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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Capitulum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. capitulo, nom. & acc. pl. capitula, dat. & abl.pl. capitulis: head, q.v.; “a close [rounded and compact] head of sessile flowers. Also a term vaguely applied among Fungals to the receptacle, pileus, or peridium” (Lindley); “a globose apical lichen apothecium, as in the Coniocarpineae” (Ainsworth & Bisby) [L. dim. of caput,-itis (s.n.III), the head = a small head (of man or beast); (of plants)” (Lewis & Short).]; see calathidium, the head of a Composite; see synanthium,-ii (s.n.II), calathium,-ii (s.n.II); see ‘head;’ often ‘glomerule,’ q.v., is used for ‘capitulum;’

NOTE: “late Lat., a prominent part or division of a writing, a chapter, section” (Lewis & Short); see chapter.

- achenia in eodem capitulo heteromorpha, achenes in the same head of differing shape.

- pluribus flosculorum per capitulum, by the more [i.e. greater number or quantity] of florets per capitulum.

- capitula (11-)17-22-flosculosa, capitula (11-)17-22-floretted (with (11-)17-22 florets).

- capitula solitaria vel aggregata bina vel tria, capitula solitary or aggregated paired or three.

- flores sex, sessiles, ad apicem in triades duabus sessiles aggregati capitulum formantes bracteis bracteolisque perparvis (1 mm) praeditum, flowers six, sessile, crowded at the tip in two sessile triads forming a capitulum, with very small (1 mm) bracts and bracteoles.

- glomeruli pedunculati, post anthesin in capitula globosa sepalis abortivis rigide setigera transformati (B&H), the glomerules pedunculate, after flowering transformed into globose heads with undeveloped rigidly bristle-bearing sepals.

- capitula florescentia odorata, nec non radices, pecoribus grata (Swartz., flowering capitula emitting a pleasing odor, and also the roots, pleasant to cattle.

- capitula terminalia, brevissime pedunculata, sub florescentia subrotunda, dein ovato - oblonga (Swartz), the capitula terminal, very shortly pedunculate, at the time of flowering subrotund, ultimately ovate-oblong.

- ovaria sessilia, in capitulum globosum collecta (DeCandolle), ovaries sessile, collected into a globose capitulum.

- carpella lanata aggregata in capitulum ovali-oblongum. (DeCandolle), carpels woolly, collected into an oval-oblong capitulum.

- cyperus minimus pratensis, capitulo stricto, singulari (Swartz), a very small Cyperus, growing in meadows, with a capitulum erect, single.

Cephalanthium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. cephalanthio: “(obsol.)the capitulum of Composites” (Lindley).

Cephalodium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. cepalodio, “the capitulum of Composites” (Lindley).

Flos, gen.sg. floris (s.m.III) compositus, abl. sg. flore composito: “an old name for the capitulum” (Lindley).

Gemma,-ae (s.f.I), is sometimes used of tiny capitula that resemble buds;

- var. gemmifera, capitulis minimis plurimis ex axillis foliorum secus caulem elongatum ortis (DeCandolle), var. gemmifera, with many tiny capitula arisen from the axils of the leaves along an elongate stem.

Glomerule: the glomerulus or glomus is “a cluster of capitula inclosed in a common involucre, as in Echinops” (Lindley): glomerulus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. glomerulo; (obsol.) glomus,-eris (s.n.II), abl. sg. glomere, nom. & acc. pl. glomera; see glomerule; see glome.

Sphaeridium,-ii (s.n.II): (in fungi) spheridium, “same as ‘capitulum’ (S&D).

NOTE: Bentham and Hooker:

Capitula [Compositae];

radiata dicuntur si heterogama corollis florum exteriorum (femineorum v. neutrorum) ligulatis, the capitula are said to be radiate if heterogamous with the colollae of the outer flowers (female or neuter) ligulate,

radiatiformia si heterogama v. homogama corollis florum exteriorum (neutrorum v. rarius femineorum) iis disci majoribus regularibus v. varie irregularibus nec ligulatis, radiatiform if heterogamous or homogamous with the corollae of the outer flowers (neuter or more rarely female) larger than those of the disc, regular or variously irregular, not ligulate,

discoidea si homogama corollis omnibus regularibus v. subregularibus aequalibusque, discoid if homogamous with all of the corollae regular or almost regular and equal,

disciformia si heterogama floribus exterioribus femineis corollis discum haud superantibus saepius tenuioribus nec in ligulam productis, disciform, if heterogamous with the outer flowers female with corollae hardly rising above the disc, more often thinner not drawn out into a ligule,

ligulata si homogama corollis omnibus ligulatis, ligulate if homogamous with all of the corollae ligulate.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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