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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Calyptra, (also Calypter): calyptra,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. calyptra, nom. pl. calyptrae, dat. & abl. pl. calyptris; also used for 'root-cap;' “the hood of an Urn-moss” (Lindley); “1. the hood or cap of a Moss in fruit when it crowns the capsule, formed from the archegonial wall; 2. applied to any cap-like covering of a flower or fruit, as the extinguisher-shaped calyx of Eschscholtzia, or the lid which falls off on expansion of some Myrtaceae, as Eucalyptus; 3. Gomont’s term for a thick membrane shutting off the apical cells of a trichome in Oscillarieae; 4. a term proposed by Van Tieghem and Douliot for that portion of the root-cap in lateral roots which belongs strictly to the root-system [see root-cap]; 5. Tournefort’s word for caruncle” (Jackson); (in fungi) a cap or hood (Ainsworth & Bisby); (Hepaticae) “a thin protective covering over the developing sporophyte: derived from the archegonial venter and neck subsequent to fertilization, rupturing distally and remaining near the base of the seta” (Paton) [> Gk. calyptra (s.f.I): a woman's veil, a covering; not in classical Latin]; see shoot-calyptra;

NOTE: at one time velum,-i (s.n.II) 'veil' was used to indicate the calyptra (> Gk. = veil) of the moss capsule; see dimidiatus, cucullatus; see cap, hat, lid.

NOTE: the term ‘lid’ in mosses is more often used of the operculum; see operculum,-i (s.n.II).

NOTE: extinguisher (Eng. noun): “a hollow, conical cap typically of metal that is used for extinguishing the flame of a candle, lamp, or torch” (WIII).

Willdenow: the case, (theca), is the fruit of the frondose Musci. It is a dry fruit that opens in the middle with a lid, and is furnished with particular parts.

A. The Calyptre, (calyptra,-ae (s.f.I), is a tender skin that like a cup loosely covers the top of the theca. It is,

1. [Entire] (calyptra integra), that wholly covers the top of the theca, as in Grimmia extinctoria.

2. Half, (calyptra dimidiata ), that only half covers the top of the theca, as in most Musci.

3. Hairy, (calyptra villosa), that is composed of hairs, as in Polytrichum.

4. Dentated, (calyptra dentata), when the rim is set with teeth, as in Grimmia dentata.

(in bryology) “a membranous covering of haploid tissue over the developing sporophyte, derived largely from the archegonial venter. In mosses the venter generally ruptures near the base (see epigonium), is carried upward by elongation of the seta, and frequently expands to form a protective covering over the capsule. In liverworts the structure is strictly an epigonium that generally ruptures near the apex and remains at the base of the seta; see vaginula” (Magill 1990);

- [Anonaceae] pétala basi connata in Hexalobo; interiora desunt in speciebus paucis Anonae et Unonae; omnia cum sepalis in calyptram indivisam conferruminata in Eupomatia (B&H), the petals connate at the base in Hexalobus, the inner [petals] absent in a few species of Anona and Unona; all of them with sepals fused together into an undivided calyptra [i.e. hood] in Eupomatia.

- EUPOMIATIA. Sépala et pétala conferruminata, calyptratim decidua (B&H), the sepals and petals fused together, deciduous in the manner of a hood [i.e. a calyptea].

- [Myrtus] sunt species novi generis, mihi Calyptranthes ab Eugenüs & Myrtis distinctissimi: calyce truncato, defectu petalorum, eorumque loco Operculo calyptrae instar genitalia tegente (Swartz), they are species of a new genus by me Calyptranthes very distinct from Eugeniis and Myrtis: by the truncate calyx, by the lack of petals, and by an operculum, in their place [i.e. the petals] like a calyptra [i.e. a veil or cap] covering the sex organs.

- [Sabiaceae] antherae didymae, loculis connectivo crasso discretis et rima transversa v. calyptra decidua dehiscentibus (B&H), the anthers didymous, with the locules separate with a thick connective and dehiscing with a transverse fissure or deciduous calyptra [i.e. fused into a cap or calyptra].

- [Ophiocaryon] antherae erectae, 2-loculares, calyptra laterali decidua dehiscentes (B&H), the anthers erect, 2-locular, dehiscing by a deciduous lateral calyptra [i.e. a cap].

- radices pigmentiferae, calyptris acutis, seriatim fasciculatae, usque ad 17, quarum primae 3-5 folium rudimentale perforantes, ceterae liberae, roots pigmented, the root-caps acute, clustered in rows, up to 17, of which the first 3-5 pierce through the rudimentary leaf, the rest free (Stearn).

- (moss) fructus: theca unilocularis (Sporangium) calyptra tecta (Mueller), The fruit: a unilocular [i.e. with one cavity] theca (Sporangium) covered by a calyptra.

- calyptra longissima conica, latere fissa, basin versus pilis onusta, calyptra very long conical, at the side split, towards the base with hairs burdened (Stearn).

- [moss] calyptra minutissima, basi paullulum expansa cito rupta sublaceraque, ad capsulae basin dejecta et a vaginula haud toto soluta (Austin), the calyptra very tiny, at the base a very little expanded, quickly ruptured and sublacerate, fallen down at the base of the capsule and not completely separated from the vaginula.

- [moss] calyptra cuculliformis, capsulae dimidiam partem tegens, una cum operculo decidua, laevis (DozyMoek), calyptra hooded, covering a half-part of the capsule, one with the operculum [i.e. united to the operculum], deciduous, smooth.

- [moss] calyptra e flavido-albescens, totam capsulam obtegens et includens, basi angustissima in pedicellum defluente integra, medio latere fissa, persistens, summo apice scaberula, plicata, plicis praecipue exsiccando oblique vel subspiraliter decurrentibus (DozyMoek), the calyptra from yellowish-whitish, covering the entire capsule and enclosing it, very narrow at the base, running down into the pedicel [i.e. the seta], entire, split on the side to the middle, persistent, somewhat scabrous [i.e. roughened] at the tip of the apex, plicate.

- [moss] calyptra cum operculo inhaerente (DozyMoek), with the calyptra adhering to the operculum.

- [moss] calyptra conico-mitraeformis, basi pluries laciniata, supremam capsulae partem tantum tegens, diu persistens, pilis multis longis rigidis praecipue basi adnatis crinita (DozyMoek), calyptra conico-mitriform, at the base many times laciniate, the highest part of the capsule only covering, persisting a long time, hairy with many long rigid hairs, primarily adnate at the base.

- [moss]calyptra parvula conica uno latere fissa (Austin) with the calyptra rather small, conic, split on one side.

- [moss] calyptra thecae 2/3 obtegens (Mitten), the calyptra covering over two-thirds of the theca.

Calyptra,-ae (s.f.I), a genus of fungi (Ainsworth & Bisby).

Encalypta,-ae (s.f.I), a genus of mosses, “The name means covered with a veil, in reference to the large calyptra which resembles a candlesnuffer, hence the common name extinguisher moss” (C&A) [note the elision of the ‘r’]; Hypocalyptus [Leguminosae]; Calyptrion,-onis.

Calyptra,-ae (s.f.I): Gk. `veil' (in algae) `we discourage the use of `calyptra' for the specialized valve of Rhizosolenia,' Anonymous.

Root-cap, “large cells which form a cap-like covering for the smaller cells in rear (growing point)” (Jackson): calyptra,-ae (s.f.I);

- radices pigmentiferae, calyptris acutis, seriatim fasciculatae, usque ad 17, quarum primae 3-5 folium rudimentale perforantes, ceterae liberae, roots pigmented, the root-caps acute, clustered in rows, up to 17, of which the first 3-5 pierce through the rubimentary leaf, the rest free (Stearn).

NOTE: the calyptra in mosses may be campanulate, cucullate, dimidiate or mitrate, qvv.

NOTE: see elyma,-atos (Gk. s.n.III) [Lat. elyma,-atis (s.n.III] for use of this Greek word to describe a moss calyptra, e.g. Dichelyma.

Calyptra,-ae (s.f.I) thalamogena (adj.A): thalamogenous calyptra, “a structure of the capsule and stalk in some Hepaticae acting as covering for the young sporogonium” (Jackson); shoot calyptra, calyptra caulina (adj.A); (in bryophytes) “a somewhat fleshy calyptra derived from the archegonial venter and axial or thalline tissue peripheral to the archegonium” (Magill 1990) [> Gk. thalamus, + genos, race, descent].

- calyptra thalamogena nulla, shoot calyptra none.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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