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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Axis (Eng.noun), (in botany) “an imaginary line, round which the organs are developed” (Jackson); “the stem including the root; or any center round which leaves and other such organs are arranged: (Lindley); “(of the stem, inflorescence, etc.). The central part of a longitudinal support on which organs or parts are arranged” (Fernald 1950); a straight line about which a 3-dimensional body rotates; a straight line around which a body, figure or system of points is either radially or bilaterally symmetrical; the axis of a sphere; see discussion at shoot; see stem; see rachis; see trunk.

    singular         plural      axis,-is (s.m.III), an axle; an axis
Nom.  axis             axes
Gen.  axis             axium     [i-stem noun]
Dat.  axi              axibus
Acc.  axem or axin     axes
Abl.  axe              axibus
[> L. axis,-is (s.m.III) 'an axle-tree about which a round body, such as a wheel, turns; the axis of the earth (= mundus)’; the pole; the north pole; the whole heavens a region of the heavens, a clime (axis boreus = the north); axis hesperius, the west); a board, plank (after Lewis & Short)].

Axle (Eng.noun) a bar, pin or spindle connected to the center of a circular object such as a wheel that allows or causes it to turn or revolve.

[related to Gk. axOn,-onos (s.m.III): axle; axis (of a cone), also of a cylinder; axis of the celestial sphere; a course, path (of action); = Lat. axis,-is (s.m.III) (after Liddell & Scott); this form is used in Greek compounds].

NOTE: also spelled assis,-is (s.m. and f.), related to the sense of an axle, wheel (Lewis & Short).

Axis (Eng.noun): an imaginary line around which an object spins (as an axis of rotation) or is symmetrically arranged (such as an axis of symmetry); a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate; a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical.

Axis (Eng.noun): (in botany) a plant stem.

Axle tree (Eng.noun): A crossbar or rod supporting a vehicle, such as a cart or wagon, that has spindles on the ends on which the wheels revolve.

NOTE: axil (Eng.noun): “the distal usually upper angle or point of divergence between a branch or leaf and the axis from which it arises” (WIII); see axilla,-ae (s.f.I).

- [axis = the heavens] sub axe, under the open heaven.

- [Conferva trichodes virgata, sericea. The Beasom-like Silk Conferva] Porro observavi in dulcibus aquis, v. gr. in Rivo novo prope Londinum, in ericeto Hounsleiano ad trabes & asses molares, aquæ perpetuo immersas (Dill.), long ago I had observed it in sweet [i.e. fresh] water, for example in the New River near London, in the Housleian heath-land on mill timber and AXLE-TREES perpetually immersed in water.

NOTE: in some groups, such as Hepatics (liverworts), the term ‘axis’ may be used rather than “stem” or “shoot” as these latter terms have technical implications that need to be avoided (especially relating to the origin of tissues). E.g.: ‘shoot’ (liverworts) = “the main leaf-bearing axis or any leafy, non-fertile or fertile branch” (Paton); ‘stem’ = (liverworts) “the main axis of a foliose [not thalloid] gametophyte” (Paton). For example, axile tissue is also stem or shoot tissue.

- [[Hepaticae] calyptra matura ideo est optime thalamogena, basis etenim ejus, braeteas nunc plus minusve longe separatas gerens, ab ipsa rachi formatur (Lindb.), the mature calyptra, therefore, is chiefly thalamogenous [i.e. derived from the receptacle], since its base, bearing bracts more or less separated [i.e. divided off] by some distance, is formed from the rachis [i.e. axis or stem] itself.

- carpella matura ab axi secedentia (B&H), mature carpels separating from the axis.

- circum axem; also circum axin, around the axis.

- zygosporae parallelae ad axes suos dispositae, zygospores parallel arranged parallel to their own axes.

- loculus parallelus ad axem, loculus parallel with the axis.

- axis mas femineus vel asexualis, axis male female or asexual.

- folia axium principalium, leaves of the main axes.

- axis transapicalis, transverse axis (Stearn).

- secus axem, secus axin, along the axis.

- ad axem versus, facing the axis.

- axes mares feminei et asexuales simplices vel ramosi, axes male female and asexual simple or branched.

- frustula circum axem apicalem torta, frustules twisted around the apical axis (Stearn 1983).

- folia axium principalium, leaves of the main axes.

- ex axibus primariis secondariis et tertiariis oriens, arising from the primary, secondary and tertiary axes.

- ovula axi collateraliter affixa: ovules collaterally affixed to the axis.

- quoque axe secundario flores hermaphroditos atque axes tertiarios floribus staminatis praeditos gerente, with each secondary axis bearing flowers hermaphroditic and also [bearing] teriary axes provided with staminate flowers.

- axibus secundariis inflorescentae plus quam trifloris, with the secondary axes of the inflorescence more than three-flowered.

- plantae fructificatione amentiformi; flosculi axin communem obtegunt; plants with an amentiform fructification (inflorescence); the flowerlets covering a common axis.

- carpella matura ab axi secedentia (B&H), mature carpells splitting apart from the axis.

- semina ∞ (parva), glabra, apice in comam sessilem producta, axi comae setiformi pilis longis plumoso (B&H), seeds [numerous] (small), glabrous, at the apex prolonged into a sessile coma [i.e. hair-tuft], with the axis of the coma bristle-like, plumose with long hairs.

NOTE: axialis,-e (adj.B): axial, relating to the axis (not the axil).

Axis,-is (s.m.III) ascendens (adsendens) (part.B); gen. sg. axis ascendentis (adscendentis); abl. sg. axe ascendenti (adscendenti): the ascending axis = the stem (Lindley).

Axis,-is (s.m.III, an i-stem noun) descendens (part.B); gen. sg. axis descendentis; abl. sg. axe descendenti: the descending axis = the root (Lindley).

Axis accessorius (adj.A)), abl.sg. axe accessorio: accessory axis, “an axis of a second rank; secondary to some principal axis” (Lindley); “an axis of secondary rank” (Jackson) = axis secundarius (adj.A).

Appendages of the axis: “such organs as leaves, flowers, etc.” (Jackson): appendicula (n.pl.II) axis,(= gen.sg.) appendiculorum axis, abl.pl. appendiculis axis; see appendage.

Cacumen,-inis (s.n.III), abl. sg. cacumine: extreme point, peak, extreme top, as the summits of mountains, the tree-tops [canopy]; the end, limit; NOTE: Lindley uses this word as ‘obsolete’ or ‘misapplied’ as “the axis of anything. The line, real or imaginary, that passes from the base to the summit of anything” (Lindley). Jackson, however (as obsolete), indicates ‘cacumen’ is “the apex of an organ.”

Caudex,-icis (s.m.III), abl. sg. caudice, nom.& acc. pl. caudices, the axis of a plant, consisting of stem and root” (Lindley); the stem or trunk of a tree; see caudex,-icis (s.m.III).

Corm: cormus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. cormo, nom. pl. cormi, acc.pl. cormos, dat. & abl. pl. cormis: “the axis of a plant, consisting of stem and root” (Lindley); see corm; cf. Axophyta below.

In diatoms:

Apical axis: (diatoms) axis apicalis (adj.B.), abl.sg. axe apicali: “the apical axis is that line which passes through the center of the pervalvar axis in the direction of the raphe and at equal distances from homologous points of the girdle-band surfaces” (Jackson).

Pervalvar axis, “the main longitudinal axis of a Diatom frustule, the line which forms the center of the dividing plane, penetrates the cell-cavity in the epi- and hypothecal directins at equal distances from the enclosing walls, and united the centers of the valves (O.Mueller)” (Jackson): (diatoms) axis pervalvaris (adj.B), abl.sg. axe pervalvari.

Transapical axis: “the axis which passes at right angles to the apical axis of Diatoms and through the center of the pervalvar axis” (Jackson): ‘transapical,’ “used by O. Mueller for transapical axis, at right angles to the apical axis, passing through the center of the pervalvar (main longitudinal) axis of a Diatom” (Jackson): axis,-is (s.m.III) transapicalis (adj.B), abl.sg. axe transapicali.

Transversal axis: “the axis which lies in the transversal plane of Diatoms, cutting the pervalvar axis” (Jackson): axis,-is (s.m.III) transversalis (adj.B), abl.sg. axe transversali.

Transversal axis, of Diatoms “that axis which lies in the transversal plane, cutting the pervalvar (main longitudinal) axis (O. Mueller)” (Jackson): axis,-is (s.m.III) transversalis, abl.sg. axe transversali; axis transversus, abl.sg. axe transverso.

axis, the end of an -; the pole of an axis: polus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. polo.

Gk. compounds: [> axOn,-onos (s.m.III):

Axogamy (axOn, axis + gamos, marriage), “plants bearing sexual organs on the leafy stem; adj. axogamicus,-a,-um (adj.A)” (Jackson).

Axophyta,-orum (n.pl.II) = Cormophyta: ‘plants havng an axis, that is, stem and root” (Jackson) [> Gk. axOn, axis + phyton, a plant].

axospermus,-a,-um (adj.A), axospermicus,-a,-um (adj.A): axospermous: “with axile placentation of ovules” (Jackson) [> Gk. axOn, axis + sperma, seed].

Pseudaxis = Sympodium (Jackson): pseudaxis,-is (s.m.III, an i-stem noun), abl. sg. pseudaxe, nom & acc. pl. pseudaxes, gen. pl. pseudaxium; see sympodium.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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