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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Plant (Eng.noun), “any of numerous organisms constituting the kingdom Plantae, being typically characterized by lack of locomotive movement..., by possession of cell walls composed of cellulose...; by a nutritive system in which carbohydrates are formed photosynthetically through the action of chlorophyll and organic nutrients are not required ...” (WIII): herba,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., abl. sg. herba, nom .pl. herbae, acc. pl. herbas, dat. & abl.pl. herbis; planta,-ae (s.f.I), acc.sg. plantam, abl. sg. planta, nom. pl. plantae, gen.pl. plantarum, acc. pl. plantas, dat.& abl.pl. plantis; stirps (s.f.III), q.v., gen.sg. stirpis; vegetabile,-is (s.n.III), acc. sg. vegetabile, dat.& abl.sg. vegetabili, nom. & acc. pl. vegetabilia, gen. pl. vegetabilium, dat. & abl. pl. vegetabilibus;

Planta,-ae (s.f.I): "any vegetable production that serves to propagate the species, a sprout, shoot, twig, sprig, sucker, graft, scion, slip, cutting" (Lewis and Short); a young tree, a shrub that may be translplanted, a set, slip.

- planta mascula feminea paullisper gracilior (Mueller), male plant somewhat more slender than the female.

- Karl Ludwig Willdenow: “The tendril (cirrhus) is a filiform body, which serves for attaching plants to some support. Climbing plants (vegetabilia scandentia) are furnished with these.”

- Habitat stirps elegantissima in glariosis schistosis ad juga summa Sierra Nevada regni Granatensis (Boissier), a most elegant plant grows in schistose gravelly [places] on the highest ridge of the Sierra Nevada of the Kingdom of Granada.

- plantae annuae vel perennes, terrestres limnobiae vel aquaticae, plants annual or perennial, terrestrial growing on mud or aquatic (Stearn).

- plantae vasculares, vascular plantes, i.e. phanerogams and pteridophytes.

- herba,-ae (s.f.I) topiaria: a plant used for borders in gardens.

- herbae annuae vel perennes erectae vel repentes, glabrae, herbs annual or perennial, erect or creeping, glabrous (Stearn).

- Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum, methodical survey of British Plants.

- rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispaniam observatarum historia, an account of some rather rare plants observed in Spain (Stearn).

- clavis artificialis ad stirpes másculas solas aptata (B&H), an artificial key suitable to male plants only.

- ... unde in piscinas suas in Comitatu Eboracensi detulit & multis annis, ut fructificandi modum observaret, aluit, sed incassum; tandem anates devoraverunt plantas (Dill.), ... whence he had them carried into his own fishpond in County York and he maintained them for many years, so that he may have observed the manner of fruiting, but in vain; in the end the ducks had devoured the plants.

NOTE: pl.: abbrev. for ‘planta’;

- Pl. mascula ignota (C. Mueller), male plant unknown. NOTE: Bentham and Hooker regularly use stirps, gen. sg. stirpis, (s.m.III), q.v. for ‘plant;’

- specimina non vidimus et stirps imperfecte descripta adhuc dubia remanet (B&H), specimens we haven’t seen and plants hitherto imperfectly described remain doubtful.

Cellulares (pl.f.III) (sc. plantae): planta (s.f.I) cellularis (adj.B), nom.pl. plantae cellulares: cellular plants, “plants which do not possess vascular tissue; non-vascular Cryptogams” (Jackson).

Cellulares [sc. plantae]; “1. plants which are built up of cells only, as those last mentioned; 2. The term has been applied to all plants built up of cells, in opposition to non-cellular or unicellular” (Jackson).

Green Plants: Viridiplantae,-arum (pl.f.I); the Kingdom Plantae.

Vascular plants: planta,-ae (s.f.I) vasculosa (adj.A):

- Flora sicula, exhibens plantas vasculosas in Sicilia aut sponte crescentes aut frequentissime cultas, secundum systema naturale digestas", 1826; Sicilian flora, displaying the vascular plants in Sicily either growing spontaneously or most frequently cultivated [Karel Bořivoj Presl (1794–1852), of Prague].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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