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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Jugum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. jugo, nom. & acc. pl. juga, dat. & abl. pl. jugis; also iugum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. iugo: “the ridges on the fruit of Umbellifers” (Lindley); 1. pair, couple, as in a pair of leaflets (Jackson) or pinnae on a fern frond; 2. ridge, chain, range of mountains, 3. the ridge on the fruits of Umbelliferae, separated by a furrow (vallecula)" (Jackson); (bryology) “a pair of leaves; especially in Fissidens” (Magill 1990) [> L. jugum,-i (s.n.II), a yoke for oxen, a collar for horses; a yoke, pair, team of draught animals]; the joining thing > L. ju(n)go, junxi, junctum, jungere 3, to join, unite, bind or fasten, to join together]; see interjugum,-i (s.n.II), the space between two pairs or couples; see zyg-, zygo-: in Gk. comp.; see pair; opp. vallis,-is (s.f.III), ‘valley’ or vellecula,-ae (s.f.I); see valley;

1. ridge, range or chain (of mountains); crest of a mountain; see crest, ridge; see mons, gen.sg. montis (s.m.III).

- Hercynium jugum, the Hercynian mountain chain. - Chile australis in rivulis niveis in jugis Andium inter montem ignivomum Antuco et la Sierra vellada (Mueller), southern Chili in snowy rivulets in the ridges of the Andes between the volcanic mountain Antuco and the Sierra vellada.

- habitat in jugis montium Raccoon Alabamae, it grows on ridges of the mountains called Raccoon of Alabama.

- in summo Marylandiae jugo “Backbone” dicto ad saxa madida, on the highest ridge of (the State of) Maryland called “Backbone” on wet stones.

- hab. in summis jugis Sierra Nevada in fissuris rupium et in glareosis glacialibus (Boissier), it grows on the summits on the ranges in the Sierra Nevada in chinks of rocks and in places full of glacial gravel.

- Hab. in umbrosis summi jugi san Anton prope Malaga, ad pedem rupium inter chamaeropes (Boissier), it grows in shady [places] of the summit of the ridge san Anton near Malaga, at the food of cliffs among chamaeropes.

- in jugis alpium altissimarum. (F. Mueller), on the ridges of the highest Alps.

- in Islandia, Groenlandia, Alpibus jugis centralis Norvegiae, etc. (DeCandolle), in Iceland, Greenland, on the Alpine ridges of central Norway.

- in regione Caucasica, desertis Caspicis et collibus Altaici jugi (DeCandolle), in the Caucasian region, the Caspian deserts and the hills of the Altaic range.

- in monte Tagaunai jugi Uralensis (DeCandolle), on Mount Tagaunai of the Ural Range.

- in summo Pedemontis jugo Tendae dicto (DeCandolle), on the highest crest of the Pedemont called the Tenda.

2. ridge (e.g. of fruits)

- sporae sphaericae jugis tenuibus flexuosis rugosae, spores spherical rugose with thin flexuose ridges.

- ostiola admodum rudia, superficialibus conspicua valiibus jugisque, sed glabra (A&S), the ostioles quite rough, conspicuous with surficial valleys and ridges but glabrous.

- fructu oblongo, jugis filformibus obtusiusculis, stylis deflexis stylopodio incumbentibus eoque paulo longioribus (Boissier) [Umbelliferae], with the fruit oblong, with the ridges filiform, somewhat obtuse, with the styles deflexed resting on the stylopodium and somewhat longer than it.

NOTE: vallecula,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. vallecula: “the channels or furrows lying between the ridges upon the fruit of Umbelliferae” (Lindley); furrow between ridges (juga) on fruits of Umbelliferae;

- [Umbelliferae] fructus jugis longitudinalibus nunc tenuissimis nunc saepius prominulis nerviformibus v. elevatis v. in alas expansis instructus, et interstitiis valleculas dictis notatus (B&H), fruit provided with longitudinal ridges sometimes very thin sometimes, more often, somewhat prominent, like a nerve in shape or elevated or expanded into wings, and the marked with the interstices [i.e. spaces in between] called valleculae.

3. pair(s) of leaflets

- antheridia ad 8 juga, antheridia to 8 pairs.

- (moss) archegonia in lamina ventricosa jugi ultimi foliorum inclusa, the archegonia included within the swollen lamina of the final pair of leaves.

- jugo inferiore ad basim petioli approximato (DeCandolle), with the lower pair near to the base of the petiole.

- jugo infimo utrinque trifoliolato, (DeCandolle), the lowest pair on both sides tri-foliolate.

Ajuga,-ae (s.f.I): “from the Greek a-, without, and zugos (Latin jugum), yoke, from the seeming absence of a yoke-fellow to the lower lip of the corolla” (Fernald 1950).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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