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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Latitude: latitudo,-inis (s.f.III), abl. sg. latitudine: see width; see width; cf. longitudo,-inis (s.f.III), length; see diameter;

NOTE: the climatic regime, clime, latitude: see caelum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. caelo; also coelum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. coelo;

- Fabii Columnae Lyncei Minus Cognitarum Rariorumque Nostro Coelo Orientium Stirpium Ekphrasis (1616); the eckphrasis [description] of Fabius Columna of the Lincean Academy of plants less known and more rare arising in our climatic region.

1. geographical

- species in regionibus tropicis et in Canada usque ad gradum borealem 50* extensae, species extended into tropical regions and in Canada to 50 degrees north [sc. latitude].

- [algae] hoc de mediterranea vegetatione, in qua diversitates latitudinis minus eminent, insigniter valet. (Agardh), this is particularly valid with respect to the mediterranean vegetation, in which the diversity of latitude is less conspicuous.

- in silvis litoralibus Australiae orientalis inter gradus 22-28 latitudinis australis (F. Mueller), on the coast forests of eastern Australia between 22-28 degrees of south latitude.

- species in regionibus tropicis et in Canada usque ad gradum borealem 50* extensae, species extended into tropical regions and in Canada to 50 degrees north [sc. latitude].

- in locis aridis terrae interioris tum depressis tum collinis inter gradús 32 et 18 latitudínis australis (F. Mueller), in arid places of the interior territory sometimes low [places, i.e. lowlands], sometimes hilly [i.e. uplands] between 32 and 18 degrees south latitude.

- per Australiam extratropicam passim diffusa, nec non in Tasmania proveniens; a litore, ubi frequentius occurrit, usque in regiones alpinas adsendens, in latitudines subtropicas Australie orientalis extendens (F. Mueller), throughout extratropical Australia [i.e. outside of the tropics] everywhere dispersed, and also turning up in Tasmania; from the coast where it more frequently occurrs, ascending into alpine [i.e. mountain] regions extending into the subtropic latitudes of eastern Australia.

NOTE: north (borealis,-e, adj. B) and south (australis,-e, adj.B).

NOTE: lat. = abbrev. latitudo,-inis (s.f.III);

- Patria: Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Fjord inter 73° et 74° lat. bor. unde cespes singularis retulit Dr. Pansch., Native land: Kaiser Franz Josefs Fyord between 73* and 74* lat. bor. [acc.sg. latitudinem borealem] from where [i.e. whence] Dr. Pansch brought back a single clump.

- in Peruviana Patria, provincia observavi, sub decimo octavo latitudinis australis gradu (Dill.), I have observed its native land is in a Peruvian province, near the 18th degree of south latitude.

2. the width, breadth of anything, width, extent, size of anything; see width;

- latitudine, abl. sg., in width.

- amphigastria 2.1 - 3.2-plo quam latitudo caulis ampliora, parte connata usque ad 6(-9) cellulas lata, lamina usque 8-18 cellulas longa, the underleaves 2.1-3.2 times larger than the width of the stem, the connate part to 6 (-9) cells wide, with the lamina to 6 (-9) cells long.

- [moss] folia nervo applanato pro foliorum latitudine angusto praedita, (C. Mueller), leaves provided with a flattened nerve for the narrow width of the leaves.

- lamellae versus stipitem truncatae, vix adnexae, latitudine longitudinem aequante, the lamellae towards the stipe truncate, scarcely adnexed, with the latitude [i.e. width] equalling the longitude [i.e. length].

- folia marginibus ad subulam nervo pro latitudine folii lato omnino occupatam subinvolutis canaliculata (C. Mueller), leaves canaliculate with the margins somewhat involute to the completely occupied subula] with the nerve wide, for the breadth of the leaf.

- [algae] latitudine siphonum longitudinem aequantibus (Agardh), with the width of the siphons equalling the length.

- stylo latitudine siliquae (DeCandolle), with the style with the width of the silique.

- siliquis subpatulis stylum crassum latitudine duplo superantibus rachique glaberrimis (DeCandolle), with the siliquas somewhat spreading, twice exceeding the thick style in width, and, with the rachis, completely hairless.

- siliculis latitudine triplo fere longioribus (DeCandolle), with the silicles almost three times longer than the width.

- styli longitudine latitudinem paulo excedente (DeCandolle), with the length of the style somewhat exceeding the width.

- caryopsides dilute flavescentes nitidulae latitudine ter quaterve longiores (F. Mueller), the caryopses pale yellowish, somewhat shining, three or four [times] longer than the width.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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