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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Time (Eng.noun): tempus,-oris (s.n.III), acc.sg. tempus, abl.sg. tempore; see period, age; duration; see seasons, day, month. Hora,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., an hour.

- planta ab antiquissimis temporibus cognita sed ultimis temporibus neglecta, plant known from most ancient times but in the latest times neglected (Stearn).

- folia tempore fructificationis tenuia, postea cadentia, leaves in the time of fructification thin, afterwards falling.

- tempus (s.n.III) vernum, abl. sg. tempore verno, the time of spring.

- tempus primum (French ‘printemps’) spring.

Expressions relating to time include:

- antecedenti tempore, in the time preceding; subsequenti tempore, in the time following after.

- ad breve, for a short time (sc. tempus,-oris (s.n.III).

- a second time, once more, again: iterum (adv.), q.v.; see again; see repeatedly.

- eo tempore, at that time, at this time.

- tempore florendi, at the time of flowering.

- tempus,-oris (s.n.III) florens, 'flowering time,' abl. sg. tempore florenti; see anthesis.

- anthesis,-is (s.f.III), acc. sg. anthesin, abl.sg. anthesi: period during which the flower is open: ante anthesin; before flowering; sub anthesi, at the time of flowering; post anthesin, after the time of flowering.

- petala sub anthesi 4 mm. tandem 6 mm. longa, petals at flowering time 5 mm. ultimately 8 mm. long.

- tempore fructificationis, time of fructification.

- sub fructificatione, at the time of fruiting.

- tempore liberationis, at the time of release, or discharge.

- aliquamdiu, aliquantisper, for a while; parumper (adv.) paulisper (advs. of time), for a short time, for a little while;

- breviter (adv.), q.v., briefly; parumper (adv.) 'for a short time;'

- post anthesin sepala paulisper persistentia, after flowering the sepals for a little while persisting.

- floribus breviter purpurascentibus mox lilacinis, flowers briefly purplish soon lilac-colored.

- hactenus (adv.): thus far, until now;

- monographia tabulis omnium specierum hactenus cognitarum illustrata, monograph illustrated with plates of all species up to this time known (Stearn 1983).

- interim, meanwhile.

- mox, soon, presently;

- nunc (adv.): now, right now, just now; in these circumstances, as it is, at present, at the present time, at this time.

- semen pendulum, mox germinans, seed pendulous, soon germinating.

- petala 6, biseriatim valvata, mox aperta (B&H), petals 6, biseriately valvate, soon opened.

- never, at no time: nunquam (adv.), numquam (adv.), nullo modo (adv.), nec unquam (adv.); nonnumquam (adv.).

- semel, a single time; semper, all the time; simul, at the same time.

- duo pilei simul deliquescentes, the two pilei deliquescening at the same time.

Note that the "time when" or "within which" something happens is expressed by the ablative without a preposition.

- mense Februarii, in the month of February.

- aestate, in summer; vere, in spring; auctumno/auctumnitate, in autumn; hieme, in winter;

- aetate, with age

- die et nocte, by day and night; die, during the day; nocte, at or during the night.

- primo mense, at the beginning of the month

- die 5 Januarii, on the fifth day of January;

Adjectives of time include (all adj.A):

annotinus, of the past year, a year old;

coaetaneus, of the same age, produced at the same time;

diurnus, day-blooming (flowers);

hysteranthus, hysteranthius, following the flowers, produced after flowering;

diutinus, diuturnus, of long duration;

ephemerus, short-lived;

hodiernus, relating to the present time;

hornotinus,-a,-um (adj. A), of the present or current year;

longaevus, of great age, ancient;

nocturnus, opening at night;

primaevus, youthful;

serotinus, late;

synanthus, synanthius, produced at the same time as the flowers,

vespertinus, of or in the evening; cf. age.

ALSO: juvenalis,-e (adj.B): youthful, juvenile; juvenilis,-e (adj.B), juvenis,-e (adj.B): young, youthful; see young; opp. vetus, gen.sg. veteris, q.v., ‘old.’

a little time, a short time: tempus breve;

- petalis tempus breve apertis, with petals open a short time.

at all times, at all hours: omnibus horis: at all hours. at another time: alio tempore;

- flores ultimia aestate fertiles, alio tempore steriles, the ultimate flowers fertile in summer, at another time sterile.

at any time, ever: unquam (adv.);

- sepalis vix umquam formantibus, with sepals scarcely ever forming.

- pedunculo vix unquam theca longiore, with the peduncle scarcely ever longer than the theca.

at no time: nunquam (adv.);

- foliis semper glabris, nunquam pilosis vel pubescentibus, with the leaves always glabrous, at no time pilose or pubescent.

at one time ... at another, sometimes ... sometimes: nunc ... nunc;

- foliis nunc unistratosis nunc usque ad 5-stratosis, with the leaves sometimes unistratose sometimes up to 5-stratose.

at some time, occasionally, sometimes: aliquando (adv.), interdum (adv.), quandoque (adv.);

- pileus ater vel aliquando cinerascens, pileus black or occasionally ash-gray.

- costa indistincta, aliquando nulla, costa indistinct, sometimes none.

- capsula effracta quandoque attacta, the capsule broken whenever touched.

- frons ramosa, interdum ex apice innovante, frond branched, sometimes innovating from the apex.

at that time: tunc, tum (adv.);

- quum capsulae dehiscentes tunc valvae marchescentes, when the capsules are dehiscing then the valves wither.

at the same time: eodem tempore, insimul (adv.), simul (adv.); see ‘together;’

- foliis floribusque eodem tempore maturescentibus, with the leaves and the flowers beginning to mature at the same time.

- fructibus foliisque insimul caducis, with the fruits and leaves caducous at the same time.

- foliis strobilisque simul sempervirentibus, with the leaves and strobili together evergreen.

even at that time, even then : etiam tum;

- hieme ineunte etiam tum petala patentia, even then, at the onset of winter, the petals are spreading.

for a short time: paulisper (adv.)

- gametophyta solum paulisper fertilia, the gametophytes only for a short time fertile.

for a long time: diu (adv.), q.v.;

- calyptra diu persistens, the calyptra persisting for a long time.

for a very long time: perdiu (adv.)

- strobilis ad ramos perdiu adhaerentibus, with the strobili adherent to the branches for a very long time.

for some time: ad tempus, aliquamdiu (adv.);

- strobilis ad ramos ad tempus adhaerentibus, with the strobili adhaerent to the branches for some time.

- petalis aliquamdiu apertis, with the petals for some time open.

from time to time, now and again, at, times, sometimes: interdum (adv.), subinde (adv.);

- hyphis elongatis, interdum ramosis, with hyphae elongate, sometimes branched.

- pileus flavus subinde caerulescens, the pileus yellow, sometimes somewhat blue.

- planta subinde per gemmas filamentosas se regenerans, plant from time to time reproducing itself by filamentous gemmae.

from this time, then, after this: dehinc (adv.), hinc (adv.);

- folia vere ineunte gemmas efficientia, dehinc gametophyta producentia, leaves at the beginning of spring producing gemmae, from this time gametophytes bringing forth.

in time: per tempus;

- margine pilei primo dura, per tempus deliquescente, with the margin of the pileus at first hard, in time liquifying.

in a short time: brevi tempore;

- coloniae brevi tempore 5 cm attingentes, the colonies in a short time reaching 5 cm.

past time, time before the present: quondam (adv.), once, once upon a time;

- genus quondam late diffusum donec peste exterminatum, the genus once widely distributed until by disease exterminated.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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