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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Ostium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. ostio: door (including its frame), entrance or exit; aperture, an opening; mouth of a pore; mouth (of a river, harbor); = Gk. stoma,-atis (s.n.III) [> L. ostium,-ii (s.n.II), a mouth; an entrance of any kind]; see opening, stoma; see pore; cf. fauces (pl.f.III of faux, q.v.) (geography) a narrow entrance or outlet, “the mouth or entrance of a harbor, river; the entrance to a pass or defile” (Glare).

NOTE: Gk. stoma,-atos (s.n.III), the mouth, in Latin, os, gen.sg. oris (s.n.III); also, the mouth of a river,, Latin ostia,-ae (s.f.I), also ostia,-orum (pl.n.II), a seaport town in Latium, at the mouth of the Tiber, built by Ancus Marcius, still caled “Ostia” (Lewis & Shoret)]; Latin, ostia,-ae (s.f.I); an opening; an outlet or entrance.

Ostia,-ae (s.f.I); also ostia,-orum (pl.n.II), abl.pl. ostiis: a port at the mouth of the Tiber river.

Ostiensis,-e (adj.B): of or belonging to the Ostia.

- vera sese ostia seminis emissioni destinata, nec spuria ex ipsa gelatina seminifera appendicula esse confirmant (S&A), proven to be true ostia [i.e. entrance or exit] in themselves intended for the emission of a seed, not false appendages composed from the seminiferous gelatine itself.

- In Ostiensi litore, & praecipue circa Тyberis fauces super neglectas arbores (Mich.), on the shore of Ostia and especially around the mouth of the Tyber upon neglected trees.

- [Byssus purpurea] Autumnali, atque Brumali tempore, in ilicum corticibus per viridarium supradictum, &c. praesertim ante ostium cellae vinariae (Mich.), in the Autumnal and winter time, on the bark of Ilexes throughout the viridarium mentioned above, especially before the door of a wine cellar [i.e. storeroom].

- Меnse Decembri, non solum in agris, sed etiam in urbanis hortis ad putrida ligna, necnon in tectorum tabulis, & ostiis ligneis (Mich.), in the month of December, not only in fields but also in urban gardens on rotted wood, and also on the boards of roofs and wooden doors [+ door frames].

- In pratis humidis littoralibus Italia, & in locis ubi per hyemen aqua stagnant, signanterque circa salinas ostienses, juxta Оrbetellum, ac per Plumbini pascua mense Магtio florer (Mich.), it flourishes in the wet meadows on the shores of Italy, and in places when water stands in pools through winter [i.e. the rainy season] and specifically around the salt-pans of Ostia [at the mouth of the Tiber], between Orbetellum and throughout the meadows of Plumbini [Piombino] in the month of March.

- ostia usque 2 mm lata, pallide grisea vel grisea vel nigriscentia, ubi tacta cinnamomeo-maculata, ostia to 2 mm wide, pale gray or gray or approaching black, where touched cinnamon-spotted.

- in ostio fluminis, at the mouth of the river.

- ostium oceani, the Strait of Gibraltar.

- ostia aperta, open mouths.

- ad ostium fluminis Columbia, at the mouth of the Columbia River.

- fl. Uaupes, secus ostia frequens in truncis inundatis (Mitten), on the Uaupes River, frequent along the mouths on inundated trunks.

- in locis arenoso-lapidosis ad Fitzmaurice et Victoriae flumina eorum ostium versus (F. Muell.), in sandy-stoney places at the rivers Fitzmaurice and Victoria toward the mouth of these [i.e. toward their mouth].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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