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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Cella,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. cella: ‘a place for depositing grain or fruits, a granary, stall for animals; chamber, closet, cabinet’ (Lewis & Short), a cellar, storeroom; see storeroom; ‘cella,’ “the frequently hidden inner part of a Greek or Roman temple that housed the image of the deity; also, the corresponding part of a modern building of similar design - called also ‘naos’”(WIII); “a store or larder *usu. for one particular kind of provision); (specifically) a wine-cellar; a coop, pen, etc., or compartment of it; a chamber, compartment” (after Glare); a cellar, storeroom; see storeroom.

Cella,-ae (s.f.I): “(obsol.) a name sometimes given to a form of the perithecium among Fungals” (Lindley).

- cellae (pl.f.I) piscinales (adj.B), bathing-rooms.

- cella caldaria (adj.A), or cella calidaria (adj.A): a warm bath, or bathing room.

- cella,-ae (s.f.I) caldaria (adj.A), a (heated) bathing room, a hot bath(room).

- cellae coctilium (= gen.pl. coctilia, very dry wood that burns without smoke): very hot and steamy rooms heated by an underfloor heating system (hypocaust).

- [Byssus purpurea] Autumnali, atque Brumali tempore, in ilicum corticibus per viridarium supradictum, &c. praesertim ante ostium cellae vinariae (Mich.), in the autumnal and winter time, on the bark of Ilexes throughout the viridarium mentioned above, especially before the door of a wine cellar [i.e. storeroom].

- [fungi] Nonnisi semel hucusque invenimus speciem rarissimam cellarem, lignis pineis artifactis vetustis putrescentibus increscentem (in cella Seminarii). Januario (S&A); up to now, we have found only once the very rare cellar species, growing inside on old manufactured pine wood (in the cellar of a nursery). In January.

NOTE: the fact that the ‘S’ in ‘seminarius’ is capitalized may indicate this is a religous institution (Seminary).

- bis inventus fungus notabilis: prima vice cellaris in lignis pineis vetustis (cellae Seminarii) Januario, secunda in iisdem sub dio degentibus, sed loco suffocato ad basin sepium putridarum (prope aedem Rengersdorfensem) Novembri; a notable fungus twice encountered, the first time in old, cellar pine wood (of a storeroom of a nursery) in January, the second in the same places living under the open sky, in an airless place at the base of rotten fences (near a house at Rengersdorf) in November.

- domesticam hanc aliquoties invenimus, in cellis nostris ad trabes, palos, ligna e Pino fabrefacta, crescentem(S&A), we come across this household [species] several times, in our storerooms growing on lumber, stakes, wood constructed from Pine.

- [fungi] provenit var. utraque mixta in cellis humidioribus ubique abunde, epixyla, saxatilis, imo in ollis pro plantarum hybernaculo ibique conservanda incolumitate huc delatis terrestris (S&A), both varieties come up completely mixed, in moister chambers everywhere, epixylous [i.e. growing on wood], on stones, terrestrial [i.e. growing on the ground], indeed, in pots for the over-wintering quarters [i.e. conservatory] of plants, and there transferred for this purpose for preserving in good condition.

- [Usnea nigra = [= Thamnomyces (fungus)] similem B. sed tenuiorem & parcius divisam, habeo e corbe sàlicina in cella diu reposita enatam, & eandem interdum observo ex involucro putrescente phialarum vinum Florentinum continentium (Dill.), the [var. B] is similar but thinner and less divided, I took possession of, sprung up from a willow basket laid away in a cellar for a long time, and this same one [i.e. Usnea] sometimes I observe from a rotting case of vials containing Florentine wine.

- [Byssus evanida, floccosa, nivea. The flaky Snow Byssus.] Floccorum instar circulis doliariis & lignis putrescentibus, quin & ipsis subinde muris, si asseres adstiterint, adnascitur in cellis cryptisque subterraneis humidioribus (Dill.), resembling flocks [i.e. of cotton or wool],it grows on barrel hoops and putrescent wood, or even also frequently the very walls, if the beams may have stood in position, in the moister cellars and below-ground vaults.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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