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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Littus,-oris (s.n.III), abl.sg. littore, nom.& acc. pl. littora, gen.pl. littorum: seashore, seaside, beach, strand, coast,: also spelled litus,-oris (s.n.III), abl.sg. litore; cf. rippa,-ae (s.f.I), the bank of a river; cf. ora,-ae (s.f.I), the coast of the sea;

NOTE: Litus nostrum, gen.sg. litoris nostri, abl.sg. littore nostro: the Mediterranean coast; see noster (m.), nostra (f.), nostrum (n.) (adj.A), of or belonging to our nation, ‘our coast.’

- species 2 v. 4-5, in littoribus tropicis limosis frequentes (B&H), species 2 or 4-5, frequent in muddy tropical coasts.

- observationes sub longiori cursu ad littora utriusque maris vel ad vivum vel ad specimina in collectionibus Algologorum Italiae (Agardh), observations during the longer journey on the shores of either sea either in reference to life or to specimens in the collections of the Algologists of Italy.

- species intertropicae littora limosa ad aestuaria fluviorum vegetatione arborea insalubri dense obumbrant, the intertropical species the muddy shores at the estuaries of rivers with unhealthy woody vegetation densely cover over (Stearn).

- incolit campestria arida petrosa, juxta littora, Jamaicae (Swartz), it inhabits open, arid, stony [sc. loca, places] beside the coasts of Jamaica.

- a montibus Grampians et promontorio Cape Otway per Tasmaniam et passim per Australiae felicis et Novae Austro-Cambriae tractus litorales silváticos usque ad sinum Moretón Bay et montem Linsay (F. Mueller), from the Grampian mountains and the promontory Cape Otway throughout Tasmania and everywhere throughout the coastal forested regions of Australia and New South Wales as far as the bay of Moreton Bay and Mount Linsay.

- plantae in litore ejectae, plants cast onto the shore (Stearn 1983).

- in fruticetis prope sinum Tumbey Bay litoris Spencer’s Gulf. (F. Mueller), in thickets near the bay: Tumbey Bay of the shore of Spencer’s Gulf.

- Choretri species nunc quinqué cognosco, nempe Ch. glomeratum, quod usque ad sinum Sti. Vincenti a litore occidentali occurrit (F. Mueller), I recognize now five species of Choretrum, namely Ch. glomeratum, which occurs from the western shore as far as the gulf of Saint Vincent.

- in insula Albany Island alibique in vicinia litoris Australiae boreali-orientalis (F. Mueller), on the island Albany Island and elsewhere in the vicinity of the coast of northern Australia.

- a litore, ubi frequentius occurrit, usque in regiones alpinas adsendens (F. Mueller), from the shore, where it more frequently occurs, ascending up to alpine regions.

- ad littora septentrionalia maris Adriatici, in collibus Dahuriae, (DeCandolle), on the northern coasts of the Adriatic sea, in the hills of Dahuria.

- ad littora occidentalia Americae borealis (DeCandolle), on the western shores of north America.

- in rupibus et saxis ad littora maritima Celebum et Moluccarum (DeCandolle), on rocks and stones on the marine coasts of the Celebes and Moluccas.

- in glareosis arenosisve littoralibus secus mare (DeCandolle), in gravelly or sandy beaches along the sea.

- in littoribus maritimis Europae septentr. [=septentrionalis] (DeCandolle), in the maritime coasts of northern Europe.

- Ad oras maris Baltici prope Wamemunde. Viola littoralis Spreng (DeCandolle); on the shores of the Baltic sea near Wamemunde.

- ad littora Bulgariae in rupibus maritimis (DeCandolle), on the shores of Bulgaria on maritime rocks [or cliffs].

- ad littora Oceani Pacifici prope Lima Peravianorum.(DeCandolle)

- in campis littoreis Guianae (DeCandolle), in the coastal fields of Guiana.

- Hab. ad littora sinuum et scrobiculorum in utroque mari (Agardh), it grows on the shores of the bays and waterways in either sea.

- ad littora Galloprovincias frequentissima; ad oras Italiae rariorem vidi (Agardh), I have seen it most frequently on the Gallo-provincial coasts; on the coasts of Italy more rare.

- Hab. in mari Mediterraneo, ut videtur, profundiori ad saxà littoris sabulosi (Agardh), it appears it dwells in the deeper Mediterranean sea, on stones of the gravelly shores.

- species 2 v. 3, littorum tropicorum limosorum Africae orientalis, Asiae, Australiae et Polynesiae incolae (B&H), species 2 or 3, dwellers of the muddy tropical shores of eastern Africa, Asia, Australia and Polynesia.

- observationes sub longiori cursu ad littora utriusque maris vel ad vivum vel ad specimina in collectionibus Algologorum Italiae (Agardh), observations during the longer journey on the shores of either sea either in reference to life or to specimens in the collections of the Algologists of Italy.

NOTE: in texts, the adjective is indicated by the ‘l’ (littoralis,-e).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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