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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Sap (Eng.noun), “the juice of a plant” (Lindley); the sugary fluid transported by the phloem; the fluid part of a plant: humor,-oris (s.m.III), abl. sg. humore, also umor,-oris (s.m.III), abl.sg. umore, “(obsol.) sap” (Lindley), the fluid occurring in plants, sap; succus (sucus),-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. succo (suco), nom. pl. succi (suci), acc. pl. succos (sucos), dat. & abl.pl. succis (sucis); humor,-oris (s.m.III), abl. sg. humore, moisture, liquid, fluid; (in Vergil) the sap of plants; lacryma,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., the exudation from certain plants, sap; 'amber;’ see juice;

Aceraceae: “All the larger species abound in a saccharine sap, from which, the fine crystalline sugar of North America is prepared (Paxton).

Acer saccharophorum, ‘sugar-bearing,’ from the sweet sap.

- [Papaveraceae] herba, v. rarissime fruticuli, succo frequenter colorato (B&H), herbs or very rarely small shrubs, with a sap that is frequently colored.

- herbae perennantes v. rarius annuae, succo flavo (B&H), herbs perennial or more rarely annual, with a yellow sap.

- herba succo praegnans, herb full of juice (Stearn).

- [Leguminosae] herbae annuae v. perennes, raro suffrutices, succo aqueo, saepissime subacrido (B&H), herbs annual or perennial, rarely somewhat shrubby, with an aqueous (i.e. clear) most often subacrid sap.

- cellulae succo intumescentes, cells swollen with sap.

- herbae succo croceo praeditae, herbs with juice saffron-coloured provided (Stearn 1983).

- herbae succo aqueo vel lacteo tumentes, herbs swelling-out with a watery [i.e. clear] or milky juice.

- arbor succo viscido lacteo dives, tree rich in viscid milky juice (Stearn).

- arbores parvae v. elatae, succo aqueo v. saccharato v. rarissime lacteo scatentes (B&H), (the genus Acer), small or tall, flowing with a watery, sugary or very rarely milky sap.

- poris superficiem laminae succo glutinosi saepientibus, with the pores enveloping the surface of the blade with a glutinous sap.

- herbae annuae aut perennes, seu suffruticosae, succo lacteo albo, rarius flavo croceo seu sanguineo, foetae (DeCandolle), an annual or perennial herb or subshrub, full of a milky white, more rarely yellow, crocus-colored or blood-red sap.

Alimonia,-ae (s.f.I), q.v.: “(obsol.) an old word for the crude or ascending sap” (Lindley); “= (obsol. L. nourishment) “ascending sap (Jackson).

Cibus,-i (s.m.II), q.v., abl.sg. cibo: food, nutriment; “the nourishment of plants, the nutritive juice” (Lewis & Short).

Granula,-ae (s.f.I) lacticis (gen.sg.): latex granules, “particles of starch or other matter, floating in the latex” (Lindley).

Humor,-oris (s.m.III), abl. sg. humore: “(obsol.) sap” (Lindley).

Lac, gen.sg. lactis (s.n.III), acc. sg. lac, abl. sg. lacte: milk, milky juice, the milky sap of plants; “a fluid having an opaque appearance, and either white, orange, or some such color, occurring in many plants” (Lindley): lac, gen.sg. lactis (s.n.III), acc. sg. lac, abl. sg. lacte.

Latex, gen. sg. laticis (s.m.III), acc. sg. laticem, abl.sg. latice. nom. & ac.pl. latices, dat. & abl.pl. laticibus: latex = “the same as lac, q.v.; but extended to any kind of viscid fluid conveyed in laticiferous vessels, whether opaque or not” (Lindley).

Lympha,-ae (s.f.I): “(obsol.) sap, the crude unelaborated fluid of vegetation” (Lindley); [lymph] “archaic: the sap of plants” (WIII).

NOTE: the word latex,-icis (s.m.III) in Classical usage 'fluid, liquid', lac, lacis (s.n.III) is 'milky juice'; latex, gen. sg. laticis (s.m.III), abl. sg. latice, ‘juice, fluid, often of a milky color, more viscous and sticky than what is thought of as sap.’

NOTE: Lindley equated ‘sap’ with ‘sapa’, presumably L. sapa,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., “must, or new wine boiled thick” (Lewis & Short).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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