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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Corniculum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. corniculo, nom.& acc.pl. cornicula, dat. & abl.pl. corniculis: hornlette, a little horn, a small horn-like appendage; = cornulum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. cornulo [> L. corniculum,-i (s.n.II), a small horn; a small projection resembling a horn; (in botany) a horn-shaped pod” (Glare)]; cf. calcar,-aris (s.n.III); see cornet;

NOTE: not cornicula,-ae (s.f.I) (s.n.II) a little crow.

Hornlette, a small horn-like appengage; “1. the male organ of Vaucheria, a papilla or projection from the filament (Cooke); 2. a little horn (Crozier)” (Jackson): corniculum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. corniculo;

- [Gaultheria] antherae bicornes: corniculis bifidis (Linn.), the anthers two-horned: with the cornicula bifid.

- [Hamamelis] Per. Capsula ovata, ossea, calyce semitecta, apice utrinque sulcata, bicornis corniculis horizontalibus, bilocularis, bivalvis (Linn.), Perianth. Capsule ovate, bony, half-covered by the calyx, at the apex on both sides sulcate, two horned, with the cornicula horizontal, bilocular, bivalved.

- [Asclepias] nectaria quinque, cingentia genitalia, quorum singula oblique extrorsum aurita, e cujus fundo corniculum acutum, versus genitalia inflexum (Linn.), nectaries five, surrounding the genitalia, each one of which on the outside obliquely auriculate, from the base of which an acute corniculum [i.e. with a small horn-like appendage], inflexed toward the genitalia.

- [Swertia] nectaria in una specie subtus prominent corniculis (Linn.), the nectaries in one species project below with cornicula [small horn-like appendages].

- [Kalmia] cornicula nectarifera decem, extus e corolla prominentia, & ambientia corollam, ubi Limbi ambitus erigitur (Linn.), nectariferous cornicula 10, prominent external to the corolla and surrounding the corolla, where the circumference of the limb is set up.

- [Caryophyllus] germen oblongum, magnum, corniculis quatuor rigidis patentibus terminantum [sic](Linn.), the ovary oblong, large, terminating with four rigid spreading cornicula.

- antherae oblongae, 4-loculares, (duobus loculïs utroque latere, quorum opercula erecta persistunt, quasi cornicula) (Swartz), anthers oblong, 4-locular, (with the two locules on each side, the opercula of which erect, persistent, as if little horns).

- Helleborus est plantae genus, flore rosaceo, plurimis scilicet petalis in orbem positis constante: ex cujus meditullio surgit pistillum plurimis corniculis, inter stamina & petala jacentibus circa basim cinctum (Tourn.), Hellebore is a type of plant, with a rose-like flower, namely composed of many petals arranged in a disc: from the middle of which arises the pistil surrounded around the base by many cornicula [i.e. little horn-like appendages], produced between the stamens and petals.

- (algae) in cellulis eremobiis talia cornicula observantur 5, singulos radios terminantia in cellulis radialibus coenobiorum 4, angulos loborum occupantia, lateralia cum iis cellulae vicinae plerumque in unum confluentia indeque commissuralia (Braun), in eremobic cells 5 such things like little horns were seen, four terminating each individual ray in the radial cells of the coenobia, occupying the angles of the lobes, the lateral ones usually with those of the neighboring cells confluent into one [i.e. a unit] and for that reason are commissural.

- [Pediastrum ehrenbergii; algae] Cornuum loco membranae prolongationes teneriores et minus rigidae adsunt, aut beviores dentiformes, aut in cornicula longiora protractae, maxime pellucidae, hinc observatorem facile fugientes (Braun), at the locality of the cornicula occur more delicate and less rigid prolongations of the membrane, either shorter, tooth-shaped, or protracted into longer cornicula, very pellucid, for which reason easily escaping the observer.

- [Pediastrum ehrenbergii; algae] in variatione truncata cornicula commissuralia nonnunquam omnino deficiunt(Braun), in variation [i.e. variety] ‘truncata’ the commissural cornicula sometimes are completely lacking.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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