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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Odor,-oris (s.m.III), abl.sg. odore; nom. & acc. pl. odores; less frequently odos,-oris (s.m.III): a smell of any kind, odor, aroma, perfume, fragrance, scent; (negative) stench; see sapor,-oris (s.m.III), see taste; see smell, stink; see -osma,-ae (s.f.I);

aroma: spice; “a distinctive pleasing odor; fragrance; any smell or odor” (WIII).

scent (Eng. noun) a smell that is distinctive (pleasant), also associated with the peculiar odor of different animals.

- odore pulveris pyrii, with the odor of gunpowder.

- odor graminum nuper sectorum, odor of grasses recently cut.

- flores cernui odore Jonquillae (DeCandolle), flowers nodding, with the fragrance of a Jonquil.

- odor mitis, dulcis fragransque, odor mild, sweet and fragrant.

- odor et sapor melleus, odor and taste like honey (honey-sweet).

- odor,-oris (s.m.III) seminalis, abl.sg. odore seminali: (mycology) the odor of human semen or seminal fluid, as in species of Inocybe (e.g. Inocybe lacera).

- odor ranarum (odor of frogs: rana,-ae), piscium (of fishes: piscis,-is), cucumeris (of cucumber, cucumis,-eris).

- fructibus odorem spargentibus, with fruits giving out a scent (Stearn).

- odore anisato, with the odor of the seed of Anise (Pimpinella Anisum L.).

- odore raphani atque Solani tuberosi L., with the odor of radish and potato.

- odore et sapore aeris, with the odor and taste of copper; odor chalybeus, the odor of iron or steel; odore ferreo, with an iron smell; sapore chalybis, with the taste of steel; odore stanni, with the odor of tin; odor metallicus, metalic odor.

- fungus odore chlori, a fungus with the odor of chlorine; see ‘bleach, chlorine’.

- odore cancri, with the odor of a crab (or lobster).

- sapore et odore saponaceo, with a soapy odor and taste.

- odor haud notabilis, odor not notable.

- odore fructaceo, with a fruity odor.

- sapor plantae urens. Odor nauseolus (Swartz), the taste burning [i.e. to the senses]. The odor somewhat nauseous.

- radix carnosa, ramosa, odore & sapore Zingiberis (Swartz), the root fleshy, branchy, with the odor and taste of Zingiber.

- Adde: Betula americana, bacca 3-quetra, odore terebinthi (Swartz), add: Betula americana, with the berry 3-angled, with the odor of the turpentine-tree.

- herba odore alliaceo etiam in sicco valde foetens, herb with garlic odor even in a dry state strongly smelling (Stearn).

- odore allio, with the odor of garlic.

- folia odorem lauri spirant (Swartz), the leaves emit an odor of Laurus [Laurus nobilis, laurel, bay laurel, true laurel, sweet bay].

- flores paeterea & folia, sapore & odore congenerum omnino carent (Swartz), the flowers especially and the leaves entirely lacking in the flavor and odor of its congeners.

- [Hydrurus; Alga] Odor in omnibus foetidissimus (Agardh), the odor in all [species] extremely noisome.

- folia trita odorem Pelargonii therebinthinacei spirant (DeCandolle), the leaves when bruised emit the odor of Pelargonium therebininaceum [i.e. of turpentine].

- tota herba, odorem alliaceum volatilem fortiter spirat, a bestiis saepe esa, lactem vaccarum inquinans (Swartz), the whole herb strongly emitting a volatile aliaceous odor, often eaten by beasts, fouling the milk of cows.

- [Annona] sapor & odor fructus, florum, totiusque plantae Ribis nigri simillimus (Swartz), the flavor and odor of the fruit, flowers and the whole plant very similar to Ribes nigrum.

- [Stemodia] sapor salso-amarus (Swartz), the taste salty-bitter.

- odor florum Cacaliae suaveolentis. Sapor totius herbae amarus (Swartz), the odor of the flowers as of Cacalia suaveolens. The taste of the whole plant bitter.

- [Cassia occidentalis] Senna occidentalis odore opii viroso (Swartz), Senna occidentalis with the poisonous smell of opium.

- tota herba subviscosa odorata, odore ad Camphoram accedente (Swartz), the whole plant somewhat viscous, fragrant, with the odor approaching Camphor.

- [Agaricus cucumis; fungus] odor praesertim in fungo putrescente gravis, halecinus (S&A), the odor especially in the putrescent fungus rank, like a fish-sauce.

- odore suavi, sapore insipido, caustico, ardente (Swartz), with a pleasant odor, with an insipid [i.e. indistinct] taste, biting [i.e. like cayenne pepper], with a burning taste.

- [fungus] odor in hac quoque specie distinctus, diu persistens, constans, aniseus (S&A), the odor in this species also distinct, persistent a long time, constant, like Anise.

anisatus,-a,-um (adj.A), anisodorus,-a,-um (adj.A): flavored or smelling of anise-seed; “partaking of the scent of Anise, Pimpinella Anisum L.” (Jackson).

- odore anisato, with the odor of the seed of Anise.

aromaticus,-a,-um (adj.A): spicy, aromatic (i.e. pleasant odors);

- Baccae initio virides, dein caeruleae, tandem atrae nitidae, odore & sapore aromatico (Swartz), the berries in the beginning green, then blue, finally [shining] black, glossy, with an aromatic [i.e. spicy] odor and flavor.

fortis,-e (adj.B): strong, powerful, robust;

- odor fortis totius turba (Swartz), the odor of the whole plant is strong.

gravis,-e (adj.B): (of smell) strong, rank (usually unpleasant), oppressive, obnoxious;

- [Hyoscyamus niger] odor gravis (Desfont.), the odor is rank.

- Odor florum gravis (Swartz), the odor of the flowers is rank.

graviter (adv.), q.v., with words relating to taste, smell or disease: disagreeably, unpleasantly, offensively, strongly.

hebes (adj.B), q.v., gen. sg. hebetis, blunt,dull,insipid, without smell = insipidus,-a,-um (adj.A)

hydrocyanicus,-a,-um (adj.A): (odor) relating to almonds.

insipidus,-a,-um (adj.A): tasteless, insipid; bland, vapid, lacking or with an indistinct taste or scent.

moschatus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.: with the odor of musk.

odorless: inodorus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.

pungens,-entis (part.B): piercing, with a sharp or astringent odor.

spirans,-antis (part.B): breathing out, exhaling, emiting; see ‘smelling;’

- graviter spirantis copia thymbrae, an abundance of strongly fragrant thymbra [i.e. savory, Satureia hortensis (Lewis & Short)].

stercoreus,-a,-um (adj.A): stinking of dung, with the odor of dung.

stinking, evil-smelling: foetens,-entis (part. B), foetidus,-a,-

um (adj.A), foetulentus,-a,-um (adj.A), graveolens,-entis (part.B),

olidus,-a,-um (adj.A) 'emitting an odor.'

suaveolens,-entis (part.B): with a sweet odor.

Suaveolentia,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. suaveolentia: pleasant fragrance; opp. graveolentia,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. graveolentia: rankness of smell, fetidness.

NOTE: in Gk. compounds, names ending in ‘-odora,’ ‘-odorum’, etc. see dor-, doro-: in Gk. comp. ‘gift, gift of-;’ e.g. Lithodora, a gift of the stones or rocks; Haemodorum, from haima, blood, and doron, a gift; colour of the flowers; Haemodoraceae (Paxton).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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