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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Line (Eng.noun): linea,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. linea; stria,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. stria, nom. pl. striae, dat. & abl.pl. striis, ‘stria, fine linear streak, line or other marking, groove;’ cf. striola,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. striola: a very fine linear marking or ridge; see stria, striola; lineamentum; see lineage; phyllogenetic line, see ‘stirps. b.;’ see linea,-ae (s.f.I); ‘in a row or line’ see ‘row;’

- fructus, subrotundus in ambitû, medio lineis 3 carinatis elevatus (Necker), the fruit nearly round in circumference, elevated in the middle with three keeled lines.

- linea alarum basalis convexa non sinuata, irregularis, base line of the wings convex not sinuate, irregular.

- linea mediana caulis, median line of the stem.

- linea diagonalis (adj.B), diagonal line.

- ad lineam, vertically (also applied to a horizontal line).

- folia saepe supra lineis impressis (B&H), the leaves often above marked with lines.

- folia juniora supra lineis impressis notata (B&H), the younger leaves marked above with impressed lines.

Line, little: lineola,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. lineola.

Centimeter: “a French measure = 4 43/100 French lines” (Lindley): centimetrum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. centimetro.

Circle, a circular line: circus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. circo.

Diagonium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. diagonio: the line of the diagonal.

English line (linea,-ae (s.f.I): 2.1 mm (1/12 of an inch).

- fila fasciculorum viridia, omnino simplicissima, usque 40 articulis constantia,3-4 lineas longa, filaments of the fascicles green, completely unbranched, consisting to 40 articulations [i.e. intervals], 3-4 [Eng.] lines long [i.e. ca. 6.3-8.4 mm].

Linea circumcurrens (part.B), abl. sg. linea circumcurrente: periphery, circumference.

Lineamentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. lineamento, q.v., a line.

Lineatio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. lineatione, q.v., a line

Paris or French Line (linea,-ae (s.f.I): 2.3 mm.

Straight line: directum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. directo: a straight line.

Versus,-us (s.m.IV), q.v., abl. sg. versu: [> verto, a turning round, i.e. of the plough]; a furrow; a line, row; in particular, a line of writing; and in poetry, a verse.

NOTE: capillus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. capillo, “hair's width, 1/12 Paris line, 0.18 mm” (Stearn); “the breadth of a hair; the twelfth part of a line” (Lindley); “the width of a hair, taken as 1/12th of a line or about 0.17 mm” (Jackson); see capillus,-i (s.m.II).

NOTE: lin. (abbrev.): English line (linea,-ae (s.f.I): 2.1 mm (1/12 of an inch).

- spadix florifer 1-2 poll, longus, 2 lin. crassus (F. Mueller), flowering spadix 1-2 inches long, 2 lines thick [4.2 mm].

Line, straight: porrectio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. porrectione; porrectum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. porrecto, q.v.

Line (of text);

- [in the errata of a text] in char. ordinis, lin. 11, loco anatropum, lege orthotropum ; lin. 18, loco radícula supera, lege radícula infera (B&H), in the characters of the order, line 11, in the place ‘anatropum,’ choose ‘orthotropum;’ in line 18, in place of radicula supera, choose radicula infera.

marked by very fine parallel lines: lineolatus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.

grammatus,-a,-um (adj.A): 'with raised lines,' striped;

- pileus grammatus, cristis atro-griseis, sulcis bubalinis, pileus with raised lines, the crests dark gray, the furrows buff.

-grammus,-a,-um (adj.A): in Gk. comp., ‘with markings;’ leptogrammus, with fine or narrow markings; leucogrammus, with white markings;

Cryptogramma R. Br. Rock-brake., > Gk. cryptos, hidden, and gramme, a line, "alluding to the lines of sporangia at first concealed by the reflexed margin" (Fernald, 1950).

line, in a straight; tending in a straight line, in a straight (horizontal or vertical) direction: recte (adv.);

- nervis secondariis recte ad marginem tendentibus, with secondary nerves extending in a straight line to the margin.

- carinae 3 supra unguem recte extendentes (F. Mueller), the keels 3, extending straight above the claw.

line of jointing, seam: see seam, suture.

divisural line, line of confluence of peristome teeth in mosses: linea divisuralis, (adj.B); also linea media (adj.A).
line, in a straight; tending in a straight line, in a straight (horizontal or vertical) direction: recte (adv.);

- nervis secondariis recte ad marginem tendentibus, with secondary nerves extending in a straight line to the margin.

- carinae 3 supra unguem recte extendentes (F. Mueller), the keels 3, extending straight above the claw.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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