf) in November.

- [fungi] in abiegnis unico tantum loco solitarium invenimus: praefert enim apud nos quoque nemora et ambulacra frondosa umbrosa subhumentia — crescens v. c. in hortis ad Jankendorfi; in ambulacro amoeno illo, quod est inter arcem aedemque sacram Ullersdorfensem; in fageto umbroso montis Löbaviensis satis frequens (S&A), we have found it solitary in only one place on fir [-wood]: for it chooses with us also woodlands and leafy [i.e. deciduous trees] shaded, somewhat humid avenues - growing for example in the gardens at Jankendorf; in that visually beautiful avenue, which is between the citadel and the holy shrine at Ullersdorf; in a shady beech wood of the Löbaviensis mountain quite frequent.

NOTE: motto of the City of Charleston (Carolopolis), South Carolina, U.S.A. “aedes, mores, juraque curat,” she cares for her temples, customs and laws.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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