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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Eremus; cf. erem-, eremo-; in Gk. comp. isolated; desert-;

1. Eremus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. eremo: (obs) “a ripe carpel separating from its neighbours, and standing apart” (Lindley); “(obsol.) a carpel apart from its sister carpels” (Jackson) [> Gk. erEmos,-E,-on (adj.) ‘solitary’].

Bieremus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. bieremo: “a two-celled fruit, the cells so far apart as to seem separate, as in Cerinthe” (Jackson) [> L. “bi-, twice + eremus, a hermit” (Jackson)].

NOTE: coenobium,-ii (s.n.II), according to Lindley and Jackson, is a quadrieremus, which is also a carcerule, q.v.

2. Eremus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. eremo (sc. locus) or f. (sc. regio): a wilderness, waste, desert [> L. eremus,-a,-um (adj.A) = Gk. erEmos, ‘waste, desert’ (Lewis & Short) cf. Gk. erEmia (s.f.I) (of places) a solitude, desert, wilderness (Liddell & Scott); (of places) desolation];

- frutex eremum Australiae centralis inhabitans (F. Mueller), a shrub inhabiting the desert of central Austalia.

- in virgultis eremi ad flumina Darling et Murray legit J. Dallachy (F. Mueller) J. Dallachy collected it in the thickets of the desert at the rivers Darling and Murray.

- illam enim semper ad erema restrictam reper[t?]i, (F. Mueller), for I [have found] that [sc. species] always restricted to the desert.

- in virgultis eremi a flumine Suttor usque ad flumen Darling (F. Mueller), in the thickets of the desert from the river Suttor as far as the river Darling.

- in eremo arenoso Australiae tropicae (F. Mueller), in the sandy desert of tropical Australia.

- in virgultis eremi inter sinum Gruichen Bay et lacum Hindmarsh detexit reverendus Jul. Edm. Woods (F. Mueller), the reverend Jul. Edm. Woods found it in the thickets of the desert between the gulf Guichen Bay and lake Hindmarsh.

3. (eccl.) “hermitage” (Stelten); a monastery, q.v.; cf. asceterium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. asceterio: monastery; see hermitage; see abbatia,-ae (s.f.I);

- Sacer Eremus, abl.sg. sacro eremo: the “Sacred Hermitage.’

- [Juncoides nemorosum] In montosis nemoribus per Etruriam crescit, videlicet circa Archicoenobium Vallis-Umbrosae, & Еremum Моntis Senarii (Mich.), it grows in montain groves throughout Etruria, particularly around the Archabbey of Vallis-Umbrosa, and the wilderness of Mount [Senarius].

- Loci mentio ad exemplar illud facta non est, in Etruriæ vero Alpibus ad Fagos & Abietes juxta Abbatiam Vallis umbrosæ [i.e. Vallombrosa, Italy) & Cameldulensem Eremum observavit Michelius(Dill.), a mention of the locality was not made, for example, that Micheli actually observed it in Etruria in the Alps [i.e. high mountains] on Beech and Fir between the abbey of Vallis umbrosa and the Hermitage Cameldulensis.

NOTE: the Holy Hermitage and Monastery of Camaldoli in the Tuscan Apennines, Italy: Campus Malduli, Maldolo’s field.

Eremulus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. eremulo: a little or small hermitage or monastery;

- in fornice fontis cujusdam diruti Eremuli Sanctissimae Virgini Маriae, & Divae Саtharinae V.ac М. dicati in summitate Моntis Мurelli (Mich.), on the arch [vault] of the well of some [i.e. unnamed] ruined little hermitage [i.e. monastery] dedicated to the most Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Catharine V. and M. on the summit of Mount Murell.

erostris,-e (adj.B), erostratus,-a,-um (adj.A): beakless, lacking a beak or rostrum;

- baccae stipitatae, erostres, berries stalked, beakless.

- achaenia in plerisque speciebus rostrata sed in affinibus paucis erostria, ut in Amblachaenio, achaenia in very many species rostrate but in a few relatives without a rostrum, as in Amblachaenium.

- achaenia omnia rostrata, sed in speciebus Chilensibus erostria, all of the achaenia rostrate, but in Chilean species erostrate.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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