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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Fruit, “that part of a plant which consists of the ripened carpels and the parts adhering them” (Lindley); “1. strictly, the pericarp and its seeds, the fertilized and developed ovary; 2. widely, the matured pericarp and its contents, with any external part which is an integral portion of it” (Jackson); “the seed-bearing product of a plant, simple, compound, or aggregated, of whatever form” (Fernald 1950): fructus,-us (s.m.IV), dat. sg. fructui, abl. sg. fructu, nom. & acc. pl. fructus, gen. pl. fructuum, dat. & abl. pl. fructibus; frux, frugis (s.f.III), nom. pl. fruges, is rarely used in bot. L., although in class. L. fructus seems to have referred chiefly to tree-fruits, as frux to those growing on the ground, as peas and beans, and frumentum to cereals, as wheat and barley, all basically meaning "produce for enjoyment" from fruor "enjoy" (Stearn); the capsule (sporophyte) in mosses and liverworts; see ‘capsular fruit (algae):’

fructus,-us (s.m.IV):
     singular       plural           
         m. (and f.)                           
Nom.  fructus       fructus        
Gen. fructus       fructuum
Dat. fructui       fructibus    
Acc.  fructum       fructus     
Abl.  fructu        fructibus   

frux, gen. sg. frugis (s.f.III)
     singular       plural           
         m. (and f.) 
Nom.  frux          fruges        
Gen.  frugis        frugum     
Dat. frugi         frugibus    
Acc.  frugem        fruges     
Abl.  fruge         frugibus   
- [term] Pulpa est caro seu substantia fructuum succulentorum inter corticem ac nucleum comprehensa, v. g. Pomorum, Cerasorum & similium. Primario significat partem carnosam in corpore Animalis (Ray), ‘pulp’ is the flesh or substance of succulent fruit enclosed between the cortex [i.e. skin, peel] and the nucleus [i.e. nut, central mass], for example [the fruit of] of Apples, Cherries & similar. In its primary [i.e. original] meaning it means the fleshy part in the body of an Animal.

- fructus nunc baccatus indehiscensque, nunc capsularis, supra medium circumscisse dehiscens pericarpii parte superiore decidua, vel septicide bivalvis, valvis integris bifidisve, fruit sometimes baccate and indehiscent, sometimes capsular, above the middle transversely dehiscent with the upper part of the pericarp deciduous, or septicidally 2-valved, with the valves entire or 2-fid.

- fructus varius, superus vel plus minus inferus, nudus vel calycis tubo persistente inclusus, drupaceus pomaceus follicularis vel ex achaeniis drupisve indefinitis toro sicco vel carnoso impositis compositus, fruit varied, superior or more or less inferior, naked or by the persistent tube of the calyx covered, drupaceous pomaceous follicular or from achenes or drupes of indefinite number on a dry or fleshy torus placed made up (Stearn).

- fructibus odorem spargentibus, with fruits giving out a scent (Stearn).

- fructus sepalis concrescentibus reliquias stigmatis gerentibus subtentus, fruit subtended by the grown-together sepals bearing the remnants of the stigma.

- pedicellus sub fructo clavatus, the pedicel beneath the fruit clavate.

- pedicellis fructu triplo brevioribus (Boissier), with the pedicels three times shorter than the fruit.

- fructus ignotus, fruit unknown.

- fructus tri-queter, angulis alatis, substipitatus (DeCandolle), the truit three-angled, with the angles winged, somewhat stalked.

- genus a Pachira imprimis lana fructus [=gen.sg.] differt (B&H), the genus primarily differs from Pachira by the woolly hairs of the fruit.

- in malis aliisque fructibus mucidis cellaribus, frequentior (S&A), on apples and other moldy fruits in cellars, more frequent.

- fructus magnitudine cerasi minoris, aetate corrugati nec distincte angulati, crasso-septati (F. Mueller), the fruit with the size of a smaller cherry, with age, corrugated, not distinctly angled, thickly septate [i.e. partitioned].

NOTE: fruct.: abbrev. fructus,-us (s.m.IV);

- species distinctissima sed fruct. igo. (DeCandolle), a very distinctive species but the fruit is unknown [fructus (sg.) ignotus (adj.A) or fructus (pl.) ignoti].

NOTE: frutex,-icis (s.m.III), q.v., abl. sg. frutice: ‘shrub, bush.’

Accessory fruit: fructus accessorius, abl.sg. fruct accessorio; anthocarpium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. anthocarpio; see diclesium.

Aggregate fruit: fructus aggregatus (part.A); see multiple fruit.

Citrus fruit: see hesperidium.

Fruit: (in bryophytes) “archaic term for the capsule, or, more loosely, the sporophyte” (Magill 1990).

Fruit-bearer: “Potter’s term for Carpophore” (Jackson); see carpophore.

Key-fruit: samara,-ae (s.f.I), q.v.

Regma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. regmate: regma, a fruit with elastically dehiscing segments or cocci as in Euphorbia.

without fruit: acarpicus,-a,-um (adj.A), acarpus,-a,-um (adj.A).

fruit, growing on, fructicolous: carpogenus,-a,-um (adj.A); fructicola,-ae (s.c.I), abl. sg. fructicola.

Spurious fruit: fructus spurius (adj.A): “certain kinds of inflorescence which grow up with the fruit, and form one body with it, as a Pine cone” (Lindley).

Stone Fruit: “a drupe such as a plum or peach” (Jackson); see drupe; see stone (of a fruit).

Stone, of a fruit: see putamen,-inis (s.n.III).
Fruit (Eng.noun): see accessory fruit, aggregate fruit, multiple fruit; see ‘CAPSULAR FRUIT (ALGAE).’ NOTE: the pericarp, q.v. (pericarpium) is "sometimes used to designate a fruit" (Bailey).
Fruit-body, fructification: fructificatio,-onis (s.f.III), q.v., abl. sg. fructificatione; receptaculum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. receptaculo;

- fructificatio resupinata, juvenilis tenuis citrino-viridis, maturitate subgelatinosa lutea, fructification resupinate, when young thin citron-green, at maturity almost gelatinous (Stearn).
Fruit, growing on, fructicolous, living on fruit: carpogenus,-a,-um (adj.A); fructicola,-ae (s.c.I), abl. sg. fructicola.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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