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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Latus, gen. sg. lateris (s.n.III), acc. sg. latus, dat. sg. lateri, abl. sg. latere, nom. & acc. pl. latera, gen. pl. laterum, dat. & abl. pl. lateribus: side, in sense of 'flank, right or left side;’ flank, classically, of a man or animal; also lateral surface, facet; “sides; the two opposite sides of a stem or similar body” (Lindley); see latrorsus,-a,-um (adj.A); see -hedricus,-a,-um (adj.A); see ‘side;’ see dorsum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. dorso; syn. tergum,-i (s.n.II) the back; see frons, gen.sg. frontis (s.f.III), the front, face; see triangle;

- a (ab) latere, on or at the side or flank; a fronte, in front, before; a tergo, at the back, behind.

- foliorum superficies a fronte atque ab utroque latere pappillis ac pilis intertextis instructa, the surface of the leaves in front and on each side provided with papillae and hairs intermixed.

- stamina, 4-libera, ad unum latus flexa (Necker), stamens 4, free, bent to one side.

- pedicellis petiolisque glabriusculis aut ad latus superius tomentosis.(DeCandolle), with the pedicels and petioles somewhat hairless or on the upper side tomentose.

- ad latera frondis, sub margines pro more occultae, squamae oriuntur (Steph.), at the sides of the frond, customarily hidden under the margins, scales arise [3d person pl.].

- folium apice et lateribus et basem versus erosum, leaf at the tip and the sides and toward the base erose.

- dentibus in quoque latere 5-10, with teeth on each side 5-10.

- antheris glandulis baseos ad utrumque latus saepe stipitates, with anthers with often stipitate glandules at the bases at each side.

- pinnae basales a latere basiscopico elongatae, basal pinnae from the basiscopic side elongate.

- in cacumine summi Erkauit latere septentrionali fauces dioriticas habitans, inhabiting in the peaks of the highest point of Erkauit dioritic gorges on the north side.

- in utroque latere costae, on each side of the costa

- trichomatibus unicellularis appressis intus ad basem et utrimque in lateris, with unicellular trichomes appressed inside at the base and on both flanks.

- amphigastria bene evoluta, ad folia contigua per latus alterum vel ambo connata, underleaves well-developed, connate on one or both sides to adjacent leaves.

- folia longitudinaliter in latere altero plicata, leaves longitudinally on one side folded.

- in lateris occid. montis Piepun ad austro-orientem pagi Dschungdien, on the western side of the mountain Piepun to the south-east of Dschungdien province.

- fructus saipius a latere compressus, the fruit more often compressed from the side.

- ovarium placentis parietalibus v. septis a latere v. prope parietes placentiferis divisum (B&H), ovary divided by the parietal placentas or with septa from the side or near the placenta-bearing walls.

- [alga] ramu1is alternatim secundis (i.e. quibusdam continuo ad unum latus, aliis ad alterum latus abeuntibus) (Agardh), with the branchlets alternately secund (i.e. with certain ones going out directly to one side, others to the alternate side).

NOTE: that the flat side of a leaf is pagina,-ae (s.f.I), as the leaves of a book, although authors have used 'latus, gen.sg. lateris': cellulae chlorophylliferae utroque latere foliorum liberae, chlorophyll-bearing cells free on each side of the leaves.

NOTE: the "sides" of a triangle also may use 'latus, gen.sg. lateris' as well as “leg:” crus, gen.sg. cruris (s.n.III), q.v., abl. sg. crure; see triangle;

- folia caulina triangula lateribus vel cruribus aequalibus, the cauline leaves triangular with the sides or legs equal.

NOTE: not to be confused with later,-eris (s.m.III), abl.sg. latere: a brick, tile.

NOTE: not to be confused with the adjective latus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.,‘wide.’
latus,-a,-um (adj.A): broad, wide; also extensive, wide, large; compare. latior, latius (adj.B); superl. latissimus,-a,-um (adj.A); opp. angustus,-a,-um (adj.A), ‘narrow;’ see wide; see note below;
        singular              plural 

m.& f. n. m.& f. n. Nom. latior latius latiores latiora Gen. latioris latiorum Dat. latiori latioribus Acc. latiorem latius latiores latiora Abl. latiore latioribus
- folia caulina principalia 120–170 um et longa et lata, principal cauline leaves 120-170 um both long and wide.

- valvae capsularum 7-9(10)-plo longiores quam latae, the valves of the capsules 7-9(10) times longer than wide.

- cellulis brevioribus quam latioribus, with the cells shorter than long.

- corolla urceolata, ad partem latissima 4-5 mm lata, corolla urceolate, at the broadest part 4-5 mm wide.

- corolla urceolata, 3.9-4.3 mm longa, in parte latiore 1.6-1.8 mm lata, corolla urceolate, 3.9-4.3 mm long, in the wider part 1.6-1.8 mm wide.

- furcis brevibus, latis, ubique aequicrassa (Steph.), with the forks short, broad, everywhere equally thick.

- locus (s.m.II) latus, a large place.

- [algae] caulis ultrapedalis, semilineam latus (Agardh), the stem more than one foot [i.e. in length], one half of a line [i.e. 2.1 mm] wide.

- [algae] caulis ima basi teres, dein anceps, lateribus convexis 1-2 lineas latus (Agardh), stem at the lowermost base rounded-cylindric, ultimately two-edged [i.e. flattened], with the sides convex, 1-2 lines [2.1-4.2 mm] wide.

- [algae] caulis planus, axi longitudinaliter parum incrassatus, linearis vel parum ultra latus (Agardh), the stem flat, with the axis somethat thickened longitudinally, a line [2.1 mm] or somewhat more wide.

- [algae] frons uncialis vel parum ultra, plana, basi tenuis & angusta in ramos lineam latos sublineares, parumper sensim latiores (Agardh), the frond one inch or more, flat, at the base thin and narrow, thin at the base and narrow into nearly linear branches a line (2.1 mm) wide, for a little while gradually wider.


- pinnularum lobis latioribus aristatis (DeCandolle), with the lobes of the pinules wider, awned.

- foliorum segmentis latioribns obtusioribus (DeCandolle), with the segments of the leaves wider, more obtuse.

- sepalis apice latioribus basi attenuatis (DeCandolle), with the sepalsat the apex wider, at the base narrowed.

with ‘quam;’

- foliis multiplo quam caule latioribus, with the leaves many times broader than the stem.

- cellulae marginis non latiores quam cellulae folii interiores, cells of the margin not wider than the inner cells of the leaf.

- pistillum lobis corollae latius, the pistil wider [than the] lobes of the corolla

- folium ramulinum folio caulino latius, branch leaf broader than the stem leaf.

- prope terminum latiorem apicalem, near the broader apical end.

- foliis 1.05 - 1.5-plo latioribus quam longis, by the leaves 1.05-1.5 times wider than long.


- ala latissima, the wing very broad.

- calcare latissimo saccato (DeCandolle), with the SPUR? Very broad, SACCATE

- foliis radicalibus petiolatis reniformibus crenatis, sinu latissimo (DeCandolle), with the basal leaves petiolate, kidney-shaped, crenate, with a very broad sinus.

- Petala flava, 2 exteriora magna unguiculata limbo latissimo (DeCandolle), petals yellow, the two external large, clawed, with a very wide limb.

- petalis latissimis imberbibus (DeCandolle), with the petals very wide, without a beard.

perlatus,-a,-um (adj.A): very broad, very wide.

Bromus latior, “a wider” Bromus; Calamagrostis latissima, the widest Calamagrostis

NOTE: be careful to check whether ‘latus’ is the nom. sg. of the noun latus, gen. sg. lateris (s.m.III), q.v.;

- calyptra excentrica i.e. saepius ad capsulae latus vel infra dejecta (Austin), with the calyptra excentric, i.e. more often fallen to the side of the capsule or below.

- [alga] ramu1is alternatim secundis (i.e. quibusdam continuo ad unum latus, aliis ad alterum latus abeuntibus) (Agardh), with the branchlets alternately secund (i.e. with certain ones going out directly to one side, others to the alternate side).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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