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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Instar (an indeclinable neuter noun)) = adinstar = ad instar: image, manner, likeness, form;

instar (with genitive), like, in the form of, after the fashion of [> L. “ad instar, or simply instar: “according to the likeness of, after the fashion of, like (with genitive); a form, figure, appearance; worth, value (Lewis & Short);

- “parvum instar eorum, quae, etc,,” a small likeness of them, which … (Lewis & Short).

- carina in acumen producta Oxytropidis instar (B&H), the keel prolonged into the acumen after the fashion of Oxytropis.

- lignam levissimum, suberis instar (Swartz), the wood is very light-weight, like cork.

- endospermium instar Helobiarum, endosperm as in the Helobiae.

- ad instar stellae, in the form of a star, like a star (Stearn).

- fila subdichotome mox arboris ad instar divisa, threads soon subdichotomously divided into the form of a tree.

- folia trita suaviter olent Satureja instar. Recentia cum pane manducantur (Swartz), the bruised leaves smell pleasantly, like Satureya. Fresh [plants] are chewed [i.e. eaten] with bread [i.e. food].

- [Martynia] rudimentum filamenti quinti intra superius par staminum, cuspidis instar breve (Linn.), the vestige of the fifth filament below the upper pair of stamens, short, resembling a cusp.

- Usus oenom. pro sepibus. Substantia filamentosa ad funes paranda, Agaves instar adhibetur (Swartz), economic use, for hedges. The filamentous tissue for rope-preparation, used like Agave.

- costa valida calli instar limbum folii percurrente et ante apicem evanida, with the costa strong, like a callus running through the limb [i.e. lamina, or blade] of the leaf and vanishing before the apex.

- folia subpeltata, integra 1. emarginata, glabra 1. tomentosa (panni instar)(Swartz), leaves nearly peltate, entire or [vel] emarginate, glabrous or [vel] tomentose (like a rag [i.e. piece of cloth]).

- [Jacquinia]arbor baccifera, laurifolia, fructu corallino ribum instar racemoso calyculato venenato (Swartz), a tree bearing berries, with the leaves of Laurus, with the fruit coral-red, resembling Ribes [gen. pl.], full of racemes, calyculate, poisonous.

- [Vitis] petala 5 apice cohaerentia et instar calyptrae(DeCandolle), petals 5, coherent [i.e. in contact] at the apex and like a calyptra [i.e. a cap].

- [Myrtus] sunt species novi generis, mihi Calyptranthes ab Eugenüs & Myrtis distinctissimi: calyce truncato, defectu petalorum, eorumque loco Operculo calyptrae instar genitalia tegente (Swartz), they are species of a new genus by me Calyptranthes very distinct from Eugeniis and Myrtis: by the truncate calyx, by the lack of petals, and by an operculum, in their place [i.e. the petals] like a calyptra [i.e. a veil or cap] covering the sex organs.

- Germen ovatum, compressiusculum, convexum, didymum. Stylus crassus, curvus (cornucopiae instar) (Swartz), the ovary ovate, slightly compressed, convex, twinned. The style thick, curved (like a cornucopia).

adinstar, ad instar:

- ex calyce autem surgit pistillum posticae floris parti adinstar clavi infixum, quod deinde abit in fructum in duo loculamenta divisum seminibusque foetum ut plurimum oblongis (Tourne.), furthermore, the pistil arises from the calyx on the back part of the flower, driven in like a nail, which in the end changes into the fruit, divided into two compartments and nearly always filled with oblong seeds.

- [fungi] farina ista sphaerulas alias totas farctas, alias jam evacuatas villi ad instar coronatas deprehendimus (S&A), we found the whole of some sphaerules packed with that farina, others already emptied crowned in the image of a villus [i.e. growth of hair].

- quarum summae demum obliteratae amissaeque calvum ostendunt, puncti ad instar nigri, sphaerulae verticem (S&A), the highest points of which [i.e. the setae or bristles] when finally obliterated [i.e. worn away], and lost, display a bald summit resembling black dots.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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