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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

eri-, erio-: in Gk. comp.: ;

NOTE: erigenus,-a,-um (adj.A): “Irish-born. From Old Irish, ‘Eriu, Erin,’ Ireland” (Stearn 1996). ;

1. eri-: in Gk. Comp. ‘early;’ referring to early flowering periods.;

Erigenia,-ae (s.f.I), Gk. Harbinger-of-Spring, > Gk. Eri, early + -genEs, ‘born,’ ‘born in the spring’ (Fernald 1950); “Erigeneia, being another name for Aurora, a reference to this small North American plant’s early flowering. Umbelliferae” (Stearn 1996).

Erigeron,-ontis (s.m.III): > Gk. eri, early + geron, old man (Fernald 1950).

NOTE: perhaps the first element refers to the following element instead:

2. eri-, erio-: in Gk. comp., woolly-, wool-; lan-, lani-: in L. comp. wool-, wooly-; opp. lei-, leio-,-leius,-a,-um: in Gk. comp., smooth, hairless (glabrous); see wool-; see downy;

- eriacanthus, having woolly spines; eriandrus, with woolly stamens; eriantherus, with woolly anthers; eriantherus, with woolly anthers; erianthus, with woolly flowers.

- eriobotrys, with woolly racemes; eriocalyx, with woolly calyx; eriocarpus, with woolly fruits; eriocephalus, woolly-headed; eriogynus, with woolly ovary; eriophorus, wool-bearing; eriophyllus, woolly-leaved; erirrhachis, with woolly rachis; eriospermus, with woolly seeds; eriostachys, with a wooly spike; eriostemon, with woolly stamens; eriostemon, with a woolly stamen; eriostylus, with woolly style.

- eriophorus,-a,-um (adj.A), wool-bearing; “woolly-headed” (Paxton).

- Eriotheca, seminibus in lana endocarpii involutis, (the genus) Eriotheca, with the seeds enveloped in the wool of the endocarpium.

Viola eriocarpa var. leiocarpa Fern.& Wieg. = Viola pubescens Ait. Eria,-ae (s.f.I) Lindley. From erion, wool; in allusion to the wooliness of the flower. Orchidaceae. (Paxton); “the flowers and pedicels are often woolly” (Stearn 1996); see Eriopsis below.

Eriachne, R. Brown. From erion, wool, and achne, a glume; the glumes are woolly. Graminae. (Paxton).

Erianthus,-i (s.m.II), Wooly Beardgrass, Plume-grass. > Gk. erion, wool + anthos, flower; the racemes are “commonly clothed with long silky hairs, esp. in a tuft around the base of each spikelet” (Fernald 1950); “in allusion to the silvery woolly effect of the inflorescence. Gramineae.” (Stearn 1996).

Eriobotrya,-ae (s.f.I), > Gki. erion, wool + botrys, a cluster of grapes; “from the woolly, clustered panicles. Rosaceae” (Stearn 1996); From erion, wool, and botrys, a bunch of grapes; the raceme is very woolly. Pomaceae. (Paxton).

Eriocaulon > Gk. erion, wool + caulos, a stalk; “from the wool at the base of the scape in the orinal species. Eriocaulaceae (Fernald 1950).

Eriocephalus,-i (s.m.II), > Gk. erion, wool + cephale, a head; “the heads of these scented shrubs become woolly. Compositae (Stearn 1996).

Eriochasma. Smith. From erion, wool, and chasme, a rent. Polypodiaceae. (Paxton).

Eriochilos, R. Brown. From erion, wool, and cheilos, a lip; alluding to the disk of the labellum being pubescent. Orchidaceae. (Paxton).

Eriochloa,-ae (s.f.I), > Gk. erion, wool + chloe (q.v.) ‘grass, a grass with pilose spikelets.

Eriocnema. From erion, wool, and kneme, a knee; the joints are woolly. Melastomataceae. (Paxton). [NOTE: Gk. knEmE (s.f.I)is “the part between the knee and ankle, the leg, Lat. = tibia” (Liddell & Scott).

Eriocoma, Kunth. Derived from erion, wool, and home, hair ; alluding to the woolly paleae. Asteraceae. (Paxton).

Eriodendron, De Candolle. From erion, wool, and dendron, a tree ; the capsule is filled with a fine, silky, woolly substance. Sterculeaceae. “These are noble plants, growing from fifty to a hundred feet high” (Paxton).

Eriogonum,-i (s.n.II), > Gk. erion, wool + gony, a knee. “From erion, wool, and gonu, a joint; alluding to the stems being woolly at the joints. Polygonaceae” (Paxton); “the stems of these herbs or sub-shrubs are downy at the nodes. Polygonaceae (Stearn 1996); “from the woolly stems and leaves and swollen joints of the plants” (Fernald 1950).

Eriolaena, De Candolle. From erion, wool, and chlaina, a cloak; the calyx is woolly. Byttneriaceae. (Paxton).

Eriophorum,-i (s.n.II), Cotton-grass, Bog-cotton, > Gk. erion, wool + phoros, bearing; “from the woolly heads. Cyperaceae (Stearn 1996); a grass with naked bristles “silky and becoming greatly elongated” (Fernald 1950).

Eriophyllum,-i (s.n.II), > Gk. erion, wool + phyllon, a leaf; “the leaves of these perennial herbs are woolly. Compositae” (Stearn 1996).

Eriopsis, Lindley. From Eria, a well-known genus [see above], and opsis, resemblance; woolliness of flowers. Orchidaceae. (Paxton); Eriopsis (s.f.III), “resembling [the genus] Eria, another genus of epiphytic or tree-perching orchids. Orchidaceae” (Stearn 1996); see Eria,-ae (s.f.I) Lindley above.

Eriosema, Q. Don. From erion, wool, and sema, standard; flowers. Fabaceae. (Paxton).

Eriospermum. From erion, wool, and sperma, a seed ; in allusion to the woolly, envelope of the seeds. Liliaceae. (Paxton).

Eriostemon (s.m.III?),-stemonis (s.m.III), > Gk. erion, wool + stEmOn, a stamen; “the stamens are woolly. Rubiaceae” (Stearn 1996); “the paleae are wooly”. (Paxton).

Eritrichium,-ii (s.n.II), > Gk. erion, wool + thrix, hair; from the woolly covering. Boraginaceae” (Stearn 1996).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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