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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

colliculosus,-a,-um (adj.A), colliculatus,-a,-um (adj.A): colliculose, bumpy, covered with bumps, beset with little rounded or hillock-like elevations or swellings; “covered by little round elevations or hillocks” (Lindley; Jackson); (in fungi) “having little round elevations” (S&D); (geographic) uplands, region of low hills; cf. glebulosus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., glebulose, with rounded elevations or processes; grumulosus,-a,-um (adj.A), grumulatus,-a,-um (adj.A): covered or beset with little rounded or hillock-like elevations or swellings;

NOTE: bumpy: (of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest, uneven, rough.

- [fungi] discus veluti per papillarum rudimenta colliculosus vel undulatus, pruina tenui cinerea dense constratus est (S&A), the disc is colliculate or undulate as if by rudimentary papillae, densely overspread with a thin, ash-white pruina [i.e. a waxy, powdery secretion].

- [fungi] cortex super quovis poro in ostiolum hemisphaericum, globulo cirrhulove spermatico nigro demum deciduo paullo post coronatum, plerumque elevatur, unde fungo effoeto tota facies colliculis istis aggregatis apice pertusis horret (S&A), the cortex [i.e. skin] is usually elevated above by some kind of pore into a hemispheric ostiole, [which is] somewhat later crowned by an ultimately deciduous, black, reproductive globulus or cirrhulus, for which reason, after the fungus is past bearing [i.e. depleted] the whole face [i.e. appearance] is roughened by those clustered little bumps, perforated [i.e. having holes] at the apex.

- [fungi] S. parasitica tenuis effusa tomentosa viridis, ostiolis dense congestis fuscescentibus colliculosa (S&A), S. parasitica thin, spread out, tomentose, green colliculose [i.e. bumpy] with densely congested brownish-black ostioles.

- [fungi] capillamento laxo intertextus, in volumen commune coalitus est, cujus superficies glaberrima lucens supra colliculos hemisphaericos, qui sunt capillitiorum singulorum apices, regulariter dispositos ostendit (S&A), interwoven with a lax mass of fibers, grown together into a common volume [i.e. mass or quantity], the surface of which is absolutely smooth, shining, above, it displays hemisphaeric hillocks [i.e. bumps], which are the apices of uniformly arranged individual capillitia.

- pileus grandis (spithamaea habuimus exempla), compactus, coriaceus, plus minus viscosus, colliculoso-rugosus, ceterum planus, tomento albido (margine excepto) saepe obductus (S&A), the pileus big (we have had specimens a spitamaea large [i.e. 19 cm]), compact, leathery, more or less viscous, colliculose-roughened, otherwise flat, often beset with a whitish tomentum (except on the margin).

- [fungus] membrana crassa, mollis, a matrice facile solubilis, epapillata: supra altero latere colliculorum ac gyrorum velutina subnitens ex albo flavicans (S&A), the membrane thick, soft, easily set free from the matrix, lacking papillae: above on one side of the collicula and circles velvety, somewhat shining yellowish from a white color.

- [fungi] basis intus transversim plicata colliculosa (S&A), the base inside transversely plicate [i.e. folded] colliculose [i.e. bumpy].

- [fungi] margine varie incisam, intus colliculoso–costatam saepe pustulato-vesiculosam, extus farinosam quandoque giganteam 4—6 uncialem, hymenio a receptaculo facillime discedente (S&A), variously incised at the margin, inside colliculose-ribbed often pustulate-vesiculose, externally farinose, sometime gigantic 4-6 inches, with the hymenium very easily separating.

geographic (uplands, region of low hills); cf. collinus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- [fungi] rarius occurrit in pinetis colliculosis sicciusculis (S&A), more rarely it occurs in somewhat dry, upland pine associations.

- [fungi] copiose provenit in pinetis (vix abietinis) nostris , apprime siccioribus colliculosis (S&A), it occurs copiously in our Pine (not abietine [i.e. fir] associations, especially in the drier low hills.

- [fungi] bis lecti caespites aliquot speciei elegantis in graminosis colliculosis humidis post imbres diuturnos (S&A), several clumps of the elegant species were collected twice in low-hilly, moist places after rains that last a long time.

- [fungi] aliquoties lectum in colliculosis graminosis subumbrosis (S&A), collected at different times in low-hilly, grassy somewhat shady places.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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