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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

abiens, gen. sg. abeuntis, abl. sg. abeunte; abeuntes (nom. & acc. pl., part. B): departing, changing suddenly into (with in and acc.), passing away, leaving off, going out (from); dying, expiring, passing away [> L. abeo, -ivi or -ii,-itum, -ire, to go away, depart; to pass away; to be changed from, be transformed; to depart from; to depart, go away; to forsake, desert; to pass away, die; to fall away, sink, as below a surface; to extend away (from); to change or be transformed into; to disappear by decaying; to be reduced; (of time) to pass, go by, end (Lewis & Short)]; cf. diverging; cf. egrediens,-entis (part.B): coming forth, passing out of;

abeant third-person plural present active subjunctive; [he/she] it [would depart, change into, go out from, to be transformed into;

- [algae] Utrum his adnumerandae sint Diatomeae, an potius ad regnum animale abeant, inter Auctores gravissimos nondum constat (Agardh), whether these Diatomeae should be included, or preferrably to be transferred into the animal kingdom, is not yet agreed upon among the most respected authors.

abierant: third-person plural pluperfect active indicative: they had decayed, passed away, fallen away

- [musci] opercula abierant et calyptrae (C. Mueller), the opercula had fallen away and also the calyptrae.

abit: third-person singular present active indicative: [he/she] it departs, passes away, transforms, changes from.

- [Sphaeria; fungi] sphaerulae centrales arcte congestae, marginales sparsae: adolescentes gelatina fluxili turgent quae dein capsulae etiamnum inclusa in massam albam farinaceo-viscidam maturescens abit (S&A), the central sphaerules tightly congested, the marginal ones scatteres: the adolescent [specimens] swollen with a gelatinous fluid, which then, still included in the capsule, when maturing transforms into a white, farinaceous-viscid mass.

abiisset: 3d person sg. pluperfect active subjunctive: [he/she] it [may have, should have] had transformed?

- nerviis sub angulo 90* egredientibus, with the nerves going out at an angle of 90 degrees.

- nerviis sub angulo 90* abeuntibus, with the nerves going out at an angle of 90 degrees.

- carpellis compressis orbiculari-ovatis punctulatis superficie fere glabris, marginem exteriorem versus sparse ciliatis, in mucronem longum apice circinnato-uncinatum glabrum abeuntibus (Boissier), with the carpels compressed, orbicular-ovate, punctulate, nearly glabrous [i.e. hairless] on the surface, toward the outer margin sparsely ciliate, at the apex extending away into a long, circinnate-uncinate mucro.

- bracteis involucri gradatim in paleas receptaculi abeuntibus (B&H), with the bracts of the involucre gradually changing into the paleae of the receptacle.

- planta superiore parte in lacinias subdivergentes abeunte, plant in the upper part suddenly changing into subdivergent laciniae.

- frondes in gelatinam antea abeuntes, before the fronds change into a jelly.

- folia filamentis e nervo medio abeuntibus, leaves with filaments arising from mid nerve.

- nervis secundariis sub angulo 60°—75°(—90°) abeuntibus, with secondary nerves going out at an angle of 60*-75* (-90*).

- segmentis ad rachin insertis sub angulo 30-35* (non 60-75*) abeuntibus, with the segments inserted on the rhachis diverging at an angle of 30-35* (not 60-75*).

- hinc germinantes cito in formam sphaericam abeuntes, from here germinating, quickly changing into a spherical form.

- stipite harum basi tubuloso in frondem planam saepius abeunte, with the stipe of these (sc. species) tubulose at the base quite often changing into a flat frond.

- [alga] frondes colore saepissime virides, rarius in olivaceum aut violaceum abeuntes (Agardh), the fronds most often green in color, more rarely changing into olivaceous or violaceous [sc. color].

- [alga] Rhachis racemi angulata, sulcata, in pedicellum ultimum abeuns [sic] Pedicelli breves lineam longi, subaequales, recti, firmi. Terminalis ceteris duplo longior (Agardh), the rhachis of the raceme angled, sulcate, going out into a terminal pedicel. The pedicels short, a line long, nearly equal, straight, firm. The terminal one two times longer than the others. NOTE; ‘abeuns’ should probably be ‘abiens,’ q.v.

- [alga] ramu1is alternatim secundis (i.e. quibusdam continuo ad unum latus, aliis ad alterum latus abeuntibus) (Agardh), with the branchlets alternately secund (i.e. with certain ones going out directly to one side, others to the alternate side).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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