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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

conformis,-e (adj.B, late Latin): conformed, “of the same form as some other thing” (Lindley); “1. similar in form; 2. closely fitting, as a seed-coat to the nucellus” (Jackson); similar, like, agreeing closely, of the same shape as, with genitive; similar in shape and size to others, + dative; (in ferns) commonly applied to an apical pinna in comparison with the lateral pinnae of a lamina; antonym difformis,-e (adj.B), non conformis,-e (adj.B);

“conforming to the type; similar in shape or other ways to related species” (Stearn 1996);

- specimen conf. Bryothecae europaea no. 457, specimen similar to no. 457 of the Bryotheca europaea [an exsiccat].

- semen cavitati conforme, facie semper concavum v. saltem sulcatum (B&H), the seed of the same shape as the cavity [or ‘close-fitting to the cavity], with the face always concave or at least grooved.

- semen baccae conforme; testa laevi, crustácea (B&H); the seed close-fitting to the berry, the seed coat smooth, crustaceous [i.e. hard, thin and brittle].

- apicibus pinnarum apicum laminarum conformibus laminarum, with the apices of the pinnae conforming to (similar to) the apices of the blades.

- embryo semini conformis, the embryo of the same shape as the seed.

- [alga] tendentia frondis centrifugali saepe oritur juxta basin protuberantia, quae sensim a matrice segregatur, magnitudine fere pisi majoris (Agardh), with the tendency [i.e. course of development] of the frond centrifugal, often with a protuberance arisen next to the base, which gradually is segregated from the matrix, with the size almost of a larger pea.

- (algae) Fructus duplex: Favèlla in apice ramulorum terminales solitaria, involucro penicilliformi tectae, è sporis pyriformibus intra perisporium hyalinum conforme singulis, denique arcte conglobatis, constantes (Agardh), fruit double: the favella solitary terminal in the apex of the branchlets, covered with the penicilliform involucre, composed of pyriform spores, individually among the hyaline perisporium individually similar perisporium, ultimately closely conglobate [i.e. gathered into a ball].

- petala 6, biseriatim valvata, exteriora sepalis conformia et subaequalia, interiora multo majora (B&H), the petals 6, valved in two rows, the outer similar and nearly equal, the inner much larger.

- Cystolithae [sic], a Weddellio praecipue commentatae, in hac tribu prae aliis conspicuae, in Fleurya et in Procridibus plurimis lineares sunt, in Myriocarpa insigniter radiantes, in generibus caeteris punctiformes v. hinc inde oblongae v. fusiformes, vix tamen in eodem genere semper conformes (B&H), the cystoliths, especially studied by Weddell, in this tribe conspicuous above the rest, are linear in Fleurya and in [many]Procrides [i.e. species of Procris], in Myriocarpa .... radiating, in other genera they are punctiform [i.e. dot-shaped] or here and there oblong or fusiform, scarcely, however, always the same shape in the same genus.

- lobis calycis triangularibus, inaequalibus (non ovatis conformibus, with the lobes of the calyx triangular, unequal (not ovate, similar in shape). to distr to do

subconformis,-e (adj.B): somewhat resembling, somewhat agreeing. TO DISTR.

- petala 5, sepalis subconformia, 2 superiora minora, lateralia adscendentia, antico majore porrecto (B&H), the petals 5, of nearly the same shape as the sepals, the upper two smaller, the laterals ascending, with the antical [petal] larger, extended.

- uredosori conformes sed obscuriores, brunnei, compacti (Stearn), the teleutosori similar but less conspicuous, brown, compact.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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