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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

cl.(abbrev.), also clar., also clariss.: clarissimus,-a,-um (adj.A), ‘most renowned, most celebrated, most eminent; honorable or most honorable, most esteemed; see clarus,-a,-um (adj.A);

NOTE: V.C., VC.: vir clarissimus, a man most illustrious.

- hab. ad margines fossarum circa Carolopolim Carolinae Inferioris (cl. Ravenel detexit), it grows at the margines of ditches around Carolpolis [=Charleston] of Lower (i.e. South) Carolina (the esteemed Ravenel discovered it).

- [Lichenum; lichen] modo sterile visum, lectum a cl. Fr. Mùller in Mexico, Orizaba, inter Jungermannias (Nyl.), only a sterile [sc. specimen] seen, collected by the eminent Fr. Mueller in Mexico, Orizaba, among Jungermannias [i.e. liverworts].

- MÜLLER, J. (1894a): Lichenes Eckfeldtiani a cl. Dr. J. W. Eckfeldt Philadelphensi, praesertim in Mexico lecti; Eckfeldtian Lichens, collected, primarily in Mexico, by the eminent Dr. J. W. Eckfeldt of Philadelphia.

- MÜLLER, J. (1893c): Lichenes Neo-Caledonici a cl. B. Balansa in Nova Caledonia lecti; Nova Scotian Lichens collected by the eminent B. Balansa in Nova Scotia [Canada].

- [moss] Folia Cl. Bridel etiam disticha false dixit (C. Muell.), the esteemed Bridel also erroneously said the leaves were distichous.

- Flores non vidi, ex cl. Hook. descriptione in Ph. [Phebalium] truncato octandri, sed nihilo minus in tabula lithographica staminibus decem pictore illustrati (F. Muell.), I have not seen the flowers, 8-stamened according to the description of the celebrated Hooker in Phebalium truncatum, but illustrated nevertheless with 10 stamens in the lithographic plate by the painter.

clar. = clarissimus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- [LICHEN islandicus] in anno historico-naturali 11 sequenti modo hunc describit Clar. Scopolius, initium, inquit, plantæ nullum, sed laciniae coriaceae, rigidae, dissectae, unciales, biunciales & quadriunciales (Necker, Method.), just recently in the historic-natural year 11 following, the most eminent Scopolius describes this [Lichen], the onset [i.e. beginning] he says, is nothing of a plant but leathery, rigid, dissected, one-inch, two-inch and four-inch laciniae.

- Analysi chimica nulla animalitatis principia exhibent teste Clar. Pallasio: porro nec soliditas fragilitasque corallinarum validior certiorque character eft, ut a vegetabili regno excludantur, quam coriacea atque cartilaginea fucorum natura (Necker), they exhibit [i.e. show], by chemical analysis, no principles of animality [i.e. the state of being an animal], according to the most eminent Pallasius [i.e. Pallas]: furthermore, solidity and fragility [i.e. brittleness] is not a stronger and more certain character of the corallines, such that [i.e. so that] they may be removed from the vegetable [i.e. plant] kingdom, than the leathery and cartilaginous nature of the fuci [i.e. sea-wracks] is.

Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811 https://www.biodiversitylibrary/creator/469 Elenchus zoophytorum sistens generum adumbrationes generaliores et specierum cognitarum succintas descriptiones, cum selectis auctorum synonymis/

clariss. = superl. of clarus,-a,-um (adj.A): clarissimus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- Calycothrix megaphylla a clariss. Gregory ad Macadam Range reperta differt foliis majoribus (F. Mueller), Calycothrix megaphylla, discovered by the most eminent Gregory at Macadam Range differs by the leaves larger.

- Calycothrix megaphylla a clariss. Gregory ad Macadam Range reperta differt foliis majoribus lanceolatis planiusculis non ciliatis (F. Muell.), Calycothrix megaphylla, found by the most eminent Gregory at the Macadm Range, differs by the leaves larger, lanceolate, rather flat, not ciliate.

- Boronia granulata (a clariss. C. Moore prope urbem Goulburn reperta) quidem praecedenti affinis est, facillime tamen disernitur [sic] tam ramis dense tuburculatis [sic] teretibus, quam antheris appendicula destitutis (F. Muell.), Boronia granulata (found by the most eminent C. Moore near the city of Goulburn) [although] is certainly related to the preceding, it is nevertheless most easily distinguished as much by the branches densely tuberculate, terete [i.e. round-cylindrical], as by the anthers lacking appendiculae [i.e. small appendages].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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