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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

ej. abbrev.: = ejus, q.v.; cf. ‘eor,’ his, hers, its;

NOTE to examples:

cf. ‘see’ or ‘see also,’ but it is usually understood as ‘compare.’

cl. or Cl. = clarissimus,-a,-um (adj.A), most esteemed; see clarus,-a,-um (adj.A).

ej. = ejus, ‘his, hers, its’

f. = filius, the son (of an author with a botanist father of the same name to differentiate the son’s authority as opposed to the father’s authority for scientific names).

ib., or ibid. = ibidem (adv.), referring to the source cited in the preceding note;

in litt. = in litteris, in a letter; in writings or correspondence;

l. c. = loc. cit., ‘in the place just cited;’

hb. = ‘herbarium;’

p. = pagina, ‘page of a book;’

t., or tab. = tabula, plate (full page illustration).

vol. = volume: volumen,-inis (s.n.III), abl.sg. volumine, one of a series of books forming a complete work or collection.

- [Bruchia flexuosa; moss synonymy] Sporledera flexuosa Hmp. in litt. et Sporledera Drummondi ej. ib. (C. Muell.), [=] Sporledera flexuosa Hampe in [his correspondence] and his Sporledera Drummondi [in the source just cited, i.e. his correspondence].

- [Distichium inclinatum; moss synonymy in a footnote] Cynodontium inclinatum Hedw. Sp. Musc. I. p. 155. Cynontodium incl. ej. ibid. p. 58. — Swartzia inclinata ej. Musc. Frond. II. p. 74. tab. 27. (C. Muell.), [=] Cynodontium inclinatum Hedwig Species Muscorum [vol.] I [page] 155. Cynodontium incl[inatum] of his [book] [in the same source] [page] 58. = Swartzia inclinata of his Muscorum Frondosorum [vol.] II [page] 74, [plate] 27.

- [Hypnum asplenioides; moss synonymy] Dicranum asplenioides Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. III. p. 1770. — Hypnum asplenioides ej. Prodr. p. 110 (C. Muell.), [=] Dicranum asplenioides Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. [vol.] III [page] 1770. His Hypnum asplenioides in the Prodromus [page] 110 [‘his’ = Swartz].

- Sphagnum squarrosum Pers. (in litt. ad P. B.; cf. ej. Prodr. p. 88.) (C. Muell.), Sphagnum squarrosum Pers. (in correspondence to Palissot de Beauvois; compare his Prodromus p. 88) [‘his’ = Persoon].

- [Polytrichum elatum; moss synonymy] Brid. II. p. 152. — Pol. purpurascens ej. Mant. Musc. p. 19 (C. Muell.), Bridel [vol.] II [page] 152. [=] his Polytrichum purpurascens in the Mant. Musc. [page] 19 [‘his’ = Bridel].

- [Sphagnum cymbifolium; moss synonymy] Brid. Bryol. univ. I. p. 2. — Bryol. Germ. I. p. 6. tab. I. fig. 1. — Sph. cymbifolium [beta (i.e. var.) Magellanicum Brid. I. p. 4. Sph. Magellanicum ej. l. c. (C. Muell.), ... [=] his Sphagnum Magellanicum in the place just cited [‘his’ = Bridel].

- Bryum rutilans Brid. (I. p. 684. ex ej. hb.) (C. Muell.), Bryum rutilans Bridel ([vol.] I, page 684 from his herbarium.

- Br. Webera intermedia Brid. I. p. 632. ex herb. ej. partim ad Br. pseudotriquetrum pertinens (C. Muell.), Bryum Webera intermedia Brid. [vol.] I, [page] 632 from his herbarium partly pertains [i.e. belongs] to Bryum pseudotriquetrum [‘his’ = Bridel].

- 153. Bryum pungens Tayl. 96.

154. - inaequale ej. 97.

155. - multicaule ej. 98. (C. Muell.),

153. Bryum pungens Taylor. 96.

154. - his inaequale 97 [‘his’ = Taylor].

155. - his multicaule 98.

- [Bryum Sphagni Bridel; moss synonymy] Br. sphagnicola Br. et Sch. Br. Europ. Fasc. XXXII. Suppl. p. 6. tab. 7. ex ic. et descript. cum planta brideliana, nobis in ej. hb. visa, omnino convenit (C. Muell.), Bryum sphagnicola Br. et Sch. Br. Europ. Fasc. XXXII. Suppl. [page] 6, [plate] 7, from the illustration and description, completely agrees with the plant [sc. Bryum] brideliana, seen by us in his [i.e. Bridel’s] herbarium.

- [Dicranum nivale; moss synonymy] Campylop. Perrottetii Mont. in litt. et C. flexuosus ej. pro parte olim (C. Muell.), [=] Campylopus Perrottetii Mont. in [his writings or correspondence] and, at one time [i.e. formerly], his Campylopus flexuosus in part.

- [Encalypta vulgaris; moss synonymy] E. pilifera Fk. in Brid. I. p. 141. — E. obtusifolia ej. et laevigata ej. in Brid. I. p. 766. — E. leptodpn Bruch in schedulis, forma peristomata (C. Muell.), [=] E. pilifera Fk. in Bridel [vol.] I, [page] 141; [=] his E. obtusifolia and his laevigata in Bridel [vol.] I [page] 766; [=] E. leptodon Bruch on labels, a peristomate form. [‘his’ refers to the author, Bridel].

- [Syrrhopodon Schw.; moss synonymy] Orthotheca Brid. — Dicranum ej. — Trachymitrium ej. (C. Muell.), [=] Orthotheca Brid.; [=] his Dicranum; [=] his Trachymitrium. [‘his’ refers to the author, Bridel].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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