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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Palus,-udis (s.f.III), abl.sg. palude, nom. & acc. pl. paludes, gen. pl. paludum, dat.& abl. pl. paludibus: ‘swamps which dry up in the summer” (Stearn 1983); a wetland, a marsh, swamp, bog, fen, pool, stagnant water; note that a swamp appears to be wooded, a marsh need not be, but is not peaty (i.e. a bog); see swamp; see turbarium,-ii (s.n.II) ‘peat-bog;’ often juxtaposed with uliginosus,-a,-um (adj.A), which are wetlands lacking peat deposits; see marsh; see bog;

NOTE: not palus,-i (s.m.II), q.v., abl. sg. palo: ‘a stake, prop, stay, pale;’ a paling.

- palus Asia (adj.A): “the marshy region on the river Cayster” (Lewis & Short).

- in pratis uliginosis et paludibus profundis sociis aliis muscis palustribus (Jaeg.Sauerb), in wet meadows and deep bogs with other bog-moss associates.

- in palude alpina et in paludibus regionis inferioris; in the alpine marsh and in marshes of the lower region (Stearn).

- paludes ceaspitosae (Hedwig), turfy swamps.

- paludes turfofas Sueciae inhabitat (Hedwig), it inhabits the peaty marshes of Sweden.

- in paludibus subsalinis ad South Port Tasmaniae (F. Mueller), in the brackish wetlands at South Port of Tasmania.

- in paludibus habitans, growing in swamps.

- in paludibus habitanti differt, it differs by dwelling in swamps.

- Vanilla paludosa ab omnibus aliis speciebus sui generis in palustris habitante differt, Vanilla paludosa differs from all other species of its own genus by dwelling in swamps.

- in paludibus Vogesorum (Mueller), in swamps of the Vosges [Mountains].

- in locis humidis rupestribus, ad fontes rivulosquc sylvestres praesertim, rarius in paludibus (Mueller), in moist, rocky places, at woodland streams and brooks especially, more rarely in swamps.

- (moss) per orbem totum terrarum, regionum omnium incolae, arbores, paludes, rupes atque terram diversissimam ornantes ct distributione latissima gaudentes (Mueller), throughout the whole world of lands, an inhabitant of all regions, trees, swamps, rocks and decorating rocks and the highest diversity of soil and enjoying the widest distribution.

- species ad 120, aquis paludibusque tam dulcibus quam salsis orbis terrarum incolae.(B&H), species to 120, in water and wet places [that are] sweet [i.e. fresh] as well as salt of the lands of the world.

Paludella squarrosa (a moss).
Palus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. palo: ‘a [wooden] stake, prop, stay, pale;’ a paling; syn. ridica, stipes, sudes” (Lewis & Short); “a length of unsplit wood, post, stake; a wooden peg or pin; a wooden pile” (Glare); see palisade; see prop, stake; see beam;

Stereum hirsutum (fungus): “On trees and palings” (S. Gray).

NOTE: not palus,-udis (s.f.III), q.v. ‘swamp.’

NOTE: pale (Eng. noun): “an enclosing barrier, a paling; a pointed stake driven into the ground in forming a palisade or fence; a slat fastened to a rail at top and bottom for fencing” (WIII). To pale, as an English verb ‘to enclose, provide, or bar with a fence, to fence, encircle; to furnish with vertical stripes by way of adornment, to stripe” (WIII).

- haec species ligni pinei putrescentis praesertim fabrefacti admodum cupida, sepibus, asseribus, palis etc. ubique innascitur (S&A), this species is most desirous of especially fashioned rotten piny wood, it grows everywhere in fences, beams, stakes.

- palis adjungere vitem, to join the vine to the stakes.

- palos et ridicas dolare, to cut stakes and props.

- ut pali plantae radices efficientes, plants producing roots as props.

- ut palus in pariete pampini lianae affixi, as a prop the tendrils of the liana affixed to the wall.

- ad saxa, muros, terram, palos, paulo infra limitem superiorem fluxus in Oceano Atlantico; on rocks, walls, earth, pales, a little below the upper limit of the tide in the Atlantic Ocean (Stearn).

- caespitosus crebro innascitur truncis lignisque fabrefactis (asseribus, sepibus, ponticulis etc.) constanter pineis, in sylvis et hortis (S&A), it closely grows up in sods on trunks and fashioned wood (beams, fences, little bridges etc.) strictly piny, in forests and gardens.

- in rimulis superficialibus (vix immersis) trabium palorum , lignorum quercinorum. (A&S), in the surficial little cracks (scarcely immersed) of [wooden] planks, stakes of oaken woods.

- ligni pinei et praesertim abiegni cupidus: quandoque sylvaticus et truncigenus; sed saepius hortensis domesticusve ad asseres, palos etc.(S&A), fond pf pine wood and especially fir: now and then [the wood] is native to forests and born on trunks; but more often it is of gardens or domestic, on beams, fence-posts etc.

- Littl. Brown vivarii Croft-Park palis vetuftis in Herefordia adnasci vidit, (Dill.), Littl. Brown saw it growing on the old stakes of the vivarium, Croft-Park in Herford.

Pile (Eng.noun): a long slender column usually of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete driven into the ground to carry a vertical load Merriam-webster “a long slender member usu. Of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete driven into the ground to carry a vertical load, to resist a lateral force, or to resist water or earth pressure (WIII);

- [algae] Hab. ad palos et saxa aliisque algis parasitica, in sinubus tranquillioribus; var. a. in portu Villae Francae; b. in canalibus Venetiorum frequentem legi (Agardh), on wooden piles and stones and parasitic on other algae, in the more tranquile bays; I have collected var. a. at the port of Villa Franca; b. I have collected it often occurring in the canals of the Venetians.

- algae] Hab. ad palos et saxa sinuum tranquillorum et canalium minus limpidorum maris Adriatici (Agardh), on piles and stones of tranquill bays and the less limpid [i.e. transparent] canals of the Adriatic sea.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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