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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Circumference, “1. the line that bounds a circular plane surface or the length of this line equal to [pi] times the diameter: perimeter; periphery, circuit; 2. the surface or outer limits of a sphere or rounded body: the measure of the perimeter of a great circle or sphere; also limits, bounds” (WIII); often contrasted with ‘ad centrum,’ or ‘in centro,’ ‘at the center,’ as in Composites, the ray-flowers are circumferential, the tube flowers in the center; = linea,-ae (s.f.I) circumcurrens (part.B), abl. sg. linea circumcurrente: periphery, circumference; many of these words also refer to the outline of a figure; see outline; also used for the edge or margin of an outline; see edge, margin; see semicircle;

Ambitus,-us (s.m.IV), abl. sg. ambitu, a circuit, circular motion, circumference, outline, the exterior edge or periphery, perimeter;

- mares, flosculorum androgynorum, in centro fructificationis; feminae, in ambitu (Necker), the males of the androgynous florets, in the center of the fructification; the females on the periphery.

- [liverwort) frond segmentis linearibus, dichotomis, dichotomiarum angulis patentibus, radiato-expansis, ita ut frondis totius ambitus sit subrotundus (Hooker), the frond with linear, dichotomous [i.e. forked] segments, with the angles of the dichotomies [i.e. forks] spreading, expanded ina radiant manner, so that thus the circumference of the whole frond may be nearly round.

Circinatio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. circinatione: circination lit. the describing of a circle, the circumference of a circle; a circle; a line describing the circular path of the planets; see circumference;

- linea,-ae (s.f.I) circinationis [gen.sg.], the line of the circular path of the planets.

- circinatio circuli (gen.sg. circulus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. circinatione circuli, the [circumferential] line of a circle.

Circumferentia,-ae (s.f.I), the circumference; see circumferentia,-ae (s.f.I).

Circuitio,-onis (s.f.III), abl.sg. circuitione; also circumitio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. circumitione: a going the rounds; a digression; a circumference, compass.

Circuitus,-us (s.m.IV), abl. sg. circuitu: periphery, circumference;

- mares flosculorum androgynorum, plures in centro; in circuitu ejusdem fructificationis, femina: 4 (Necker), the males of the androgynous florets, several in the center; on the circumference of the same fructification, the females 4.

- flosculi staminiferi, ad circuitum floris, the staminiferous florets on the periphery of the flower.

Circumductus,-us (s.m.IV), abl. sg. circumductu: the circumference of a figure; a revolution, a motion in a circle (Lewis & Short);

Circumscriptio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. circumscriptione: boundary, outline, circuit, circumference; a limit, contour, circuit; an encircling, a circle; more generally used to describe the outline of an object.

Perimetrum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. perimetro: perimeter, a line or strip bounding an area, the perimeter or physical boundary of a (closed) area: perimetrum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. perimetro;

Peripheria,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. periphera, q.v. = circumferentia,-ae (s.f.I), q.v.

- vacuolis contractilibus numerosis per totam cellulae peripheriam sparsis, with contractile vacuoles numerous over the whole circumference of the cell dispersed (Stearn 1983).

Radius,-ii (s.m.II), abl. sg. radio: “the circumference of the circle formed by umbels or capitula, or of other such parts” (Lindley); “the ray of Compositae, the outermost florets when distinct in form from those composing the disk” (Jackson);

- [Inula] Cor. Composita radiata, lata. Corollulae hermaphrodltae, aequalis altitudinis, numerosissimae in disco. Femineae ligulatae, numerosae, confertae, in radio (L.), the corolla compound, radiate, broad. The florets hermaphrodite, of an even height, very numerous on the disc. The female ligulate, numerous, crowded, on the ray [i.e. the outermost florets on the circumference].

- [Arnica] Cor. Composita, radiata. Corollulae hermaphrodltae in disco numerossissima. Femlneae in radio, circiter viginti (L.), the corolla compound, radiate. The hermaphrodite corollules [i.e. florets] on the disc very numerous. The Females on the ray [i.e. circumference], around 20.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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