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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Filament (Eng.noun), strand: filum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. filo, nom. & acc. pl. fila, dat. & abl. pl. filis; filamentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. filamento, nom. & acc. pl. filamenta, dat. & abl. pl. filamentis; (obsol.) the filament of a stamen, the thrum or thrumb (Jackson); “the part of a stamen which supports the anther; any thread-like body” (Fernald 1950); “1. the stalk of an anther, the thread-like stem; 2. any thread-like body” (Jackson); (in fungi) “a fine thread; a term loosely used for a hypha or any other simple, thread-like element of fungous structures” (S&D); see thrum.

NOTE: filamentum,-i (s.n.II) is used both for the filaments of stamens and the vegetative filaments of Algae, filum,-i (s.n.II) only for the vegetative filaments of Algae (Stearn); (in algae) “a branched or unbranched row of cells joined end to end” (Abbott & Hollenberg); (in algae) “a type of thallus consisting of one or more rows of closely adjoined cells, with or without a gelatinous or mucilaginous sheath” (Prescott 1968) [> L. filamentum, > LL. filare, to spin + L. -mentum, the result of spinning]; see fibra,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. fibra, 'fiber;' see filum,-i (s.n.II); see thread; see thrum.

NOTE: [as trichoma] “the filamentous thallus of Algals, as Conferva” (Lindley); “1. the filamentous thallus of such Algae as Conferva (Lindley); 2. the filaments in Nostoc” (Jackson): trichoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. trichomate, q.v.; see trichome.

NOTE: The lichen body is formed from filaments of the fungal [opp. algal] partner, and the relative density of these filaments defines the layers within the lichen [i.e. cortex, medulla and their variations].

- filamenta simplicia fere per longitudinem aequabiliter 4 um crassa, filaments simple almost throughout their length evenly 4 um thick.

- alga filamentis erectis parallelis vel intricatis fragilibus a basi ad apicem gradatim angustatis, alga with filaments erect parallel or entangled fragile from base to tip gradually narrowed (Stearn).

- filamenta costalia aream per laminas inclusam dense implentia, costal filamenta densely filling the area enclosed by the laminae.

- subiculum e filamentis longis firmiusculis dilute flavis arcte intertextis satis crasse ac solide compexum (S&A), the subiculum of long filaments rather firm, dilute yellow, closely interwoven quite thickly and solidly combed together.

- substantia stuposo -fibrosa , e filamentis longiusculis evidenter contexta (S&A), the flesh tow-like-fibrous, evidently constructed from rather long filaments.

- filamenta 4, brevissima, summo tubo affixa (Swartz), filaments 4, very short, attached to the summit of the tube.

- filamenta 3, fertilia, sinu calycis inserta, adscendentia, subulata, a medio ad basin connata, arcuata, filamentis 7 sterilibus intermixtis brevissimis (Swartz), filaments [i.e. of the stamens] 3, fertile, inserted in the sinus of the calyx, ascending, subulate, fused from the middle to the base, arcuate, intermixed with 7 sterile, very short filaments.

- antherae innatae, connectivo cum filamento continuo (B&H), the anthers innate [i.e. borne at the apex of the supporting part], the connective continuous with the filament.

Capillamentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. capillamento: “(obs.) the filament” (Lindley), “the filament of an anther” (Jackson);

- capillamenta apice bifurca ex utroque latere petalorum (DeCandolle), the capillament bifurcate at the apex and on both sides of the petals.

Filament Mycelium = Fibrous Mycelium, “when the hyphae form long branching strands” (Jackson): mycelium (s.n.II) fibrosum (adj.A), abl. sg. mycelio fibroso.

Filament Sporophore: “a simple sporophore” (Jackson): sporophorum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. sporophoro [sporophorum simplex (adj.B), abl. sg. sporophoro simplici].

Filament Thallus: = Fruticose Thallus, “a Lichen having a shrub-like thallus” (Jackson): thallus,-i (s.m.II) fruticosus (adj.A), abl. sg. thallo fruticoso.

Fungus,-i (s.m.II) filamentosus, abl. sg. fungo filamentoso: “filament fungus, “growth form of a branched hypha without union with other hyphae” (Jackson).

Filamenta (nom.pl.) ostiolaria (adj.A), abl. pl. filamentis ostiolariis: “delicate colorless threads lining the perithecium round the epithecium of Verrucaria” (Jackson): Verrucaria , a genus of fungi Verrucariaceae); synonymous with Trimmatothele Norman ex Zahlbr.

Pediculus,-i (s.m.II) antherae [gen.sg. anthera,-ae (s.f.I), the anther], abl. sg. pediculo antherae: “the filament” (Lindley) (pediculus is a synonym of pedicel, q.v.

Stipellus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. stipello, is “a synonym of the filament of an anther’ (Jackson).

NOTE: filamentum is used both for the filaments of stamens and the vegetative filaments of Algae, - filum only for the latter; cf. stamen (Stearn).

NOTE: in algae trichome, q.v., may be used for ‘filament;’

- trichomatibus cum filis leptothrichoideis ramosis intermixtis (Wood), with the filaments intermixed with branched leptothrix filaments.

- trichomatibus flexuoso-curvatis, sublaxe implicatus, pallide aerugineis (Wood), with the filaments flexuously curved, rather laxly implicate, pale greenish.

- trichomatibus laxe intricatis varie curvatis, articulis globosis vel saepius ellipticis, plerumque medio pellucidulis, laxe connexis; cellulis perdurantibus terminalibus vel interjectis (Wood), with the filaments laxly intricate, variously curved; joints globose or often elliptical, mostly in the center somewhat pellucid, loosely connected; heterocysts terminal or interspersed.

- trichomatibus laxe intricatis varie curvatis, articulis globosis vel saepius ellipticis, plerumque medio pellucidulis, laxe connexis (Wood), with the filaments loosely intricate, variously curved; joints globose or often elliptical, mostly in the center somewhat pellucid, loosely connected. filamentous, thread-like, composed of threads, “formed of filaments or fibers” (Jackson): filamentosus,-a,-um (adj.A); see filiform; cf. byssaceus,-a,-um (adj.A), byssinus,-a,-um (adj.A), byssoideus,-a,-um (adj.A), byssaceous, byssoid, filamentous, cobwebby;

- tegumentum cupulam extus obducens e bysso filamentosa nigra (S&A), the covering externally spread over the cupula, from cottony to filamentous black.

- Cupula extus in aliis hirtiuscula, hirsutie in tomentum basin cingens lignoque irrepens byssino - filamentosum delicatum niveum , dein pallens , demum obliteratum (S&A), the cupule externally in some [sc. species] somewhat hirsute [i.e. roughly hairy], with the hairiness surrounding the base in a tomentum, and on wood [the tomentum] creeping in a delicate snow-white, cottony-filamentous, then growing pale, finally obliterated.

- corona petaloidea filamentoso-laciniata (DeCandolle), with the corona petaloid, filamentous-laciniate.

- corona filamentosa ante petala sita et his basi adnata (DeCandolle), the corona filamentous, situated in front of the petals and adnate at the base to these.

- stipulae squamaeformes, obtusae saepe intus basi filamentosae (sepala Godoyae simulantes) (B&H), the stipules scale-shaped, obtuse often filamentose inside at the base (resembling the sepals of Godoya).

confervaceus,-a,-um (adj.A), confervoideus,-a,-um (adj.A): confervoid, composed of loose filaments resembling the genus Conferva, alga-like, filamentous in form; “resembling confervae esp. in being made up of branching filaments – used chiefly of algae” (WIII).

filarius,-a,-um (adj.A) of Crozier = filamentous (Jackson).

Fungus,-i (s.m.II) filamentosus, abl. sg. fungo filamentoso: “filament fungus, “growth form of a branched hypha without union with other hyphae” (Jackson).

Mycelium filamentosum (adj.A), abl. sg. mycelio filamentoso: filamentous mycelium, “the thread-like loose felting of hyphae” (Jackson).

Thallus,-i (s.m.II) filamentosus, abl. sg. thallo filamentoso: same as ‘fruticose thallus’ (S&D); see fruticosus,-a,-um (adj.A).

nematodes, gen.sg. nematodis (adj.B), nematoideus,-a,-um (adj.A): “filamentous, thread-like; a term applied to Confervae” [i.e. confervid algae] (Lindley); of or relating to the Nematoda, or eelworms; see -odes,-dis (adj.B).

pectinato-filamentosus,-a,-um (adj.A); with thread-like processes arranged like a comb;

- phalangibus largissime pectinato-filamentosis (F. Mueller), with the phalanges [i.e. bundles of stamens] most abundantly pectinate-filamentous.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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