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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

hypogynous, “growing from below the base of the ovary” (Lindley); “free from but inserted beneath the pistil or gynaecium” (Jackson), i.e. situated below base of ovary or oogonium; “situated on the receptacle beneath the ovary and free from it and from the calyx; having the petals and stamens so situated” (Fernald); “inserted upon the receptacle or axis below the gynoecium and free from it - used of sepals, petals, and stamens; also (of a flower) having sepals, petals, or stamens inserted as hypogynous parts” (WIII) [> Gk. hypo-, ‘’under, beneath + gynE, woman]: hypogynus,-a,-um (adj.A), hypogynicus,-a,-um (adj.A); cf. hypomenus,-a,-um (adj.A); cf. epigynous, perigynous

- petala saepissime 4 v. 5, raro 0, perigyna, rarius epigyna, rarissime hypogyna (B&H), the petals most often 4 or 5, rarely 0, perigynous, more rarely epigynous, most rarely hypogynous.

- stamina petalis isomera v. saepe numero dupla, rarius oo, perigyna v. epigyna, nunc hypogyna, erecta v. patentia (B&H), petals the same [number of parts with] the petals or double in number, very rarely [indefinite], perigynous or epigynous, sometimes hypogynous, erect or spreading.

- stylo capillari glabro semiemerso, squamis hypogynis brevibus in cyathulum denticulatum coalitis (F. Mueller), with a capillary [hair-like] style, glabrous, half emersed, with the hypogynous scales short, fused into a denticulate cyathule.

- [Saxifrageae] stamina ad basin disci cum basi ovarii confluente inserta, hypogyna v. subperigyna (B&H), the stamens inserted on the base of the disc confluent with the base of the ovary, hypogynous or nearly [i.e. somewhat] perigynous.

- [Saxifrageae) petala 5, aequalia v. rarissime inaequalia, nunc basi fimbriata v. glanduligera, perigyna v. subhypogyna (B&H), petals 5, equal or very rarely unequal, sometimes fimbriate [i.e. fringed] at the base or bearing little glands, perigynous or nearly hypogynous.

- corollae parvas tubo calycem semisuperante, disco hypogyno vix sinuato (F. Mueller), with the tube of the small corolla half-extending over the calyx, with the hypogynous disc scarcely sinuate.

- squamae hypogynae nullae (F. Mueller), the hypogynous scales none.

- squamae quinqué hypogynae bilobae (F. Mueller), the hypogynous scales five, bilobed.

- squamis hypogynis acute mediotenus bilobis germini saltem aequilongis (F. Mueller), with the hypogynous scales acutely bilobed reaching as far as the middle, at least as long as the ovary.

- squamis hypogynis ad quadrantem obtuse bilobis germen semiaequantibus (F. Mueller), with the hypogynous scales obtusely bilobed to one fourth part, equalling one half the ovary.

- glandula hypogyna viridis perbrevis(F. Mueller), hypogynous glandules green, very short.

- squamis hypogynis brevibus in cyathulum denticulatum coalitis (F. Mueller), the hypogynous scales short, fused into a denticulate cyathulus.

- corolla vere gamopetala staminibus tubo insertis v. hypogynis in generibus perpaucis parvis per varios Ordines dispersis (B&H), the corolla truly gamopetalous, with the stamens inserted on the tybe or hyogynous in a very few small genera dispersed throughout the various Orders.

- sepala 3-oo (saepius 5), hypogyna, libera, vulgo petaloidea et decidua, imbricata v. (in Clematideis) valvata(B&H), the sepals 3-indefinite (more often 5), hypogynous, free, commonly petaloid and deciduous, imbricate or (in the Clematideae) valvate.

- stamina 5, cum petalis inserta, glandulis hypogynia v. lobis disci alterna, libera v. tubo corollae gamopetalae adnata (B&H), stamens 5, inserted with the petals, with the glandules hyogynous or [the stamens] alternate with the lobes of the disc, free or adnate to the tube of the gamopetalous corolla.

NOTE: a disc can be the “development of the torus [i.e. receptacle] within the calyx or within the corolla and stamens” (Jackson); with respect to the pistil (gynoecium) it may be epigynous, perigynous or hypogynous.

acalicalis,-e (adj.B): “(obsol.) having no calyx; also having no adhesion to the calyx, in which case it is the same as hypogynous” (Lindley).

Hypogynia,-ae (s.f.I), hypogyny, “the condition of possessing hypogynous flowers” (Jackson).

Paleola,-ae (s.f.I): “(obsol.) the hypogynous scales of Grasses” (Lindley).

Perigynium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. perigynio: any hypogynous disc (Jackson); see perigynium; “the hypogynous setae of Sedges; the flask-like calyx in which the ovary of Carex is included; also the hypogynous disk of other plants” (Lindley); “1. the hypogynous setae of sedges; 2. the flask or utricle of Carex; 3. any hypogynous disc” (Jackson).

Periphyllium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. periphyllio, nom. & acc. pl. periphyllia: a periphyll: “(obsol.) the hypogynous scales of Grasses” (Lindley); the hypogynous scales or lodicules of grasses” (Jackson) [> Gk. peri, ‘about’ + phyllon, a leaf].

Lodicule, paired, rudimentary scales below the ovary of a grass flower representing the reduced perianth; the lodiculae, “the hypogynous scales of Grasses” (Lindley).

thalamiflorus,-a,-um (adj.A): thalamifloral, i.e. having the petals and stamens arising directly and separately from the receptacle; ‘when the parts of the flowers are hypogynous, separately inserted on the thalamus’ (Jackson).

Thalamiflorae, a group of Phanerogams distinguished by such hypogynous flowers (Jackson).

hypogynus,-a,-um (adj.A): B&H: Cyperaceae;

- Perianthium perfectum 0 (nisi in Oreobulo), sed in floribus [hermaphroditis] generum nonnullorum adsunt setae v. squamellae 6 v. pauciores rarius plures hypogynae dictae, sed semper extra stamina affixae saepeque sub-2-seriate, quae verisimiliter perianthio homologae(B&H), a perianth perfect none (except in Oreobulus), but in the flowers of some hermaphrodite genera, setae or squamellae 6 or fewer are present, more rarely many, called hypogynous, but always attached beyond the stamens and often nearly 2-seriate [i.e. in two rows], which are plausibly homologous to a perianth.

- spiculae 1-2-florae, squamis hypogynis linearibus staminibusque numerosis in Chrysitrice (B&H), the spikelets 1-2-flowered, with the hypogynous scales linear and with numerous stamens in Chrysitrice.

- distributio in tribus et genera minus definita evadit, jam diu optime elaborata fuit a Brownio et Kunthio, etsi characteres nonnulli quibus usi sunt (e.g. setarum hypogynarum absentia v. praesentia) ex observationibus posterioribus minus certi praestant (B&H), the distribution into tribes and genera turned out to be less definite, it was for a long time best elaborated by Brown and Kunth, even if some characters which were used (e.g. the absence presence of hypogynous setae) from later review appear less certain.

- setae v. squamae hypogynae filiformes planae v. 0 (B&H), hypogenous setae or squamae [i.e. scales] filiform, flat or none.

- FUIRENA [Cyperaceae]. Squamellae hypogynae 3, latae, saepe stipitatae, interdum cum setis totidem alternantes, rarius minutae v. evanidae (B&H), the hypogynous squamellae 3, broad, often stalked, sometimes just as many alternating with the setae.

- [Cyperaceae] setae hypogynae in perianthium perfectum 6-partitum mutatae in Oreobolo(B&H), the hypogynous setae transformed into a perfect, 6-parted perianth in Oreobolus.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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