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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

concolor (adj. B; note nom.sg. the same in all genders, i.e. with one ending), concolorans,-antis (adj.B), concolorus,-a,-um (adj.A): concolorous; of the same color (as the subject of comparison), matching; uniform in color, of one color throughout + dative; “of the same color as some other thing compared with it” (Lindley); [in bryophytes) “uniform in color” (Magill 1990); (in fungi) “(of gills, stipe, etc.) of the same color as the pileus” (S&D) [> L. con-, like, similar to, in company with + color, ‘color, tint’]; opp. varicolor (adj.B), of various or several colors; opp. discolor (adj.B), of two or more colors; cf. conformis,-e (adj.B), of the same shape.

Gk. = homochromus,-a,-um (adj.A); opp. heterochromus,-a,-um (adj.A).

NOTE: in nom.sg. there is only one ending for all three genders.

NOTE: abl.sg. ends in –i, but often is written with an -e; neuter nom.&acc. pl. ends in –ia.

NOTE: search of botanical epithet lists shows there is no –coloratus,-a,-um (part.A) or –colorus,-a,-um (adj.A) compounds in epithets in botany, i.e. compounds prefixed by a (specified) color.

Cf. itidem coloratus,-a,-um (part.A), similarly or likewise colored;

- [moss] theca olivacea, brunnea vel tandem purpurea. Peristomium itidem coloratum firmum (C.Muell.), theca olive-colored, brown or in the end purple. The peristome similarly colored, firm.

- concolor est illis (+ dat.), the same color as those.

- concolor auro (+ dat.), the same color as (with) gold.

- sepala et petala plerumque conformia et concoloria (B&H), sepals and petals usually of the same shape and color [i.e. uniform or matching in shape and color].

- petala coccineo-aurantiaca basi concoloria (DeCandolle), the petals deep red to orange-red, the same color at the base.

- flores confines concolores, adjacent flowers of the same color.

- petala concoloria, coccinea rosea v. alba (B&H), the petals the same in color, deep red [i.e. scarlet], rose-colored or white.

- folia oblonga v. lineari-oblonga, tenuiter coriacea, margino undulata, obtusa, integerrima, venulosa, concoloria (B&H), leaves oblong or linear-blong, thinly coriaceous [i.e. leathery], full of prominent veinlets, uniform in color.

- [fungi] pileus in nostris e gilvo dilute fuligineus: stipes concolor, nunc distinctius, nunc obsoletius reticulatus (S&A), the pileus in our [sc. species] to pale sooty-brown from yellowish tan: the stipe of the same color, sometimes more distinctly, sometimes more obscurely reticulate.

- lamina margini concolor, lamina the same color as the margine.

- contextus paginae pororum concolor, context the same color as the surface of the pores.

- synnemata mycelio concoloria, synnemata with the mycelium the same color.

- carpellis stylo recto concolori rostratis (DeCandolle), with the carpels rostrate with a straight style of the same color.

- illa ab hac porro discernitur ramis teretibus, foliis minoribus exstipulatis paene concoloribus (F. Mueller), this one from the latter is distinguished besides by the terete branches, the leaves smaller, lacking stipules, almost all the same color.

- thallus totus (supra infraque) confertissime isidioso-rugulosus vel isidio furfuraceo concolori fere totus obtectus, sordide cinereo-virescens (Nyl.), the whole thallus (above and also below) most compactly isidiose-slightly wrinkled or the whole nearly covered with furfuraceous uniformly colored isidium, greenish to dirty ash white.

- [fungi] stipes pileo praeter tomentum baseos niveum prorsus concolor, breviusculus (3/4 unc. fere longus), solidus, subelasticus (S&A), the stipe except for the snow-white tomentum of the base is entirely of the same color with the pileus, rather short (almost 3/4 inch long), solid, somewhat elastic.

- [moss] operculo brevi conoideo obtuso, thecae concolori. (C. Muell.), with the operculum short, somewhat conic, the same color as the theca.

- [lichen] thallus subtus concolor vel magis albescens adfixus (rhizinis non evidentibus) (Nyl.), thallus attached, underneath of the same color or more whitish (with the rhizines not evident [i.e. clearly visible]).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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