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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Hilum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. hilo, nom. & acc. pl. hila, dat. & abl. pl. hilis: the hilum, a mark or scar on a seed (as a bean) marking the point of attachment of the ovule to the funiculus or placenta; the nucleus or central point of a starch grain which the ring-like markings seem to surround; a small lateral outgrowth on a basidiospore near the point of attachment to the sterigma or conidiophore on which it was borne; a mark or notch in or opening from a bodily part suggesting the hilum of a bean; a small opening in the statoblast of a sponge (from WIII and Jackson); any point of attachment; an aperture in pollen grains (Jackson); [> L. hilum,-i (s.n.II), a little thing a trifle]; cf. umbilicus, a navel-like structure, such as the hilum of a seed; see aril, arillode; see caruncle, strophiole; see scar;

“the scar produced by the separation of a seed from its placenta; (obsol.) any point of attachment; also (obsol.) the apertures in the extine of pollen grains” (Lindley);

Hile (Eng. noun), as used by S.F. Gray = Hilum,-i (s.n.II) (Jackson).

(in fungi) “a dot, mark, scar; (of spores) the scar indicating the point of attachment to the sporophore, sterigma, etc. -- the point on a basidiospore at which the continuity of the outer contour is interrupted (Corda, 1842” (S&D).

- semina compressa, subpyriformia, hilo ventrali, seeds compressed, somewhat pear-shaped, with the hilum ventral.

- hilum humile rotundatum basale 10 mm. diametro, hilum low rounded basal 10 mm. in diameter

- semen globosum hilo lato affixum, seed affixed by a broad hilum.

- semina projectura biloba prope hilum prominente praedita, seeds provided with a projection bilobed prominent near the hilum.

- semen globulare vel ellipsoideum, arillodio vel sarcotesta carens, testa ossea, hilo lineari, see globular or ellipsoid, lacking an arillode or sarcotesta, with the testa bony, with the hilum linear.

- Embryo minutus, hilo proximus (B&H), the embryo minute, next to the hilum.

- radícula ab hilo remota nisi in paucis speciebus quibus semina funículo adnata(B&H), the radicle remote from the hilum except in a few species in which the seed is adnate to the funiculus.

- radícula embryonis ab hilo minus distans (B&H), the radicle of the embryo is less distant from the hilum.

- semina pendula, testa crustácea saepe pilosa, hilo saepe strophiolato (B&H), seeds pendulous, the test crustaceous, often pilose, with the hilum often strophiolate.

- embryo juxta hilum albumine semiimmersus v. exalbuminosus (B&H), the embryo beside the hilum half-immersed in the albumen or lacking albumen.

- embryo rectus, axilis, radicula ad hilum versa et ideo saepius supera (DeCandolle), the embryo straight, in the axis, with the radicle turned to the hilum and for this reason more often above [superior].

- radicula hilum spectante (DeCandolle), with the radicle facing [i.e. looking at] the hilum.

Eye (Eng.noun), q.v., “a conspicuous spot in a flower or seed, as a blotch of color; = hilum” (Jackson).

Naucum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. nauco, “(obsol.) seeds having a very large hilum, as that of the Horse-chestnut [Hippocastanum], Achras, &c.” (Lindley); “(obsol.) the fleshy part of a drupe” (Lindley); also naucus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. nauco: a trifle, something slight or trivial; of little value.

Umbilicus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. umbilico, “the hilum of a seed; the scar formed by its separation from the placenta” (Lindley).

[Canella] SEMINA subrotundo-reniformia, nauco fragili-nitenti nigro tecta (Swartz), the seeds [semina] nearly round-kidney-shaped, covered with the fragil-shining black caucum.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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