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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Antheridium, antherid, “the so-called male organs of Urn-mosses and similar plants” (Lindley); “1. the male sexual organ in Cryptogams, the analogue of the anther in Phanerogams; 2. in Hymenomycetes, an old term for cystidium” (Jackson); “in Cryptogams the organ corresponding to an anther” (Fernald 1950); (mosses) the male reproductive organ, the male gametangium, broadly cylindric to globose, stalked structure producing antherozoids (sperm cells); “male gametangium; a multicellular globose to broadly cylindric, stalked structure containing spermatozoids” (Magill 1990); (fungi) the male gametangium (Ainsworth & Bisby): antheridium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. antheridio, nom. & acc. pl. antheridia, dat. & abl. pl. antheridiis [dim. of anthera,-ae (s.f.I); syn. androgonium (Magill 1990); see archegonium,-ii (s.n.II), the female reproductive organ; see gametangium;


NOTE: (in mosses) inflorescentia ex antheridiis archegoniis et paraphysibus formata (C. Muell.), the inflorescence is formed with the antheridia, archegonia and paraphyses.

- antheridia solitaria ad furcas secundas et tertias (rarius primas) ramulorum primariorum nonnunquam ad ramulos secundarios posita, antheridia solitary, at second and third (rarely first) forks of the primary branchlets sometimes on secondary branchlets placed (Stearn 1983).

- (moss) folium perigonii intimum brevissimum, antheridia prorsus involvens (DozyMoeken), the innermost leaf of the perigonium very short, entirely enveloping the antheridium.

- (moss) inflorescentia ex antheridiis archegoniis et paraphysibus formata. Pedunculus basi vagina cinctus (Mueller),the inflorescence formed from antheridia, archegonia and paraphyses. The peduncle [i.e. seta] girdled at the base by a sheath.

- (moss) archegonia crassiuscula eparaphysata; antheridia parva eparaphysata (Mueller), the archegonia somewhat thick, lacking paraphyses; the antheridia small, lacking paraphyses.

- (moss) antheridia in foliorum superiorum axillis nuda (Mueller), antheridia naked in the axils of the upper leaves.

- (moss) antheridia foliis 1 —3 perigonialibus cinctae (Mueller), the antheridia girdled [i.e. surrounded] by 1-3 perigonial leaves.

- (moss) flores masculi [i.e. perigonium] (quos deciduos inter plantas pulvinatas invenimus) forsan basilares antheridio ut videtur unico globoso- ovali membranaceo tenero hyalino (Mueller), the male flowers (which, deciduous we had encountered among pulvinate plants) perhaps basal, with an antheridium apparently single, globose-oval, membranaceous, delicate, hyaline.

- (moss) gemmulam minimam e foliis duobus lato-ovalibus brevi acuminatis minimis brunneis compositam sed antheridiis carentem invenimus, quam florem masculum antheridiis abortivis esse putamus (Mueller), we have encountered a tiny gemmule composed of two leaves, broadly oval, short-acuminate, very small, brown, but lacking antheridia, which we consider to be the male flower [i.e. perigonium], with the antheridia abortive.

- (moss) flos masculus in ramo proprio ad radicem plantae femineae terminalis antheridiis brevibus crassiusculis et paraphysibus ejusdem formae numerosis praeditus (Mueller), the male flower [i.e. perigonium] on its own branch is terminal at the root [i.e. base] of the female plant provided with antheridia short, somethat thick and with the paraphyses of the same shape numerous.

Globulus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. globulo: a little ball, globule; “the antheridium of Chara” (Lindley).

Jacket Cells: (in bryology) “the outer layer of cells of an antheridium” (Magill 1990): cellula (s.f.I) tunicata, nom. pl. cellulae tunicatae.

Staminidium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. staminidio, nom. & acc. pl. staminidia: “the so-called anthers of Cryptogamic plants” (Lindley) [> Gk. stamen + (dim.) -idion].

NOTE: the antheridia are contained in the perigonium, q.v.; the archegonia are contained in the perichaetium,-ii (s.n.II), q.v.; see archegonium,-ii (s.n.II), the female reproductive organ. The androecium, q.v., is the antheridia and surrounding bracts (perigonium), constituting the male inflorescence. The female counterpart is the gynoecium.

NOTE: (mosses) Hedwig: folliculus spermaticus, pl. folliculi spermatici, the reproductive follicles = the antheridia; the filum succulentum, pl. fila succulenta, or succulent filaments are the paraphyses:

- flos masculus in summitate trunci disciformis, foliis perigonialibus extimis maximis recurvis, interspersis perquam numerosis folliculis spermaticis filisque succulentis ante explosionem breuioribus, subin longioribus, minutulis. the male flower at the summit of the trunk [i.e. the lower, unbranched part of the stem] disc-shaped, with the outermost perigonial leaves the most recurved, interspersed with with extremely numerous spermatic follicles [i.e. antheridia] and succulent filaments [i.e. paraphyses], shorter before the discharge, shortly afterwards longer, nearly minute.

NOTE: the antheridium in Chara is bursa,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. bursa (Jackson); see bursa,-ae (s.f.I).
antheridium-like: antheridiiformis,-e (adj.B).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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